Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 3, 2009


The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today the Nine Choirs of Angels have appeared in different groups and garments. They sang the Kyrie.

The Heavenly Father will say today: I, the Heavenly Father, give you some instructions from heaven today through My willing, humble and obedient child, daughter and instrument Anne. She lies in My will and speaks words from heaven. They will not be changed. Today, on the day of the crucifixion of My Son, I want to greet you, the Heavenly Father. You have celebrated this Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to My will in all reverence. Thank you, My beloved priestly Son, for this Holy Mass, for these words of the homily on the cross-finding of My Son in the Blessed Trinity.

Yes, My beloved children, in modernism this feast is set on September 14th, together with the Exaltation of the Cross. This is not okay. So it is not My desire, the desire of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Today, on this 3rd of May, I have chosen the day to celebrate the Finding of the Cross. This day is very important for you.

The torture of My Cross was suffered by My Son, and this Cross I had found. Why? Because one wants to rob my Son of this great suffering of the cross. One wants to take this great redeemer's death from him through my chief shepherd Robert Zollitsch. How grave is this sin! How grievously he has sinned against the Holy Spirit! If you do not regret this, my beloved shepherd, you will be thrown down into the eternal abyss, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever - forever. You must never see the face of God in His glory, for I will say to you: Get away from Me, I do not know you! You have mocked me, you have ridiculed me.

You, My beloved children, have taken this cross upon yourselves. Time and again you have said "yes" to My Cross, yes to the mystery of My Cross, which was published in a book by My beloved priestly son, the brother of My chosen Mother Bitter. The complete truth is in this scripture. You can read about how important this mystery of My Cross is and how much depth it contains.

Through the cross you will be born anew because I have redeemed you through the suffering of My Son. You are the redeemed, the chosen ones. Do you recognize this precious, this depth? No, you will never fathom and understand them, so precious is His suffering on the cross for you. You would never be allowed to see the glory if He had not redeemed you. Give your suffering of the cross into this sacrificial chalice. You also become precious through the cross you bear. Does not reduce it, neither in height, nor in depth, nor in width, nor in width. It is meant for you, and only you in your personality can carry it, because I want it, because it is I who helps you to carry this cross. Be grateful if you are allowed to carry a cross, then you are included in His suffering on the cross, united with Him, Jesus Christ, with your Heavenly Father, with the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. How precious for you, My beloved chosen ones.

And now I would like to once again recommend these instructions to My beloved priestly son and Father Steiner. You, My beloved son of priest, Father Steiner, have mocked, derided, and hostilely attacked My messenger in the grossest manner and published this. You have dragged My son and sexton Schoenfeld into this mockery. He, too, mocked My messenger, whom I chose, and My priestly son, whom only I could choose, in the crudest manner. How could you do this? Such a great sin weighs very heavily. Understand it, beloved priest's son. If you continue to cling to this offense and do not repent of it, you are not worthy of mine. You lead the youth. You took on a huge responsibility for them, but only because I wanted to, because I chose you to do it.

Do you, My beloved Pius-Brothers, feel how you are now being persecuted, how you are hostile in the whole world? Does it feel itself now? That which you have shouted into the world as untruth through your proclamation, this you must now suffer yourselves. It has come back to you who have treated my messenger chosen by me, so cruelly. She is chosen by me. You have not insulted them, but you have insulted, rejected, opposed and mocked the highest God, God the Father in the Trinity. How could you, My beloved priest son, not recognize this?

You were led into this Pius Brotherhood. You have been introduced deeply into My mystery, into My Holy Sacrificial Feast. You celebrate this holy sacrificial meal in all reverence, in all order. You have taken upon yourselves long years of this suffering of the cross for My Holy Sacrificial Feast. You have been excommunicated. This has now been abolished by My Vicar of Christ on earth. And now, My beloved Pius brothers, support this Holy Father. Stand by him, but do not give in to any temptation, to the temptation of modernism, for you will be criminally tempted. They will try to force you to recognize this Vatican II. No, you mustn't! Some parts are ok, but I wish that this Vatican II is revoked. This is how Satan entered the church. The smoke of Satan poured in and modernism became more and more up to the hand communion, up to the laymen at the altar, up to the popular altar.

