Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, October 4, 2008


The Heavenly Father speaks after the Cenacle in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child Anne.


There was a great crowd of angels present, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Fatima Madonna had a golden scepter in her hand and St. Francis was present and brightly illuminated. Today will again be an important intercession, because Heaven wants to make us more and more known and to protect us from the evil that surrounds us again and again and that in recent times still wants to tempt us and keep us away from what we are told by the Heavenly Father. The temptations and trials are getting bigger for us.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, your beloved Heavenly Father, will speak to you today in this Cenacle I have willed in your house chapel in Göttingen. My dearest mother is venerated here. This holy Cenacle is repeated every month. It has existed here in Göttingen for several years and is held in all holiness by this My beloved priestly son Rudi. Nothing has been changed in the texts, nothing has been added so that it will bear its fruit.

First of all I would like to congratulate you, dear Katharina, on your birthday. You will always stand by My little daughter Anne in all written matters and will continue to support her because she is the closest to you. She constantly speaks out to you because she can hardly cope with this heavy apostolate she has received. She is supported by My spiritual director whom I have chosen, My beloved priest son Rudi, who gives her the Holy Sacrament of Penance weekly. Yes, My children, this is necessary.

Again and again I will support and strengthen My little one to put these important words on the Internet so that they will be known all over the world. She is a weak creature and my creature, which I have chosen. She will never proclaim words from within herself. It has transferred its will to me, i.e. it obeys my will to the smallest detail and will make known to you everything that I desire. Nothing lies in their wishes. I free them from this.

Yesterday (Heart-Jesus-Friday K.) you were allowed to accompany my beloved daughter Maria S. on her last journey. She has received from you, My beloved priestly son, several times the sacrament of the sick, the Holy Anointing. She was prepared on this way and you were allowed to be with her on the last day of her last breath.

I wish that this important intercession yesterday for My beloved daughter, be known on the Internet, so that many may know My ways and My love. When they completely fulfill my will, I will prepare them in everything for the last way of their life into eternal happiness. Into the Kingdom of Heaven I will receive her as I received My beloved daughter Mary.

She is with you today because she loved the Cenacle. Every day she and her husband offered me this family Cenacle. How much blessing it has brought especially to the priests. She always wanted to save priests on this way. That was her wish and her longing. She was filled with it and passed it on to you. It is a legacy to you, beloved children, what she has done and what she is now handing over to you.

Continue your journey to this blessed place of pilgrimage Heroldsbach, as you have done for years. You have endured many hostilities and mockeries in patience. But in my love you are strengthened. Great graces will flow there.

Rose petals rained down from heaven yesterday on the deathbed of My daughter Maria. You, My little one, have seen the rays of grace that radiated from these red, pink, white and yellow petals. Small brilliant-cut diamonds were inside. They sparkled, and My Heavenly Mother, the Rosa Mystica, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and also the Fatima Madonna accompanied them with a swarm of angels into heaven. She was received into God's glory last night.

She is among you. She is experiencing this Cenacle today. She developed a great trust in this priest's son and she only wanted to be accompanied by him on this last way to the cemetery. It was her last wish. And this last wish has not been fulfilled. But I wish, My beloved priestly son, that you will hold this Requiem in Nuremberg for her. My beloved daughter Maria accompanies you from heaven. Your wish will be fulfilled. It is not in my will that this bishopric does not agree to fulfill this, their last wish. But the Rosa Mystica will help her.

Her loving husband, who accompanied her until her last breath, will fight for her. He will take over their legacy and will continue to make these trips to Heroldsbach as a bus driver and companion for all these believers. He has great support from these three people who again and again take over the whole organization and the prayer and atonement night in total sacrifice. I also want to thank these people from heaven with My beloved daughter Mary.

For the next trip to Heroldsbach this beloved daughter will accompany you. She is sitting next to her husband. Leave this place free, beloved son, for your wife. She is with you, beside you and accompanies you on this journey. Believe in everything the Heavenly Father tells you, beloved of the Heroldsbacher Bus. Believe and obey these truths which I have given you for several years. How many gifts have you received. Obey these truths. It is important for you to experience this protection, this protection of your beloved father.

