Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Blessed Mother speaks in the hollow in Heroldsbach through Her child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The cross that lies on the earth was brightly illuminated and the wounds became blood-red. The Blessed Mother went out of this glass display case, grew larger and floated up over the roof. The baby Jesus was beside her.

Dearest Blessed Mother, first of all I would like to thank you in the name of all of us for calling and inviting us here to Your hollow, as it is called, to Your holy place. Yes, You said that we are all called to follow the path of the Heavenly Father here.

Now Our Lady herself says: My beloved children, today, on this day, on this December 13th, (note from the 12th to the 13th was the apparition here) I want to greet you. You, My children, will hardly understand how holy this place where you stand and kneel is. So many miracles have happened here. The whole heaven was present. The visionary children have received so many messages and have been guided only in Divine Love. They have only been able to endure these persecutions, these hostilities and mockeries because I protected them as a mother.

And that is what I am doing with you today. You too will experience the great protection from this place, from this place, because here I may speak to you as Heavenly Mother. Here messages continue to be given from Me, from the Child Jesus and also from the Heavenly Father. No one can expel you from your place here.

The Heavenly Father waited until this persecution was at the top. Now you will persevere, because you will always receive information from here, which you should follow in obedience and in love and in faithfulness. Remain faithful to heaven, my beloved and chosen ones. You are not alone. Your mother will accompany you on this arduous journey. It will be a way to Golgotha. You must climb this mountain, but remember that I, as a mother, am going with you. All sufferings that you endure I suffer with you as a mother. You will never have to carry a cross alone. Ask for my help, because I will then ask down the angels to you, especially your guardian angels who accompany you.

Hold out and become strong, for I may also form you. Forming means that I take over the motherly care for you, that I may finally lead you to the Heavenly Father. He has prepared His plan. And exactly this way and plan you will be able to fulfill when you stand under my protective cloak. I am the Mother of the Church and also the Mother of Beautiful Love.

My children, beware! The evil one is cunning, but he is also unwise. The Heavenly Father watches over everything you do and what you are to obey. You too will have to suffer much persecution on this last short way. Not far, very near, is the coming of My Son. And I want to fight the fight with you and trample the head of the evil serpent, which now still wants to have a very strong effect. Pass this fight and do not weaken at the last moment. Many people will want to keep you from this difficult path because they want to take the easier one.

How great you are, My children. If you could see this, you would willingly want to go this way, out of love, not out of compulsion. And never shall you slacken. Remain bearers of the cross, for in the cross is salvation. Look at this cross of My Son. What He suffered for you. And I, as Mother of the Redeemer, stood under the cross. And under this cross you now stand, my beloved and chosen ones. Become aware of this. It is a grace that you may pity, that you do not have to pity.

The Divine Son is born anew in your hearts. And this is for you a preparation for the great Christmas, the birth of My Son. Let it become brighter in your hearts. More and more I will drip this love, this Divine love, into you. And you will be able to give off this light for the others who still cannot believe. You are separated from them. They cannot understand you because they are in grave sin. I wish you to separate yourselves on the last part of the way from all those who hinder you on this path. Those who want to go, take them with you. Also they are to experience my protection.

Love, My children, love is the decisive factor. And if you remain in Divine Love, you will be able to experience everything in Divine Power. And that is why today I am allowed to bless you, love you, guide you, guide you, form you in threefold power: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Child Jesus now also blesses us: "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." The Child Jesus smiled, how beautiful and the Blessed Mother looks at us and she is grateful that we are here and want to persevere. How lovable she is as a mother. We have the greatest treasure in heaven and on earth because we love this mother.


