Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The departure of Padre Pio.

Padre Pio may speak to us today after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass I was allowed to taste all the floral scents of heaven. Padre Pio said that today, on my feast day, you should be safe in these scents.

Padre Pio now speaks from heaven: I, Padre Pio, speak through this little instrument Anne. She is chosen by the Trinity and she speaks only words from heaven. At the moment she is repeating the words that I speak through her.

My beloved priest son, first of all I would like to address you, because I accompany you on your whole priestly way in the newly founded church. My beloved son of the priest, you know that I too had to take the hard lot of the confessional ban on confession for ten years. You, too, have been given this prohibition. You know that it happened unjustifiably, as it did with me. The modernist Church is no longer the Church of Jesus Christ as you have already been told by the Heavenly Father himself.

The smoke of Satan has long since entered this church. The freemasons rule the church. They lie in the satanic powers and let themselves be directed and guided by them. You are the disadvantaged, you, the believers, who still persevere in this church. I, Padre Pio, call you all from heaven: "Leave these modernist churches, because something terrible will have to happen.

You, my beloved ones, chosen by the Father, persevere in this last time. You have the full protection of heaven. Nothing will happen to you. You, my priestly son, persevere especially. They will still want to do many things to you, but many things will also be kept from you. I was suspended. I was not allowed to celebrate the Holy Mass sacrifice of Jesus Christ. How hard it is for every priest who gets this ban. You all can recognize and you also know that all this has happened unjustifiably. Pray for these unbelieving shepherds, for they are ruled by Freemasons.

My beloved Supreme Shepherd, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, is bound in fetters and surrounded by Masonic powers. It is pursued as by roaring lions.

I love you, my children and for this reason I was allowed to speak to you today. Again and again you celebrate the sacrificial banquet of Jesus Christ in the highest reverence. What a great value this sacrificial banquet has in comparison to the meal fellowship of the modernist church. All believers can see that this meal fellowship is not in the truth, not in the truth, I have said. All can recognize it and they do not obey. They do not obey the Triune God. How difficult it is for the Triune God, especially for the Heavenly Father in His authority, that the bishops still do not obey the Holy Father.

You suffer with me as members of the church as I have suffered. But I will continue to ask for Divine Power and Divine Protection from you again and again. Adore me, for I have been given a great power in heaven. For fifty years I have suffered the stigmata for this Church, which is now ruled by Masonic powers. I got the bilocation to be able to tell many people the truth of Jesus Christ.

I too was persecuted in this church. I have been attacked and ridiculed, not even believing that I have entered into God's glory and may ask for the greatest protection for all men.

When I was allowed to enter the glory of God in 1968, I was already canonized in the Trinity. Many years later I was canonized on earth. But I continue to be persecuted because I can direct the church from above, from heaven. I got this power there. The greatest holiness was granted to me from heaven. That is why the greatest persecution is still there for me today.

My children, take the cross of Jesus Christ on your shoulders. Believe the Heavenly Father. Believe these words He speaks from heaven through this little tool Anne. How much she too must suffer and how much she is persecuted. One wants to destroy them as well as the representative of Jesus Christ on earth. Yes, one wants to destroy him as one has completely destroyed the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. She is in ruin. But Jesus Christ in the Trinity of God will resurrect them gloriously. You will be able to experience this glory. Give thanks and persevere and become strong in Divine Power and Love. I, your dearest Padre Pio, may bless you in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Your dearest Mother has also blessed you, the angels and many saints. Amen.

Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.


