Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Heart of Mary Expiation Saturday, Cenacle and Feast of St. Nicholas the Bishop.

Our Lady speaks through her child Anne after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels are present again. Among them the three archangels Gabriel, Raphael and Michael are clearly visible. Today they have golden wings and are bigger than the guardian angels. Also the guardian angels have come behind us, because the Heavenly Mother has asked them for us, so that we have full protection.

I, the Heavenly Mother, speak now in this moment: I, the Heavenly Mother, the Mother of Beautiful Love, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. Yes, I am the Mother of Beautiful Love, My beloved chosen ones, among whom you are. I teach you love, because through Me this Divine Love has flowed into you. I have born the Son of God and have received Him through the Holy Spirit. I was always without original sin, as an Immaculate Mother. So I want to be worshiped by you, because I will also appear as an Immaculate Receiver with this loving and immaculate heart with My Son, the Son of God, who will appear in heaven in all power and glory.

My children, it is not far now, then this time has come. I may also give you the latest information. I would like to ask you again and again for this protection of all angels so that you can resist evil in the last times. It cannot be taken for granted, for you too will be tempted as My Son was tempted. You will not fall into evil. Then call first of all the Holy Archangel Michael. He will stand by your side. The Holy Archangel Gabriel will announce the time to you, above all to you, My little daughter. Very shortly before that, he will tell you exactly what you have to do, because you will be led into the New Church. You are the ones who stand alone for the New Church in the steadfastness of faithfulness.

You are now six, six I said. The sixth will also enter into this community that you have made. Everything is regulated. Everything is precisely conceived in the plan of the Heavenly Father. Do not be sad when many things will come upon you, which the Heavenly Father must allow. Many will be shaken and sifted to a great extent and they will still fall away, those who still believe and trust now and have the will to fulfill the plan of the Heavenly Father.

I am the Mother of the Trinity: of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. You will not be able to understand or fathom it, for this is a great mystery. You should believe in this mystery, because without mysticism the Catholic Church cannot exist. Believe in the great mystery of My Son. In the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, he is present, he is there. Speak to Him! Hold dialogue! It is very important now to unite with Him again and again, to tell Him everything, to reveal everything, including your suffering. Especially your suffering, because you are carried by the Trinity and your dearest Mother. I may guide, form and direct you.

I will instill the greatest love into your hearts, not all at once, My children. But this love will grow and mature. You will mature into great personalities, into stable personalities who can pray and sacrifice others into heaven. This love must be so deep that you can sacrifice everything that is necessary and recognizable in the Heavenly Plan.

You must never waver, you must never have doubts. The doubts throw you back. Fortitude is now required in the face of this great event. All angels will protect you, and I am allowed to enlighten you a few days before.

There will be a great tribulation among men and one will stand against the other. Look now into the Apocalypse of St. John, for it will be completely fulfilled. Each line is recorded and will find the fulfillment. Look in again and again! There much will become apparent to you that you do not understand now. What is coming to you will be opened up to you there.

Never will you understand that you are founding the New Church, that it will arise anew in you. I, the dearest mother, will give birth to them anew in you. As I have born the Son of God, so will the Church, the New, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, come into being. It will be different, very different from what it has been up to now. Do not ask, but follow the steps of your Heavenly Father, for then you cannot go astray.

Come under My protective cloak, you, My children of Mary. There you will always feel safe and secure. You feel the joy of the feast, of the feast of grace. At Christmas the Savior, the Son of God, will be born anew in your hearts. Prepare yourselves in this time, in this Advent season.

Today you have entered into this Cenacle which I wanted and revealed to My priestly son, Don Gobbi. All the steps are given there. Take care of the wicked one. He is cunning, treacherous, and has great power in this last time. You will trample the head with Me of this serpent of Freemasons. They are the Antichrists. They will want to seduce you and mislead you, but they will not be able to, because I, the dearest Mother, watch over your hearts. I unite your hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Your hearts are deeply engraved in the Trinity, even merged with these hearts. Love is the decisive factor.

Love will show you the way. If you let the love of God enter deeper and deeper into your hearts, you will get great insights, so that you can pass these insights on to others. Miracles will happen through you. This time of miracles is not yet fulfilled.

Believe and trust deeper! The love must penetrate deeper into your hearts and never leave any doubt. In the doubts the evil one can enter into you. In a single vice he has access. Believe and cultivate the virtues I have practiced. I will point them out to you in Love, in Divine Love, and I will call down to you the strengths of heaven.

And now your dearest Mother, the Mother of Beautiful Love, the Immaculate Received Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory, bless you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be loved, protected, blessed and follow all steps exactly until the last day at the last hour. Amen.


