Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holy Saturday.

Jesus speaks after the resurrection liturgy in the evening in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child Anne.


Jesus Christ appeared at the consecration of the baptismal water as the risen one with a snow-white robe and had the victory flag in his hand. The Blessed Mother stood beside him also in a snow-white robe with little golden stars, with the scepter and with the triple crown.

The three archangels have appeared. Next to the Blessed Mother was St. Gabriel. On the left side of the Risen Christ, St. Michael the Archangel and in between St. Raphael. Behind them were several groups of angels in golden and white dresses, praying and floating.

Above the cross God the Father appeared and above it the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit hovered over the head of the priest during the entire Holy Mass. The Holy Spirit as a snow-white dove has sent rays of gold and silver in all directions. The sacrificial table was flooded with gold during the whole time.

Jesus now says: My beloved, chosen and called ones, I speak to you today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne and I want to send a joyful Easter greeting to you all. I wish you a blessed feast of resurrection, My resurrection. You are not only chosen, as I have mentioned, but also called today. I have drawn you with the monstrance on your forehead, those who have not yet been drawn with it and sent out with it.

My beloved children, take this divine power from your risen Savior into your heart today so that you may remain faithful to this vocation and persevere until the end of My coming. My dearest mother also sends you out into the world as her children of Mary. You have been given a great mission to save the many priests who are not in faith, who have fallen away from the faith, who no longer worship Me and no longer love Me. I want you to atone and sacrifice for these priests, because I love them and I want to save them all.

You have participated in this Holy Sacrificial Feast in this Easter Vigil today and have received these great graces. They also include the responsibility for you to lead many back to faith. It will be a difficult time for you, but your Savior is risen today. In these great resurrection graces you are sent. You will not succumb to your weaknesses, mistakes and carelessness, no, on the contrary, with this divine power I send you out and you will save many people and save them from ruin if you follow this path step by step, which I will show you. In all love you will be able to walk him. Do not stray from this path. Not even in the most difficult time that will also come upon you.

My coming is announced already by many seers, by many of My messengers. My messenger Anne will lead you into the cleansed church. I will have to found it anew because My priests have disgraced this church, My Church. Many are on the right path and are already following me. Follow these priests. You have given everything to Me and are practicing the total devotion that I continue to desire from you.

My dearest mother will support you in everything. Turn to them again and again. Consecrate yourselves to her. Give yourself to her and be ready to trample the head of the snake with her. The time has dawned, the time of my coming. Do not be afraid! Fear nothing, for you are protected and are my beloved and also my messengers. I love you and bless you in threefold power with all heaven, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love and hold out in faithfulness until my coming and tell me quite often and us that you love us. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


