Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels were present around the altar of sacrifice and the tabernacle and worshipped kneeling. Many angels also hovered around the altar of Mary.

The Heavenly Father now says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this Sunday through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. My beloved flock, My chosen ones, yesterday I presented to you this Institute of Christ King and High Priest through My beloved daughter Ruth. You could not fathom until now why this My daughter Ruth has contacted you so often by telephone and by letter. It was not understandable to you that since My beloved Pius Brotherhood of Pius is more and more distancing itself from Me, the Heavenly Father, and is proving disobedience to Me, I, as Heavenly Father, have turned to this Institute Christ King and High Priest. This My Institute is presented to you as something very great. What I could actually demand of all My priests, this, My Institute, will fulfill completely in My Spirit and in the Holy Spirit.

What My priesthood is to mean is carried out in this Institute in the highest degree of reverence in the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son. This institute embodies everything that meets my wishes. Once I expected it from My Pius Brotherhood.

I have chosen and appointed this Institute because My priests repeatedly disobey Me. Again and again they insult me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity, to the highest degree. More and more sacrileges are committed at these grinding tables. They do not obey Me and do not observe this My Holy Sacrificial Feast. It could have already spread throughout the world if they had shown obedience to me. They have not done it, neither My chief shepherds and nor My chief shepherd. They all disregarded this My Holy Sacrificial Feast and did not put it in the foreground.

Only in this holy sacrificial banquet am I active in My priests. They themselves give themselves as victims into this my sacrificial chalice. They connect with me like bride and bridegroom. They are no longer themselves, but they embody My Son Jesus Christ completely. You are an altera Christ, that is, a 'New Christ'. They no longer live themselves, but they are so closely connected with Christ that they are completely Christ.

This is hardly understandable for you, My beloved children. If the highest holiness is no longer lived in these priests, you can no longer draw from this source of My sacrificial meal. There is hardly a priest left who wants to walk the path of sanctity. This also means that he celebrates My sacrificial banquet in all love and reverence and gives himself completely to Me. It is not he who lives in himself and is pacified in himself, but Christ lives and works in him. From this holiness, My beloved ones, you shall be able to profit. But you cannot.

That is why I have chosen this institute. They live My Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence and love. Nothing else is in their thoughts but to offer Me this sacrificial banquet and to unite themselves with My Son Jesus Christ.

My Son offers Himself anew in every holy sacrificial meal and additionally in these sons of priests. If they do not celebrate this sacrificial banquet in all reverence and in the inner deepening of their hearts, the streams of grace will not pass over to you in full. In the holiness of My sons of priests one can learn to recognize and love My Holy Sacrificial Feast. It is a holy sacrificial banquet in which you are to participate. But all My priests have not understood that they should put themselves into this sacrificial cup, that they no longer live themselves, but My Son Jesus Christ lives in them. Daily they draw from this spring, and the whole day shall be filled with holiness, because they live in the world, but are no longer of the world. This means that they do not do anything disrespectful and that this, too, can no longer pass over to you. The more holy these sons of priests are, the more holiness flows upon you, the more you can walk this path of holiness and draw from this holy sacrificial meal.

Your day too, My beloved, My chosen ones, shall be filled with this holy sacrificial meal. Let nothing else exist in you but the desire to serve Me and to look upon these sons of priests.

Contact this Institute by letter so that they know that in this place and in this sacred space My Holy Sacrificial Feast is always celebrated and that there is a small group of people who are ready to walk and live the path of atonement and the path of holiness so that they may be supported and that there is also something in the world that is pious and loving and kind and strong and courageous: a small group that walks this path of holiness.

My beloved small and chosen band, it goes to the last endpoint of this phase. My Son will appear quite soon with His and also your Heavenly Mother. Before that, your Heavenly Mother and also My Mother still wants to bring many souls to Me to save them through your atonement and through your sacrifices. Continue to sacrifice and pray for the priests so that they can walk this path of holiness. From this the New Church will then arise. A wonderful and glorious church that will have holy priests who will celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast again and again. You can thus draw from this sacrificial meal, from this source that will never run dry, that flows constantly.

So I want to bless you in holiness, love, joy and gratitude. Be loved, protected and sent in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. Live love and be vigilant, for the wicked man walks around like a roaring lion! Amen.


