Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Covenant Day of Schoenstatt and Feast of the Expectation of Our Lady.

The Heavenly Father speaks to the covenant conclusion after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child Anne.


The heavenly Father now says: I, the heavenly Father, speak to you on this feast day through my willing, obedient, and humble instrument and child Anne. She lies in my truth and speaks only words that are of me. My beloved children, My Schoenstatt children and My chosen ones, today you celebrate a great feast day. You, My little Dorothea, have made this Covenant today, this Marian Garden, this highest consecration of Schoenstatt. You were not allowed to make this consecration within the Mothers' League of Schoenstatt. That is why today, after four years of the Covenant of My three children of God, you have come to this Covenant. You made it out of love.

You have chosen the rose as the rose of love and suffering. Yes, love and suffering are closely connected. When we suffer, we suffer it for love. The people of the world also get the suffering, but it is almost unbearable for them. If you suffer for love, your Heavenly Mother suffers with you. It then bears the greatest suffering. Become a rose that always sprays its fragrance for others, dear Dorothea.

And now to your triple alliance. This tripartite alliance is intended to bring you closer together. You have already made the five-alliance and the two-alliance in advance. A long time has passed since then. But today you may conclude this triple covenant, this triple covenant in loyalty, you my three chosen ones.

How thankful can you be to Heaven that so many graces flow, which are poured out on others. These graces you have received today, not for yourselves, but so that you can pass them on. People are waiting with longing for these graces, which are not flowing anywhere in Göttingen, in your home town. What a grace it is for this city that today, on this feast day, these graces are poured out, especially from the Mother of Beautiful Love.

My beloved ones, in addition to this you have still afterwards made the covenant of loyalty with the two chosen ones who have been added. You have closed this loyalty bond for the first time on 13 May 2005. Today two more have joined us, who also want to follow this path in loyalty. They have decided to do so voluntarily.

This way will not be easy for you in this time when everything is demanded of you, My children. But you have become aware of this, for you have long since received all graces here in this community. You too, My little Mary, have already received these graces in law. Give thanks to the Lord, for you will be richly endowed, even overwhelmed, with these graces.

The angels were present and sang the hosanna, because they also wanted to make this feast and this covenant with you. Joy is in all heaven above you, My children. Rejoice, for the feast of love is near.

And now I want to bless, love and send you with your Heavenly Mother, especially with the Schoenstatt Mother, also with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, because you will soon celebrate this feast. It will come and appear. Do not be afraid! You are the blessed and chosen ones and you are loved and protected: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


