Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, April 13, 2007

Jesus speaks after the Holy Tridentine Mass in a house church in Heroldsbach.


Jesus bent down from the cross. He was looking at us. He thanked us for our compassion for His suffering on His cross and for having placed ourselves under His cross and willingly put ourselves at His disposal. Jesus wants to give us today groundbreaking words, because his time is fulfilled.

Jesus says now: My beloved and chosen ones, once again, on this day, I will prepare you for the time to come As you know, My time is fulfilled. The time of your persecution has begun, but everything is in My plan. Nothing will happen to you, My beloved children, that is not in My Heavenly Father's plan. Have no fear. Do not develop human fears, for I will always be with you. Always I will be watching over you and not for a moment will you be alone. Stand under My Cross. Accept your crosses as I allow it. Everything is permission, everything is fate. Nothing is from you. You can hardly imagine what is happening now.

Always pay more attention to My signs. Yes, you will soon see great changes in the sun, moon and stars. These changes will point you to my coming. In a very bright, glistening light my cross will be seen in the whole world, my enlightened, bright cross. I will appear with My Heavenly Mother. She will win the victory in the whole world, because she is not only the mother of the church, but the mother of the whole world.

You, My beloved ones, you, My little flock, who are still left and are in My following, remain faithful to Me. Do not deviate one step from my instructions. You will receive these instructions from my little ones until the last day of my coming.

It lies in My full truth and it is ready to be announced in the whole world. I will guide and direct it, because I will take all its strength from it. She will receive my power, my divine power, and in this power I will let her strengthen more and more. She will be able to go ways that she herself does not think possible through this Divine Power. These obstacles that face her will make her so strong that others will notice her. Therefore many will still be able to turn back because it will become strong. One will be able to read that this power does not come from it. She is My little nothing. It is not even a grain of sand and it will become humble because I will humble it more and more.

That must be done, my little one. You are in my power and you will not be afraid. I will be with you and nothing will hit you. They will want to hurt you, but I will then be with you and give you this strength again and again.

This last time, My children, must be because you are in this full purification of My only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which I Myself have only founded. This, My Church, is to be destroyed in every way. That is why I gather you at all four ends of the earth so that you, my little flock, serve me.

Be vigilant, because especially in this my last time, Satan will strike the last blow once again. Then be ready to fulfill my wishes for me, even if it is incomprehensible for you to be able to fulfill them.

It will always be My power that will direct and guide you. Nothing will come out of you. Be available. Become courageous and strong and proclaim My truths. Hold nothing back, for Satan will press you in your insecurity and even want to turn you away.

I will also allow these temptations, because in these temptations you will become stronger. Nothing will weaken you. Everything is My strength, everything is Providence. Remain in me and I remain in you. Walk step by step on My paths. Do not let up in sacrifice, prayer and atonement, because you are in charge of those who do not believe, who up to now do not want to repent.

Through these nights of atonement, in which you persevere, many more priests, even bishops and cardinals are moved to repentance. Therefore, My children, persevere. Every soul is important to Me, especially My priests whom I love so much, because My Mother is the Mother of all priests, even the Queen of all priests. Consecrate these priests to the Immaculate Heart of My Heavenly Mother and she will gain victory with you. She is the great snake treader and you will trample the head of the snake with her because you are my children of Mary, whom one would like to meet at the heel, but you will be invulnerable to heaven.

Remember, eternity is always and forever. This earth time is so short that you do not even need to pay attention to it. Lives for eternity. This is important for you. The world will not like you because you are not of this world. You live in this world, but the world does not possess you. Hold out in all temptations, in all sufferings, in all needs, in all difficulties, because I am with you and strengthen you.

Again and again I will spread out My arms to receive you in My Holy Sacrament of Penance. This Holy Sacrament of Penance or the administration of this Sacrament of Mine was taken away from My beloved priestly son. But do not be sad, My children. My possibilities will reach you. I will give you everything when you give Me everything and surrender yourselves to Me in total surrender, when you fulfill all My wishes, My instructions.

Beloved son of the priest, I know your heart. Give it to Me completely. Do you think that I am not sad about this priestly son who brought this fate upon you? Do you think that I don't want to save him too? He is also important to me. Therefore pray for him and wait in atonement for him.

You, My little one, offer again and again the crown of thorns, on this day especially your suffering on the cross for him. I want to save him. He is important for me, not only in this place of prayer, but for me as a priest.

I want to bless you, I want to send you out, protect you, because I love you boundlessly. You, my beloved ones, remain in my love, then nothing can happen to you. This Divine Love will embrace you. It will flow into you and these forces will come upon you. Amen.

Bless you in the Trinity, with My Heavenly and beloved Mother, with all angels, with all saints, with My beloved Padre Pio, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Become courageous and strong and hold out until my coming. Amen.


