Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jesus speaks through Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Heroldsbach in a house church.


Jesus Christ, I beg You, speak to Your children in these end times, which You have announced to us, and give them this instruction, which they need in this time.

Jesus now says: My beloved children and My chosen ones, you have once again entered the Holy Land. This place where you kneel is the Holy Land. I have chosen this place for you because you are My faithful. You are in My following, that is, that you follow My way in perfection, as I desire.

I, Jesus Christ, will lead and guide you. My mother will teach you to be able to follow My way. For this purpose she will ask down the protection of your angels. They will protect you in this time, yes, My mother will take care of everything, of what you need in this time.

Have no fears, My children. Everything is ordered and regulated. You will not be alone. You will be protected and sheltered. But my time has come. How sad I am about the fact that I have to send my heavenly mother again and again anew to earth, that she she sheds tears so that men can believe at all. Often they only believe what they see. But I wish of you that you see nothing and yet believe. This is the true faith.

My children, how difficult it will be for Me to send this time down on all mankind, this great tribulation, this event at all to this mankind, but they have offended My heart so severely. Yes, they have insulted Our Hearts, Our United Hearts, the Heart of My Mother and My Heart so much that We shed not only tears but tears of blood. Can you measure, My beloved children, what this means for Us, for heaven? You will not be able to grasp it.

This great event, which will come quite soon, will shake the whole world. I will be allowed to announce it shortly before through your Heavenly Father. But believe me, my children, love is the greatest. If you persevere in Love, in Divine Love, you will be able to save souls with Us.

All will see their offences once again. This vision of the soul, which will occur quite soon, will still move many to repentance. But a whole part will fall down into the abyss because also then they still use their own will, and I cannot break this will. I have given it to my creatures not only because of freedom, but out of love, so that they confess me, me, the highest God, out of love.

Everything will remain a secret for you. This great mystery cannot be grasped, cannot be fathomed, not even by my Heavenly Mother. So great is this secret. But my heavenly mother will win the victory, even if it will not be understandable to you at this time.

At the moment Jesus takes his arms off the cross. He embraces us once more. His eyes are upon us and this weight of guilt is upon him. And yet he loves us immeasurably, and wants to spare us all this, i. e. all mankind.

Jesus continues: Now I want to bless you and send you out, My children. Very soon I will come again to you and will prepare you once more so that you can go this way with me until the end and not despair and not despair. Remember, My children, not seven times, but seventy-seven times seven, that is to say, you must always forgive these people who will hurt you in this difficult time, yes, they will offend you, they will mock you, they will be hostile to you, only then will you be in My succession. Give thanks for this persecution, give thanks for this suffering. I am with you. I am not leaving you. Now your dearest Jesus blesses you with all heaven in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved without limit. Tell us also in this last time that you love us and want to be there for us to comfort us. Amen.

Praise be to Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

I have seen the angels who supported Jesus in his suffering. Then I saw the Blessed Mother shed inner tears, i.e. she cried from within, so that our heart would not become so heavy. Many priests and even bishops have been saved in this atoning night in Heroldsbach. I was allowed to see that.


