Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 20, 2008

God the Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Duderstadt through his messenger Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today the Blessed Trinity was present. God the Father wants to speak to us for the first time.

God the Father now says: My beloved children, My chosen ones, today I want to speak to you as Heavenly Father, because the time has come where you should worship Me in the Trinity and call on Me often as Father of the chosen children. My beloved ones, My chosen ones, the time has dawned, the time of persecution and of the greatest struggle here in the bulwark of Eichsfeld, in the city where I have entered through My priest son in a private church.

My children, I speak to you as a father. Unite in Divine Love. I protect you and I send you into the fight, into the greatest fight that I will fight with you. Your mother is with you. Be strong in preaching and in witnessing to your faith. Nothing will happen to you in this fight, because I will fight with you. Your mother will be caring with you. All around you are angels and archangels. The holy archangel Michael will advance.

My beloved ones, as I have already told you, 23 churches are being closed here in the deanery. My children, have I not foretold you this event? This is the great evil that I had announced to you. Now you are in this fight and you will radiate My Divine Love here. My Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the highest reverence, as I desire it as Heavenly Father, took place here. The great graces are poured out and you are in battle and will fight bravely. Every step I will tell you, because the Masonic powers have also taken this city. You are fighting against them.

To my son Wolfgang I will once again give him a great chance in his heart. Once more he can decide, against me or for me. He who is not for me is against me, my beloved ones.

Continue to pay attention to my characters. Everything is important for you. Believe Me, I want to fight for My Eichsfeld and I want to save all priests from this eternal abyss. They are still standing at the abyss and you are atoning for them. I will once again knock at their heart doors.

This objection goes out into the world. It comes to the Internet, but it is not sent individually to the priests of the Eichsfeld. As I had already said, they have received an appeal for the last time and in it I keep My word.

Everything will happen that is foreseen in the plan of the Heavenly Father. You will walk the path of atonement again this week, in this city. Do not be afraid of hostility. I will send you my tools, and you will not stand alone there either. They will fight this battle with you.

Turn away from those who are against me, for they harm you. Do not believe them, for the powers of Freemasonry are at work. As you know, they are a strong power, because Satan rules in them and they are directed and guided by evil powers. As I lead you in holiness, so also they are led against you. It will be a great strong fight, but the victory is certain for you. My mother will achieve the greatest victory with you here in these places. She will crush the head of the snake and put a stop to these evil forces.

I love you, My chosen ones. Fight in this battle with Me in the Trinity with your Heavenly Father. Let yourselves be guided like little children whom I will now take by the hand and guide. Be trusting and do not believe what you are being whispered. With cunning treachery they go ahead. Then ask my little one. I will give her everything you need.

And now the Heavenly Father, the Triune God, blesses you with the greatest power, with triple strength. Go into battle! You are sent out from the Heavenly Father. Your mother stands by you. I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be like little children: trusting and strong. You are loved by eternal love. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


