Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, October 19, 2007

Jesus speaks through His humble instrument Anne during the retreat in Wigratzbad from October 16-19, 2007.


Jesus says: Believe that I purify My One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and in this purification you are. Do not despair in this time, even if many trials give you cause to lose heart. Have no fear, for I am and remain with you. Kindle the longing for My sacraments. I invite you, for this is My testament to you. You will be washed anew at the source of life. My light illuminates your souls and they become brighter and brighter.

Don't think that you will lose your weaknesses. No, you will keep them and they will serve to humiliate you. Give yourselves to Our United Hearts and receive graces. They will wash you clean in the Holy Sacrament of Penance. There your souls will be filled with the sanctifying grace and you will begin anew and be born again in the Holy Spirit.

Live the union with Me and dedicate your time to My Blessed Sacrament. There you will find rest and much will become full knowledge within you. Then your flame of love will grow bigger, which will ignite others. It should always shine through you like a red thread. Let your hearts burn with love and pour oil into your candlesticks over and over again. You shall become the light and the salt of the earth.

Come to Me, beloved ones. I will refresh you. Feed yourselves with the bread of life, then your light will shine. Become more and more the light of the whole world. Then come to my wedding feast and unite with my bridal love. You will become one with Me and you will be received into My Divine Heart.

This Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, celebrated in the highest reverence, will accompany you all day long, for you carry Me to men as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Thus the Spirit of God works in you. Shall you not then fall down before the greatness of your Triune God? Adore him and let the love of God flow through you.

In this lecture today you shall receive My strength. Put your sorrows in My sacrificial chalice and give yourselves completely to Me through the consecration to Mary. This gift is also waiting for you. Love your Heavenly Mother and persevere on your path by her hand. Put your hand firmly in her hand and you will feel safe and protected. She calls down your guardian angels, because they are waiting to help you.

In the dangers do not forget to call the Holy Archangel Michael. He wants to keep evil away from you. He got this power from heaven. On the string of pearls of the rosary you will be lifted up by your dearest mother. How precious and full of power is this prayer cord. How many people have been healed mentally and physically by this. Hold on to it daily. It pulls you up into the sky and forms a ladder.

Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen. Mary dear with the child, give us all your blessing.


