Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Feast of the Holy Family.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. St. Joseph, the Mother of God and the Child Jesus were brightly illuminated, especially during the consecration. A large group of angels joined in and worshipped the baby Jesus in the manger.

The Heavenly Father speaks again today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. My beloved children, today on this Feast of the Holy Family, I want to teach you the love between the two promised spouses. This love has often been lost today because they cannot forgive. How does this reconciliation happen? By promising at the same time not to do this crime again. How can they keep it? Only with the power of God. That is why I am also the third in their marriage covenant. Come, dear families, again and again to Me, to the Heavenly Father, and ask forgiveness for your offenses and unite with heaven in prayer, sacrifice and love.

I, the Heavenly Father, am waiting for you longingly, because I want to have holy families again through your example, through your example. People wander apart and no longer think of their promise. Because this is no longer kept sacred, many no longer want to make this covenant, this sacred covenant of marriage.

It is very important for you, My beloved children, that you have reverence for the other again and that you can worship God in the other. How often has My mother worshipped Me. And I dwell in your hearts with My mother. I have given you this holy Mother so that you may flee to Her, to Her Immaculate Heart, when it becomes difficult for you to keep this covenant of marriage.

Love one another! Forgive each other! Unite again and again in Divine Love, then you can radiate something. You yourselves will feel a joy coming into your hearts. From this grateful joy you can then continue this marriage that would otherwise fail.

There are so many couples today who no longer want to enter into the bond of marriage. I look at these with sadness. These are partnerships on trial. Is it possible to try out a marriage? It is sacred. These premarital relationships mean that they are already in grave sin before marriage. That is why, My children, there can be no holy families because there are no examples to show them: that true love is waiting. I love these families.

I was subject to my parents. I have shown you the family as it should be. Happy was I in this family because I practiced obedience. My children, you also practice obedience to your parents, then the parents can look down on you with gratitude, and they will be happy about your birth. They can give thanks that they were allowed to receive you from God's hand, and you will be loved by the Triune God in the end.

Believe that this Divine Love will also radiate into your heart when you learn this love from Our Lady, from your Heavenly Mother. She wants to teach you this love. She is looking at you and she is waiting for you to come to her and include you. The great hardships these families have today are so many disputes that they hardly find love, sacrifice and prayer.

My children, from this Holy Sacrificial Feast which you have celebrated today in all reverence, this Holy Sacrificial Feast has poured streams of grace of love upon you and beyond into the world. Every Holy Sacrificial Feast that is celebrated today will radiate these streams of grace, especially on this day. You will get new strength. Hurry to this Holy Sacrificial Feast and receive the graces that My Mother especially lets flow into you! And now the Heavenly Father, the Triune God, the Heavenly Mother, blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Become strong and love love! But also remain vigilant against evil! Amen.

Praise be to Jesus Christ and Mary forever and ever. Amen.


