Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 3, 2008

St. Bishop Blasius, after the Candlemas and the Saturday of Atonement of the Heart of Mary.

Jesus speaks in the house church in Duderstadt after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Jesus appeared as the Good Shepherd. Next to him was the Merciful Jesus with the brightly illuminated golden rays. The Rosa Mystika was in a beam of gold and silver. The illuminated golden crown shimmered through the beam. The rosary became dark red and also the three roses. Jesus pointed to His heart from which His blood flowed and the rays around His heart shone red. The angel knelt down in deep reverence and worshipped Him. I have seen the Little King and Saint Joseph brightly illuminated.

Jesus now says: My beloved and chosen children, you have come again to My heart burning with love, and for this I want to thank you all again, especially My beloved priestly son. I am the light of the world and the light shines in the darkness. You, My children, have been blessed with this light today, with this light that you are to distribute among men. You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. When the salt has become stale, make it new again through your radiation. Radiate into the world. Shine with this deep light that I have given you today, for you are brightly enlightened. To whom should I still entrust this announcement than to you, my beloved and chosen ones?

Today the division has begun intensively here in Duderstadt and also in Göttingen and in some other places, the division of My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. How sad that makes Our Divine Hearts. The Heart of Mary is today bathed in blood of My precious Blood, which also flows through the veins of My Heavenly Mother. This blood comes over Duderstadt, My children. Do not be sad. Have mercy on this humanity here in this place. Not I punish, no, I have mercy on this sinful city Duderstadt, this chosen city. I have been pushed out and pushed out again and again, again and again. I have always given these priests a chance and they have not taken it. Now my judgment will have to come upon them, out of love, my children. Do you believe Me that this happens out of love, out of love of My Divine Heart?

Your persecution will become more. You, My chosen ones, will you withstand it? Will you too, my chosen ones, not want to leave me then when stones are thrown at you, when contempt comes upon you, when you are mocked, when you are spat at? Are you also still faithful to me then? Ask yourselves, My beloved ones, because all this what I have prophesied to you today will come upon you because of this My only, holy, Tridentine sacrificial Mass. Be patient and persevere in love! Then pray for your enemies and sacrifice for them, so that they are not thrown into the eternal abyss.

As I told you in the last prophecy, I will say that if you still do not follow this event, I do not know you, My beloved priests, bishops and cardinals consecrated to God, I do not know you. How much sadness is in these words. Will you follow me, my chosen ones, when all is crashing down on you? The time will come and quite soon, because the division is there. How sad for all heaven and how all heaven mourns. How much my little one mourns with me. Today she has received her greatest suffering to console me, to be with me in this desolation of the world and to console my Heavenly Mother as well.

You are the beloved, the chosen ones whom I have called. You are called. This great grace that has come upon you to receive My messages here personally, this great grace is given to you. Here in this sacred space My holy Mass of Sacrifice has taken place many times. She was celebrated with the highest reverence. You have also received this great grace. Do you want to prove yourselves worthy of this grace and also follow me in this greatest persecution, which you have to suffer with me, my children? Not without pain is salvation.

But you will enter into the eternal glories forever and ever, because I am the Alpha and the Omega. My Heavenly Mother will never go out of your hearts unless you reject her. She suffers with you as Mother of the Church. Yes, you humans cannot understand this suffering. It is much bigger than you can ever imagine. My mother suffers unspeakable pain for her Church and she gathers you together, her children of Mary, under her mantle. If you believe and trust, you are under their protection.

Consecrate yourselves daily to this My beloved Mother, this Immaculate Conception. She loves you boundlessly, just as My Divine Heart loves you boundlessly. Be ready! The fight has begun and the fight is soon over. But he has not yet reached the climax. Be brave and courageous and fight with My Heavenly Mother the greatest fight of the whole world. But the victory is certain for you with her. The victory will happen quite soon. Hold out and love one another, for love is the greatest! She overcomes every pain. It does not bear any traces. She forgives. She overlooks everything.

I love you, My beloved chosen and called ones and I bless you in Divine foresight, in confidence, in hope and in love in deep faith united in the Trinity of God and also My Heavenly Mother blesses you personally today in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. Mary dear with the child, give us all Your blessing. Amen.


