Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks through His child Anne after the Holy Tidentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrifice many angels kneeling and adoring the Blessed Sacrament. They were grouped around the altar and around the altar of Mary. They wore golden robes. Everything was brightly lit. The whole chancel glittered in gold.

The Heavenly Father now speaks: I, the Heavenly Father, speak at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument, from whom I have taken all human power. These are my words, which come to bear again and again. Nothing is out of it.

My beloved children, My beloved chosen ones, today I have shown My little ones this great nave, this nave which represents My Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which My Son, Jesus Christ, founded. This ship was also brightly illuminated. In the center, Jesus Christ was visible in full size in divinity and humanity. The apostles could be seen on the sides. They wanted to hold this ship. They were in great need. Around the ship the storms roared and the waves beat high to the edge, so that the water also ran into this ship.

My beloved children, this ship, which represents My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Church founded by My Son Jesus Christ, it will be swept away by a thousand storms. It is rocked back and forth. Waving waves surround it and it should come to a standstill. But I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, will not let My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church go down, even if many storms rage around it. They will want to destroy it, but My Church remains because it has foundation and the foundation is built on a rock and this rock is the representative of My Son on earth, this Holy Father. He also holds this ship. I put the Pius Brotherhood at his side. They are to support him and again take a new course: the new way, which I desire in all my truth. Nothing shall disgrace My Church. The Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is to be adored again. My Son, Jesus Christ, comes to you and wants to dwell in your open hearts.

The storm is the Holy Spirit. He wants to ignite your hearts with His flames of fire. It is the Holy Spirit who will enlighten you and who brings you knowledge. My representative on earth is also enlightened by the Holy Spirit and He gives him the true knowledge.

My church will never perish! You know that, My beloved ones. And that is your trust and hope. This is the foundation! Many storms surround you as well. But I hold you, My beloved children. You are surrounded by the guardian angels. You are surrounded by the dearest Mother of God, your protector in all situations of need. You are surrounded by the Holy Archangel Michael. He too will keep all evil from you. Have no fear, like My apostles on the sea. They were afraid that this ship would sink. My church will never perish, for I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, hold it fast. It will survive all storms and gloriously take the new way, the new way of the glorious church. No one will be allowed to knock them down. It will become ever firmer through your firmness, through your perseverance, through your perseverance and through your patience.

Harret, My children and follow the stony way of following Jesus Christ My Son. There you are well protected, because He carries every cross that you receive on your shoulders. He carries every cross with you. He does not leave you alone, even if you feel at times that it is too difficult for you at this time.

But remember, you are the chosen ones, the small group that I want to lead into this church, into this newly founded church. She is My sanctuary, My church. You will not be able to fathom and understand how great this secret is. Again and again many believers ask: "How is this to be done? This church is at the end. A single chaos surrounds this nave." But believe me, my children, my beloved ones, I look at this wavering ship and I hold it. Do you believe Me this? Will you continue to walk this familiar path with Me? Will you want to survive in all storms? All that matters is that you use your will. The rest I will do for you. I will hold you, protect and guard you from all evil with My angels, with the archangels, with the dearest Mother of God and the patron saint of the Church, St. Joseph. Pray to him quite often as you do after every Holy Mass of Sacrifice. He too is firmly integrated into this Holy Mass of Sacrifice as you are.

And now I want to bless you, love you, protect you, just like the dearest child Jesus does today. In the Trinity you are blessed in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity. Live love, because love is the greatest and love outlasts everything, divine love. Amen.

Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen. Mary dear with the child, give us all Your blessing. Amen.


