Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Jesus speaks in the domestic church in Göttingen after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through His humble instrument Anne.


Jesus Christ appeared in a snow-white cloak with a gold border, set off with a simple crown, with the scepter in his left hand and the globe in his right hand. The Mother of God of the Holy Eucharist also appeared in white. The rays of the monstrance on her heart are white-gold and constantly sparkle like little lightning bolts.

There is also the Fatima Madonna with a single crown, also entirely in white. The cord lights up. There are pearls and red and white roses on the feet. In the robe, small lilies can be seen for the first time. In between are shining white stones and the whole altar is bathed in golden light and the altar of Mary shines in an even brighter white-golden light. The angels have just appeared, namely St. Michael the Archangel, St. Raphael the Archangel and St. Gabriel the Archangel. The guardian angels have stepped behind us. St. Padre Pio has appeared and Father Kentenich is coming.

Jesus Christ now says: I, Jesus Christ, am speaking at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. She lies in My truth and speaks only My words. I, Jesus Christ, have called you, My beloved chosen children, today to this My sacred place to give you many graces for the near future, because as you know, My children, I will appear with My Mother in great power and glory very soon. I have said: Quite soon after My time, not after your time, calculated.

In advance, I want to tell you that the soul-searching precedes and many people can repent, not by themselves, but through your atonement, your sacrifices and your prayers. Be willing, My children, and be thankful that you are the chosen ones, that you stand in My succession and give thanks for your cross. It is important that you accept your crosses as I wish. They will not be measured according to your measure, but in such a way as is conducive to your holiness. Do not complain during this time, but sacrifice willingly. It is the time when I demand many sacrifices to save these many priests who are in great sacrileges. My children, think of the tears, the blood tears of your dearest mother and of My mother. She weeps for the many sons of priests who will otherwise fall into the abyss.

My little one is very sad at the moment, because she is suffering very much, as I predicted her. The time has not yet come when she can accept this severe suffering.

A great persecution will soon come My children, but before that I will protect you in a great circle of light. By sun, moon and stars you will soon recognize that my time has come. Ask the Heavenly Father to shorten this time, because I, Jesus Christ, am very sad about the tears of My dearest Mother. I cannot see my mother crying. How sad I am for this humanity which has become entangled in such grave sins, but My Mother loves everyone. She wants to lead everyone to me. Ask them again and again and ask for the guardian angels of your commanded ones. They too are in grave guilt, they too shall be saved.

The time has come when your earthly father, your chief shepherd, is so bound that he cannot fully proclaim My truths as I desire. He is prevented by Masonic machinations from being able to openly proclaim My truths. Pray for him. It lies in severe persecution and suffering, especially mental suffering. Pray for him and also for that my truths are announced to the ends of the earth so that men can turn back. Keep on atoning, My beloved ones. It still needs many atonement souls.

The bishops, yes, the bishops in Germany, are not in My truth, as you know and as My priestly son has proclaimed. They are not yet ready to turn back. Pray that these, my shepherds, will not go astray. My mother suffers. My mother suffers a lot.

My children, pretty soon the time is here. Prepare yourself daily for this time. You too will suffer in this time, but not for yourselves, but for others. You are in great responsibility because you have received these gifts, not through your merit, but because I love you, because I want to draw you boundlessly to Me, because I want to fill your hearts with great joy and gratitude. I will let the greatest love flow into your hearts so that you have the Divine power to persevere in this my time. Hang on, My beloved, hang on.

For a little while more, then your dearest Jesus will appear in the sky and your dearest mother, your mother, will be with you in your hearts. She will gain the victory, the victory over church and world, because I have called her to be the mother of the church. Tell Us very often during this time that you love Us. Not that we do not need this love, as some say, no, you comfort Us, My beloved children and this comfort We need. Do not believe that in this glory We do not suffer for this humanity which is in great debt. Yes, the whole earth is rebelling because of the guilt of this humanity. I want to save everyone, everyone, My children. All are My creatures, and how much we suffer for these Our beloved children who do not yet want to repent. But when you atone, many will still be able to repent. Remain brave, courageous and become strong.

We love you, again I say, We love you boundlessly. Remain in this love and live love, because love is the greatest. Believe in the virtues that you can learn from my mother. During this time it is important that you practice these virtues. And now I want to bless you all in threefold strength, in Divine Love, in Divine Confidence with your Heavenly Mother, the Holy Queen of the Eucharist, all the angels and saints and your beloved Padre Pio and Padre Kentenich, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Become strong and stay in love. Amen.


