Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Saint Joseph's Day.

Saint Joseph speaks through His child Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Euskirchen.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass a flock of angels and archangels was present. St. Joseph was brightly illuminated and many rays came from the statue. It shone in gold and silver and in the middle of the rays were again small diamonds. From the heart of the Blessed Mother rays went to the cross and from the heart of Jesus they went to the Blessed Mother.

St. Joseph now says: I, St. Joseph, speak today in this house chapel through the willing, humble and obedient child Anne. She lies in the will of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, and all the words I speak today are not from her. My beloved children, I would like to greet you and tell you that I came personally at the dedication, on August 15th. I introduced myself to you because I am the guardian of this house chapel. I guard this house chapel with the Heavenly Mother, with the Queen and Victress, with the Holy Archangel Michael. As the nourishing father of Jesus, I want to keep all evil from you.

To you, my beloved children, who fully fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father, I would like to thank you today. The Heavenly Father is full of joy over you. Especially in this house chapel, many rays of grace will pass over to people who will come here. They are all called and appointed by the Heavenly Father. Please, My daughter, do not let anyone else in your house chapel who does not want to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father in its entirety. It is urgent, because Jesus Christ is present day and night in this house chapel with flesh and blood. This is such a great grace that you have received that nothing impure may enter this chapel.

It is also an emergency church. Here Jesus Christ is present. People will rush to you when the time is ripe, which only the Heavenly Father determines. Pay attention to your prayer life. Sacrifice and atone for the many priests who now lie in error and confusion. Yes, they are confused and it will go down even deeper with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. He is no longer present in the tabernacles of the modernist church. It is a great gift for you, beloved daughter of the father, what you have received here. Many messages will reach people, especially through the Internet. Please allow it.

I, St. Joseph, the nourishing father of Jesus, have received a great power over this chapel through the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. All evil I may deter. But I am also allowed to bring the families together in this house chapel. I will brightly illuminate their hearts and let a deep love flow into them. Many graces will be collected here through my adding.

Beloved son of a priest, you who are celebrating the Holy Sacrificial Feast of Jesus Christ here, I would also like to thank you for having ventured this long journey, because still no priest is willing to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast here. It must be a priest who not only celebrates the Holy Sacrificial Feast, but who also receives and obeys the words of the Heavenly Father. Beloved daughter, the time has not yet come for a priest to be ready to believe in these words of the Heavenly Father. I'm keeping a strict watch over your house band. Let no one remove the body of Jesus Christ from this tabernacle. And this is not given with priests who do not believe in the words of the Heavenly Father. Although they believe in the Blessed Sacrament, they do not believe in a house chapel, which was consecrated or even founded by the beloved priest son of heaven. This is such a profound event that it is impossible to grasp. You, dear daughter, cannot and will never be able to comprehend what great graces you have received. You have opened the door to Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Many people and priests have closed the door to Him, Jesus Christ. He went looking for shelter and you opened this door for him. For this I thank you with all my heart. The Trinity watches over here in this house chapel.

The dearest Mother is also revered as the Queen of Roses, as Rosa Mystica, but also as Mother Thrice Admirable and as Mother and Queen of Victory. Very soon the victory of the Heavenly Mother will take place at the Wigratzbad place of prayer. You, my three, will hurry to this place very soon, as it is the will of the Heavenly Father. There you will also join in the celebration of the Holy Sacrificial Feast in a house chapel by the beloved priest son of heaven, Pastor Rudi.

It will take place in Gestratz, in a specially consecrated house chapel on private ground. No one can expel the Son of God, Jesus Christ, as they have already done at the great place of prayer in Wigratzbad. Jesus Christ was cast out with His beloved priestly son, who was intended to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice again and again in the highest reverence. Since the messages that the Heavenly Father wanted to proclaim did not come to pass either, the Heavenly Father had to found another church, or a house chapel, which was intended to receive these messages and send them out into the whole world.

Do not be afraid, you who hurry there! You are protected because you are called to go there and proclaim and pass on the Word of God. Nothing will happen to you. This extended family will believe and trust. She will be introduced deeper into the mystery of Jesus Christ and will confirm this again and again. Many attacks have already occurred and this chapel will continue to be pursued.

This holy sacrificial meal will be contested by Jesus Christ. But here He does not let Himself be rejected. He will remain as he desires in the Trinity. I, St. Joseph, and also this beloved daughter Annemarie, whom you were willing to choose me as the patron saint of your house chapel, are keeping watch over this. I thank you for that.

And now, on this way, I want to bless you in the whole Trinity of God, with the Heavenly Mother, the Queen of Victory, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, with all the angels, saints, especially with Saint Padre Pio and Archangel Michael, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. My beloved children, go in God's name. You are protected, called and sent. You will bring the Word of God to the ends of the earth, as the Heavenly Father has desired of you from eternity.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Mary dear with the child, give us all your blessing. Amen.