He wants to be with you when this event comes, which I must let come over all mankind, because I want to save many who were not ready for conversion until now, above all the bishops who are in untruth and disobedience to Me and to the earthly Holy Father. This means that they are no longer Catholic.

Yes, these words are difficult for My little daughter to proclaim. But she obeys everything I tell her. Beloved daughter, have courage! You are protected by your Heavenly Father and you have declared this willingness to Me. You will become stronger at it. I know that your human power is diminishing more and more. It is My desire and will, so that the Divine Power comes to bear, My Divine Power in the Trinity. Have courage and trust in your Heavenly Father and follow everything diligently as you filled these many telephone calls last night according to My will and with My Divine Power. It was not your strength that was brought to bear, but mine. You will strengthen at everything. Do not be sad if I do not take away this severe heart disease from you, but it too serves as an atonement for the bishops.

They have committed many sacrileges, especially My bishops in Germany. They are in demand and I have addressed them in My many messages. Nothing they have obeyed from my words. I have begged them, I have touched their hearts and I have given them the truth of My messages to recognize. They do not reject you, My beloved little one, no, they reject the Triune God in truth. How difficult this is for heaven to cope with. Yes, I love her. My mother, the mother of the church, also feels a great longing for them. How many prayers has she offered Me, how many prayers of atonement for these priests and chief shepherds who do not obey the earthly Holy Father, My representative on earth. She shed bitter tears in Heroldsbach, the beloved place of pilgrimage of My Mother, the Queen of Roses. How often has she sprinkled roses, how often does she sprinkle them again and again. They are roses of grace.

Pray and atone in the next atonement night as it is in your power. From there you will start your journey to the next pilgrimage site Wigratzbad. Yes, I want this to be public. The Holy Sacrificial Masses will take place daily from the 14th onwards in the house chapel in Gestratz.

Many messages are sent into the world because this priest of the place of prayer has rejected all My messages and has published that they are not genuine, which I give to My little one. I gave him the realization that it cannot be My little one. I sent her to his appointment so that he should recognize how weak she is, that she is strengthened only through my words.

Yes, she is ready to fulfill and pass on My truths in their entirety. She will not stop sending My words into the world, for My Son Jesus Christ will soon appear in this place with His Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory there. Will you be ready, My children, in this place? Will you be ready then to obey My words?

What else must I let come upon you, My chief shepherds and My shepherds, that you may want to believe, that you may not believe You do not want to believe. You see everything and you recognize everything, but you reject my messenger. You will have to answer for this on the last day at my throne. How difficult this will be for you. Why do you not turn back? You stand at the precipice. How often have I told you. You will fall into this abyss if you do not say this Yes to Me, the Heavenly Father, at the last moment and repent of your guilt in the deepest way in My Holy Sacrament of Penance. I have given it to you all.

My beloved priestly son Rudi received this sacrament of penance as a charism from Me. This too was prevented and thwarted by My bishops. Again and again you reject me, not my messengers, not my holy priests, but me. I mention My priests, I consecrate them myself and in My omnipotence I will tell and proclaim to My beloved priest son everything I desire, not what My little one desires. There is no wish from her. I will announce everything to him in My heavenly plan.

In My authority I will do this and you will be confused if you do not believe Me. Do you want to take the blame for this? Your mind will fail. I'm waiting for you. I still want to press you not to do your will but to fulfill mine. Look in My writings. You have everything in front of you, everything. Why do you not recognize My truths? Why do you reject Me, the highest God in the Trinity, the Almighty God, the Ruler of the whole world, the whole universe? I love you and long for your souls.

And now I bless you and take my leave of you today. Be cheerful and grateful in your hearts. I will accompany you. I love you, send you and bless you in the Trinity, with My Heavenly Mother, all the angels and saints and with My beloved Padre Pio, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


