Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Heavenly Father speaks through His child Anne in the atonement night in Heroldsbach at 24.00 o'clock.


The monstrance sparkled in several colors that were constantly changing. The angels knelt around the monstrance and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament.

The Heavenly Father says to us: I want to give priority to My Heavenly Mother, so that she may let Divine Love flow into your heart, My beloved pilgrims and chosen ones, so that you may accept these streams of grace from the "Mediator of All Graces.

"My beloved children," now Our Lady says to us, "My beloved children of Mary, you stand with Me in the greatest fight against the satanic powers. Your Father in heaven still allows this fight. You, beloved children, are to strengthen yourselves first. If you become weak in this time, you are not stable. How quickly you fall into the hands of the devil's cunning and deceit. He stretches out his paws to you and devises an even more cunning plan, to which you shall fall victim.

My children, beloved above all, how much I am concerned for you so that you will not fall. I constantly ask the angels to help you. How sad I become when one of you becomes fickle and lets doubts arise. Repel them immediately, because they are worrying.

The Heavenly Father has chosen you to save souls. Don't you want to stay with your ready "yes father"? Now you have to enter the whole text. Thank you for rushing to Me in the pilgrim home to give Me your comfort. At this moment your Mother has given you a heavenly fragrance to confirm the truth. Persevere, beloved children, I always remain with you and bless you.

Now says the heavenly Father: My beloved children, I, the heavenly Father, speak through my willing, obedient, and humble child Anne. She speaks only my truth as a small mouthpiece, for I have humbled her to bring my truths to daylight without circumstance. Still human fears are awakening in her. She is purified by me so that she becomes smaller and smaller until she is like wax in my hands.

My beloved ones, go now this steep path ahead to Golgotha. Do you believe that your loving Father did not predestine this path precisely for you? Do you want to shorten this path? Is it too heavy for you? Put your cross on your shoulders again. It is built and predestined for you out of love.

If you could only once measure how boundlessly I love you. If you follow My steps, I will ignite your hearts to the flame of love. How many unnecessary worries could you save yourself if your willingness to give yourself completely would increase. Only in Divine Love can your availability grow. How much I long for your hearts, which are consumed out of love for me. A small quick prayer is balm for me.

Why do you deal with the questions of what people will think and talk about you. Deal with the future life, then everything else will seem unimportant to you. Believe in Providence and live every moment as if it were the last. Do not speak of the past. This throws you into lethargy.

The people who persecute and mock me shall not be more important to you than I am. To love the enemies is to pray for them in the greatest hostilities. These are the souls I want to win back from you. Make sacrifices for love, which leads to gratitude and even to earthly pleasures.

The later you are ready for total surrender, the more your sufferings will increase to reach eternal bliss. Yes, your loving Father will lead you in consequence, otherwise I cannot pull you up Calvary.

Look at My cross for a few minutes every day and dwell with Me in the dialogue of the heart. These are My delights in you, My children. All out of love for love. Go to the school of your dearest Heavenly Mother. She is waiting for your pleas. How lovingly and tenderly She will care for you, if you let your will be strengthened, in order to constantly advance in the footsteps of Her Son, in the following of Christ.

Now your loving Father in the Trinity blesses you with your caring Heavenly Mother, all the angels and saints, especially your beloved Padre Pio, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Thank you for this fruitful night of atonement. Through you this place of prayer will expand in inner and outer dimensions.


