Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, of course, many angels were present and kneeling and worshipping the precious blood.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on the Feast of the Precious Blood of My Son through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She speaks only My words and is in My will.

My beloved ones, My little flock, today you have reverently celebrated the feast of the Precious Blood of My Son. It was not self-evident to you that these 'Roman garments' were sent yesterday. It was a hint from heaven. You have recognized this sign. The parament is beautifully made according to my will. And the vestments, my beloved priestly son, you will wear to My glory, for you attract the 'New Christ'. Remember that you are a sacrificial priest as it is no longer possible today with these priests of modernism. It is not for nothing that they did not want to celebrate this festival any more. Why, My beloved ones? They do not want to be sacrificial priests. You, My son of priests, put yourself daily into the chalice of sacrifice, because your Jesus Christ is also waiting for your total surrender in this sacrament of the altar, the Holy Eucharist. Only in the Tridentine Rite, My beloved ones, the sacrificial banquet of My Son is celebrated in all reverence.

Do you realize now that this meal fellowship and this sacrificial meal of My Son, the Holy Sacrificial Feast, do not mean the same thing and cannot be celebrated both by the priests? Many priests did not recognize this. They celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son in the Tridentine Rite and at the same time they celebrate the Communion of Meals. This is not in my mind and my truth.

Recognize it, My beloved sons of priests, that you must again be sacrificial priests, that you give yourselves on this altar of sacrifice, where My Son offers Himself to Me, the Heavenly Father, completely for you, for many who want to accept these graces - not for all. And this word 'many' is exchanged with the word 'all'. That alone is deception for you. These words 'for many' were used by My Son Himself. These are the words of introduction, and they must not be falsified. But they have been falsified. My Supreme Shepherd has not yet applied these unadulterated words of consecration.

Also My representative on earth has proclaimed this Holy Sacrificial Feast as Motu Proprio. But he did not proclaim it in his infallibility. Therefore, it is not possible that it was accepted in the whole world. Only then it can become effective in the whole world, if it is proclaimed ex cathedra. Prudently, My children, I had to distinguish the previous address from today's Message because today this Holy Sacrificial Feast was celebrated in all reverence and today I want to explain to you this separation of flesh and blood.

The priest transforms separately the Body of My Son and the Blood of My Son. The festival cannot be combined with the Corpus Christi festival as it is celebrated in modernism. This blood of My Son may only be drunk by My sacrificial priests - My sacrificial priests. Only to them is it granted by my son.

You, My children, receive the Holy Body. In the Holy Body you also receive the Blood of My Son at the same time. Only the sacrifice of a priest's son is far greater than your sacrifices. They are consecrated to Me and they celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son. In their hands My Son Jesus Christ is transformed - in their consecrated hands. They shall remain faithful to this consecration until death. That is why this festival of precious blood was celebrated separately today.

You have known it, My children, fully because I have given you wisdom. Everything is gift, everything is providence of God and providence of your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Consider this daily, especially in this last stage before the coming of My Son Jesus Christ with His Heavenly Mother.

Remain in deep reverence for this holy sacrament. Bend your knees, because it is the greatest thing you receive daily. If there are no more sacrificial priests, even this precious blood will not be able to flow over you in all its fullness. I have only had this Holy Sacrificial Feast itself instituted by My Son - this Holy and Most Holy Sacrificial Feast. He Himself, My Son, sacrifices Himself to Me, the Heavenly Father, on the altar bloody in My priests. Wine does not remain wine, but it becomes the precious blood of My Son. The bread does not remain bread, but it is separated to become the body of My Son.

My beloved children, I have given you this most precious good today I have made it known to you and I have been allowed to explain it to you, or rather, I have enlightened you about this special feast. Over you today the precious blood has flowed in abundance. You need this precious blood of My Son. (Anne cries.) My children, you cannot fathom the preciousness of this blood. It is too precious what happens on My sacrificial altar, the sacrificial altar of My Son. You were allowed to attend this sacrifice and celebrate this feast today, you, the chosen ones, and my small flock, the small flock that is left. The precious Blood of My Son will also flow over these in all fullness.

Thank you, My children, for having given this feast to My Son today, for wanting to celebrate it worthily, and for remaining in all reverence, for loving this Blessed Sacrament and wanting to grasp it ever more deeply. I will lead you deeper if you wish, My beloved ones. I stay with you all days and will not leave you alone in the last times. Call upon all heaven and remain faithful to heaven, you, my beloved ones. The Heavenly Father in the Trinity now blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love, for love is the most precious thing and will never pass away! Amen.


