Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jesus speaks through His humble instrument Anne during the retreat in Wigratzbad from October 16-19, 2007.


Jesus says: My beloved, believing children, here I am in the midst of you. I share your joy in your hearts. Also in your sufferings I am with you. I know about your worries. Throw these burdens on Me. Do not feel lonely. In this solitude I come and console you. Then pay attention to the small signs. You feel this guilt in My Church and your suffering is also Mine.

Do you believe in My omnipotence? Everything that seems impossible to you, I judge in the moment when you can no longer believe in it. Everything is in My Divine Plan. Everything will be fine. It depends on your patience. I protect you from evil men, for I have everything in Divine Providence in wise hands. Love one another and forgive generously. Lives in every moment for the good. I direct everything to the good, because you are always the recipients of the gift, if you do not lose sight of the goal of a deep faith.

So many things are mixed up in the chaos of this world. I am the ruler of all creation. This should make you calm and not restless. Do not run after different gods, for there is only one God in the Trinity. The loving Father is above all and directs everything to good. How often do you become impatient when your wishes are not immediately fulfilled. Then practice patience. This is an important virtue. When you live in humility, your trust grows and you respond lovingly. Then a new power will flow into you and the Holy Spirit will take over the leadership in your hearts.

How many signs happen today in my firmament. I always make a new covenant with you, a covenant of love. My love in your hearts makes my longing to save people grow. Do you also feel a longing? Then you would like to atone and I can let my love flow on. Again and again, your willingness contributes to the strengthening of the Divine Power.

Pay attention to the Holy Number Seven. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit stand against the evil spirits. There is no desolation for you. Have courage and live from hope and confidence. You cannot look into the future. In wise foresight I have everything in My hand.

Throw yourselves into the loving arms of My Father, the Father of all things. Accept the Now and praise and glorify My creation, then you ignite a deep gratitude in your souls. Your souls will resurrect when you are in Divine worship. All is grace and then words of My Holy Spirit flow out of you. I was obedient to My Father in heaven until death on the cross. In the silence your souls are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Your sacrifices and your atonement will always comfort the Father in heaven. Become like little children who trustingly turn to their father.

Your prayer can move mountains. This force is not measurable. Unity in prayer develops strength. You are instruments of the great God. Prostrate yourselves and worship him in your hearts. Christ is the Lamb of God, slaughtered on the cross for all mankind. You can never praise and glorify enough. Sing the song of praise in your hearts. The Holy Spirit also flows in joy and gratitude. Through you, My beloved children, much will happen. Think not of your weakness, but consider the greatness of a dear God.

In your destroyed nature the omnipotence, My omnipotence, intervenes. He who will hear will hear, and he who will look will see what no eye has ever seen. Wake up, you sinful humanity. You have a God above you. Many times I have had to let many things happen to warn you. I am waiting full of longing for the conversion of the many souls that still need conversion. Out of exceedingly great love I have given you My Holy Sacrament of Penance. Use it often. I forgive you your trespasses and wash your souls clean, as white as snow. How deep then will be your joy, a supernatural joy that will strengthen you anew.

Say: "O my Jesus come and fill my soul with new life. Then marvel at the greatness of God and learn to marvel at the greatness of God. Go before My Blessed Sacrament. There you will find peace, a peace that the world cannot give. You must also experience the dryness and the remoteness from God. Endure it, for you will be strengthened by My Holy Angels.


