Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, March 6, 2009

Heart Jesus Friday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child and tool Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you, My beloved children, today on the Sacred Heart Friday, the Feast of My Son in the Trinity. I speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument, which is in My truth and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved children, beloved chosen ones, today, on this Feast of My Son, come to the heart of Jesus Christ. Come and unite with this heart burning with love. You will find peace there and above all, Divine Love. Through this union you will become strong, for Divine Love shall penetrate deeper into your hearts.

It is the time, My time, has come. Still wait from My little ones, My chosen ones and My beloved ones. You will become strong through these many mockeries and hostilities you are exposed to again and again. I, the Heavenly Father, wish that you do not go to my place of grace Heroldsbach on this 12th, because you would be exposed to many mockeries and hostilities. Also my little one is not so strong that she would be able to cope with these demands.

Pray and atone all night in the house chapel of My priest's son. Atone for these offenses of My bishops who still do not obey My Supreme Shepherd. They want their priests to obey them. And they themselves do not obey the Supreme Shepherd. How can this be reconciled?

The Holy Father, your Supreme Shepherd, becomes strong through these mockeries and hostilities. He will not become weak, because I, the Heavenly Father, have chosen him, my Supreme Shepherd. And you, my children, my chosen ones, obey him only and walk his steps. It is supported by the Pius Brotherhood. I have also chosen them to support this, my chief shepherd. At the moment they too are exposed to a lot of mockery and hostility. They too will survive these tests. It is my will, because through it authenticity comes into play. What is not hostile, is not real either.

Become strong, My beloved ones. I must still demand many sacrifices from you. But again and again you will feel that the Spirit of God is within you. Many insights are waiting for you because you are atoning and fasting. Yes, My beloved ones, you sometimes feel this abandonment. You are not forsaken by the deity. Then hasten under the cross of My Son. He too was abandoned. Everyone has left Him, even His apostles. They did not endure these oil mountain hours.

You, My children, will also be exposed to oil mountain lessons. But you are not abandoned. In your hearts you feel that you are being held. Deep sadness will be felt in you. But you have to experience these hours of the Mount of Olives because only then you take part in the redeeming life of my Son. He had to experience loneliness and abandonment. You will also experience loneliness. You are despised by many, almost by all people, and also left alone on this last stony path. To most people it seems too steep, but it is the mountain after Golgotha. Ascend him! Climbs it steadily one step higher. You will climb it, because you will be supported by your guardian angels and many other angels, especially by your dearest and holiest mother, the Blessed Mother.

Tomorrow you will be able to celebrate your feast, the Cenacle, which is celebrated and known all over the world. It is dedicated to my dearest mother. Also then my dearest mother will give you words of love. Pay close attention to your words, which correspond completely to the truth and are in my mind. I precede you, My beloved, forsaken and lonely people and chosen ones, these steps and you rush after Me.

Full of love I look again and again at your united hearts. Today you have united them with the heart of My Son, yes, they have been merged. Great graces have been bestowed upon you on this feast. Now I bless you in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, dearest Saint Joseph and your dearest Padre Pio, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love! Only love will make you strong. Amen.


