Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, November 21, 2008

Feast of the Sacrifice of Mary.

The Heavenly Father speaks to His Son G. through His child Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Göttingen.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak at this moment through My willing, humble and obedient instrument and child Anne. She lies in My plan and My desire. Not a word is out of her. Everything is My truth. Nothing is falsified.

Today I am speaking to you, My beloved G. If you do not want to fulfill My last plan, I am willing to send it out into the world because you too have a great task and you have not fulfilled this task.

My beloved G., why are you like a swaying pipe? Why are you not consistent? Why did you let the wicked man go inside you? Didn't you read My Message carefully from May 4 this year? All parents may separate from their children when they do not lie in my truth and hand them over to my heavenly mother, i.e. when they lie in grave sin and are separated from me through these grave sins. And this has happened.

This daughter of your wife, is separated from Me, far separated from Me for many years. This marriage is invalid, and her husband is an antichrist and takes massive action against my church in wicked and derogatory words. He calls My Chapel of Grace 'prayer shed'. Can you understand that? I have urged My I. to separate from her daughter immediately as long as she is in grave sin. Often and again and again I have offered her this chance. She heard My words but did not obey them.

The evil one has entered into it. Three evil spirits are inside her and rage. My G., did you not feel that you were being tempted? Why did you not resist this temptation? this important task I have given you, was it not enough for you? Do you love your wife I. more than me? My I., do you love your daughter more than me? You can answer these questions with a simple "Yes". You have separated from Me, from your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Because you, My I., do not want to turn back, you have also tempted My G.

Once again I give you a very big chance, dear G.. If you should not seize this chance, I want that My children in Göttingen separate from you immediately, because out of you will come no knowledge, no truth, but the evil one will speak out of you.

I still love you, my G.. What an important task I have given you. Why didn't you realize that? Why did you not pay attention to this? Why did you always succumb to evil in your I., as you call it? Evil is in her and around her. Their disease is of evil. She is constantly tempted. The evil one already has them in his claws and claws. He holds on to them and wants to hold on to you as well.

Once again I have a wish: Separate yourself spatially from your I. as long as it remains in this grave sin. I give you this chance again. Get this apartment as soon as possible and have no more contact with the evil in your I.. You are ensnared, and your task is taken from you. It is the full truth that My daughter Anne speaks.

I have also tried them. But she has passed my test. She called on Me in the greatest need when the wicked man wanted to take her captive. She has called Me and I have sent her all the angels to help her, also My dearest Mother, also the Holy Archangel Michael. They all came. She did not need an exorcism or liberation. She was immediately freed by me because it was my desire to test her. And she has passed this test completely. I thank you again, My beloved daughter Anne, that you too have not fallen into evil as My G. is doing at this moment.

Immediately I, My daughter Katharina, wish that you mail this objection to G. If he does not comply with my wishes, separate immediately, my children, because my time has come in which I must separate all evil from you. I want to protect you and above all also mine and your dearest mother.

My children, who have heard and received My messages and then have not obeyed them in their entirety, have no protection. Separate, beloved. Your Heavenly Father is with you. It is my time and the event will come. All who believe now are My chosen ones whom I will lead immediately into My cleansed church. In you I will found My Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church anew, which you cannot understand.

You are My beloved chosen ones and you are stable personalities. You have become strong through the many temptations you have passed. These too are temptations, if I take away what is dearest to you, also your G. and I., because they are not worthy of mine.

Have faith in your dearest father. He loves you and He loves all people. He wants to save all people. But these people have free will. I have given them this free will out of love and I will never break it. I love you boundlessly in the Trinity with My dearest Mother. On the day of your sacrifice you also shall sacrifice with her. It is your day, your Marian day. You have solemnly committed it today. Thank you, My beloved priest son, for everything. Thank you, too, My beloved Five.

Now I want to bless you with the Holy Archangel Michael, with all the angels and saints. Be protected. Be loved. Become strong and remain faithful in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


