Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and nothing Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Many angels were gathered around the Blessed Mother today.

I would like to congratulate you, dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen on behalf of all on your day, Mother's Day. I thank You that You are my Mother, My Heavenly Mother, and that You replace everything in earthly life, which I will find only in Heavenly Life, and that You show me everything, that You form and love me and finally lead me to the Heavenly Father, to the eternal goal. Amen.

The Heavenly Father speaks today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and nothing Anne. She lies in My will and has made the total surrender. She belongs to Me and speaks only words that come from Me.

I, the Heavenly Father, love you, My beloved and chosen ones. Yesterday My Son, with the Heavenly Mother as United Heart, poured out great graces in the fullness, love and will of the Heavenly Father. These graces were not accepted in any way. This hurt the Heavenly Father, Me in the highest holiness, very much. I have given everything, but I have received nothing in return.

My beloved children, pray, continue to pray, sacrifice and atone for these offenses that are inflicted on Me - not you. Do not think about your vulnerability. Also you, my little one, do not think about your vulnerability today on Mother's Day. Remember that the eternal goal is the most important thing, also for your son.

My beloved children, how gravely I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am hurt. I will send you the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who is the love between Me and My Son. I have given you the Heavenly Mother, as Bride of the Holy Spirit. She may impart everything to you because she is the All-Graciousness Mediator, the Advocate for you and the Coredemptrix of My Son. Even if this dogma has not yet been proclaimed, believe that She means everything to us, the highest holiness, the Immaculate Received, which I have given you out of fatherly love. How much did she give you? How much does she care about your salvation? How many people has she brought to you to save them?

How much she cares for your chief shepherds and priests, that they may turn away from this place of eternal damnation, that they may repent, that they may have the will to repent. Not even they have that. They sin to the highest degree. They are destroying the Church of My Son, beloved children. You are freed from this modernist church. But you have to watch how the Church, the Church of My Son, is destroyed, how the Antichrist appears and how maliciously he proceeds. Turn away from all wickedness. Forgive, love, be gentle and kind to those who despise me. Look at the reality. Keep atoning, because I want to save these souls from eternal ruin. They are not only standing at the abyss, but it is only a small step and they will sink into the eternal abyss, if they do not finally turn to me, to the heavenly Father, and initiate conversion through the Holy Sacrament of Penance.

I have given it to men out of great love through My Son. This He has used also for you, for all, so that you may be redeemed. You are redeemed men and you have knowledge. Serious sin separates from true knowledge. Pray that many more people will get this realization, that they will want to get out of sin, that they will convert, that they will finally give up this modernism, that they will give everything to Me, the Heavenly Father, and that they will not depend on the praise and honor of men, but will want to experience the abandonment of My Son on the Mount of Olives. They are members of the Body of Jesus Christ, My Son, and will have to experience much suffering in following My Son. They are pushed out by the modernist church. This is antichristian in the way they behave. They expel My most pious priests from My Son's own church. They confess the satanic powers and do what is given to them from there. They are separated from faith, from truth, and they continue to destroy my church.

How should I not have to intervene, My beloved ones, even if you are still praying that I should not let My events come. But it is not possible. How much We suffer for this church. Satan has come in and he destroys. He destroys the people, the church and the whole world.

You are separated from this modernism. Thank you! Thank all of you for not having to be there! You too would have fallen for modernism. You too would do what the Antichrist demands of you. I saved you. I have chosen you and taken you out. Therefore you are the chosen and called. Always remember that! Not you have called and chosen yourselves, but I, the Heavenly Father, the Godhead!

Therefore pray and atone for the many apostate chief shepherds who no longer lead their priests in the truth. Who do not follow them as they should, but lead their own life in the world. They are addicted to the world, that is, to modernism, to enjoy the world to the fullest, no longer want to be priests, no longer want to be called, but see a calling in it. Where do they worship God, the divinity? where is My Holy Sacrificial Feast, where My Son wants to transform Himself in their hands but cannot because they do not celebrate it, because they reject it, because they are turned towards the people at the grinding table, at the altar of the people? Why do they not recognize the truth? How often have I communicated the truth to them through my messenger, yes, sent it. The messages are in their hands, but they do not turn back.

How hard it is for Me, the Heavenly Father, to have to look at this. It seems hopeless for you, My beloved ones, but I am the Regent, the King of the Church of My Son in the Trinity. It will rise again in all its glory and splendor. You will not be able to believe it. But the lost and confused men will cry out for this church, which does not exist for them because they have been led astray, especially by my chief shepherds. They have the task to lead My priests back to My truth. However, they continue to slander this My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which My Son celebrates only on the sacrificial altars through His priest sons, who give glory to Him and not to the people.

I love you, My beloved ones Hold out! Keep on sacrificing and atoning for the many sacrileges, and be there for Our consolation! You are Our beloved ones of heaven. Suffer the cross! Do not take it off or throw it away, but place yourselves under the cross of My Son. There is also My mother who stands by you and who will turn all the tears you will weep into joy. She suffers with you and is in your hearts. She will never leave you, for she is your Heavenly Mother. This Heavenly Mother will always suffer for you, will always be concerned for you, she will always ask for your comfort, the comfort of the angels, and she will finally ask Me, the Heavenly Father, to alleviate this suffering.

And so I bless you now in an increased measure in Divine Love and in Divine Strength, with your Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints of heaven, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love! Allow the love to flow into your hearts so that you can pass this last phase.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