Can I, the great God, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, My beloved Son, can He be transformed on these altars, these popular altars, by His beloved sons of priests? Would that be possible? So now I ask all of you, you My priests, who are consecrated to Me, not your bishop, because in the highest authority you have given Me your consecration. If a chief shepherd is not in the truth, you must not follow him. You must not obey it. You have been tempted to be obedient to him and to live in disobedience. Whom must you obey? To me, the highest Godhead, the highest authority, the Triune God, you must give glory to Him and meet Him in the Blessed Sacrifice, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, in adoration. Did not My Son give Himself to you and does not give Himself to Himself again and again so that you adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

Daily you, My beloved ones, worship My Son - daily. You venerate My dearest Mother, our dearest Mother, Queen and Victress and the Immaculate Receive Mother and Queen. You adore them. It is a gift to you. Whoever rejects them, great suffering comes upon him. I have given My Mother to all under the cross. Today, on the day of the Finding of the Cross, I give it to you anew, My dearest Mother, Our dearest Mother in the Trinity. What a great gift for you? You, the Immaculate, the Spotless. She looks to you and you worship her daily in this May month, which is dedicated to her. Every day you will celebrate a May devotion according to the wish of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. I wish it so. You have chosen the time yourself. I will make him known: The May devotion takes place every day at 19.00 o'clock, so that many can include themselves in it - in this holy devotion according to my wish. Abundant streams of grace will flow when you, according to my wish, put this into action. You are all tools. You are all nothing. But through Jesus Christ, through the Heavenly Father, through the Holy Spirit, you are everything. He dwells in you. Around you is holiness. You are constantly connected with the supernature. Can you imagine that? Heaven and earth are within you. You live in the world, but you also live in the supernature and are connected with it. Think about this every day, even again and again. Unite yourselves with holiness, for this is your path of holiness.

My beloved little one, I thank you for having taken upon yourself this great suffering for My priests, for My shepherds, yes, for My representative on earth. You have accepted it and I have stood by your side. Again and again I have gone into your heart and have strengthened you with my dearest mother, who stood by you. I have looked into your heart, We the Trinity, I, the Heavenly Father. I did not leave you alone, not for a moment. Even if you do not feel Me, My little one, when you are in total darkness and dryness, your Heavenly Father is in your heart. I will never leave you. Call Me! This is what I wish, for I do not enter your heart without a call. I pay attention to the help you offer me.

Again and again I wish it from all of you to let holiness, the Trinity, flow into your heart, to ask it to come to you. We wait for your ready hearts, for your open hearts, for your hearts burning with love. You will ignite others, even if you do not feel it. I walk the streets with you. The ways you go, I go with you. You will receive heavenly scents as confirmation from your Heavenly Mother. She will not leave you. You have consecrated yourselves to your Immaculate Heart.

You have also suffered for My chosen people, the people of the Jews, who crucified Me. Even today they do not believe in the Messiah and mock and deride me. But I am risen also for this, my chosen people, who even today do not believe. Unite yourselves with the mystery of My Cross. I am waiting for your willingness and availability.

Beloved chosen ones, beloved little flock, you give me so much joy. Remain in truth and obey everything that the Heavenly Father gives you. Everything is necessary because you know that the time will soon be fulfilled, that My Son and the Heavenly Mother will come as Mother and Queen from victory. Men will see their corrupted souls. They will run screaming through the streets if they do not repent before.

Be vigilant, My beloved, the evil one is waiting for you. But the Holy Archangel Michael watches over you, to whom this house chapel is dedicated. Your dearest mother, will call down all the angels. Pay attention to My wishes and fulfill them exactly. I love you boundlessly. All is truth, my children, and all will come true what I have foretold you. Believe and trust more deeply and have patience, a divine patience. The Heavenly Father will determine the time.

Love one another, for love is the greatest, the love of the cross! Therefore I ask you. Now I bless you with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


