Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

God the Father speaks after the Vigil for the unborn life in Göttingen through His child Anne.


Also today the Heavenly Father speaks to us. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Heavenly Father says: My beloved children, I want to thank you for having gone through this vigil of unborn life. How many blessings you have brought to mankind, and how many little souls have immediately streamed into heaven, accompanied by the Holy Angels.

Yes, My beloved children, the Heavenly Mother has been watching over this clinic. She watched as an unborn child was killed at that moment. It was very painful for her, said the heavenly mother, but she thanks that this suffering is keeping many mothers from her. They will no longer be able to do this through your prayer.

I, the Heavenly Father, will protect you with great blessing and divine power if you want to continue on this difficult and stony path. You, my beloved and chosen ones, have only the desire and the will to do this, everything else I will arrange for you. Nothing happens that is not in my will. Have courage! Be powerful in divine strength and continue to go along with this, my way.

How many will turn away from me and you, because this way is too hard for them. Do not become discouraged, but go on powerfully. You are guided and guided and nothing happens to you. The greatest joys of heaven will await you. This path is painful and full of pain. Look at the cross of My Son. How much he suffered for everyone. My son and your mother have suffered the greatest pain. She stood under the cross of her son. Look also at your mother. She has preceded you in this pain and she will be the only one who understands you. My instrument Anne will not be able to understand you, but turn to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, there you will find deep security and peace, which the world cannot give you. Many people will not understand this. He who can grasp it, grasp it. It is my will and desire.

All messages that are on the Internet correspond to My full truth. My little one remains a nothing. It is not her, but I am the one who tells you the words, who wants to keep you from everything, who wants to protect you in extreme trouble. She herself remains a nothing.

Remain faithful to me and us and go this way truthfully and fulfill my plan, which I want to let happen to you. Mourn not for the earthly, but look to eternal glory, to eternal joys, and do everything out of love and not out of duty. If duty makes you walk this path, it will not be a path that lasts. Very soon you will not want to go this way anymore. Only when you walk it in love and in its entirety do you have the full protection of heaven.

Again and again heaven and your heavenly mother strengthen you. Go along this way. In all suffering she is with you and will never leave you. She will keep on calling down the angels, especially the Holy Archangel Michael, who will keep all evil away from you. Also on this path that you have walked today, you have felt that heaven was with you, that the Holy Archangel Michael kept everything from you.

If it were not My truth, My children, you too would drown in the broad stream. Look again and again at the cross of My Son. I have much to ask of you, My beloved children, but this is in My plan. If you are persecuted, you lie in truth. Divinity was also pursued. My son was ridiculed, mocked, attacked, beaten, scourged, crowned with thorns. Look on My Son what he suffered for your sins. You were allowed to turn back. The greatest joys await you. But it is not self-evident that you could go this way. You have been in the stream of graces and you have gratefully accepted the graces.

Many of My children receive this grace now too, but they do not accept the grace and will want to fulfill their own way and will. Separate yourselves from them, from all who do not want to go this way in its entirety, because they will always hinder you and let you despair.

I want to embrace you, My beloved ones, because you are My willing instruments and I love you boundlessly. Stay in this love! Remain true to Us! I ask you again: Do you also want to leave me? Do you not want to suffer this pain either? And now I bless you in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven, then you also remain in love. Amen.


