Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and Anne.


During the Holy Sacrificial Feast flocks of angels came in. They grouped themselves around the tabernacle and worshipped kneeling. The Blessed Mother as the Immaculate Receptionist was brightly lit and little stars glittered on her mantle. St. Joseph, St. Padre Pio and St. Michael the Archangel were also brightly illuminated. He could again keep evil from us.

The Heavenly Father speaks: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved children, beloved little flock, beloved chosen ones, I, the Heavenly Father, have again today made streams of graces flow for you through My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which My holy Priestly Son has offered Me according to My plan and will. Yes, many streams of grace flow through this holy sacrificial meal. You have received the heavenly bread, the manna, My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion Union. You yourselves have received him with flesh and blood. These are great graces, My beloved little flock, which you receive every day and are given as gifts. They are great gifts for you, which you cannot understand, they are so great.

Today the love of God has again poured into your hearts: the love, the truth and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit. My Heavenly Mother has asked the Holy Spirit for these streams of grace because She is the Bride of the Holy Spirit and wants to let the streams of grace flow into you again and again.

Remain faithful to all heaven, My beloved ones! You are chosen and you stand in my will, the will of the heavenly Father. You cannot go wrong if you continue to follow My steps and celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son again and again in all reverence. The streams of grace that flow into you will flow far beyond, especially in this Holy Night of Atonement.

In this sacred space you will celebrate the night of atonement today. At the same time, you are connected with all those who pray and sacrifice this atoning night in Heroldsbach: You too are atoning, My children in Heroldsbach. I would like to greet and bless you especially. For My little one I have allowed an atonement for the salvation of the priests. Therefore the group cannot participate in the atonement night in Heroldsbach.

It is thought up by the Heavenly Father, by Me, beloved little flock, that this room will be sanctified so much that tonight streams of graces will flow over streams of graces. They are to reach many priests who are not in the grace of God and have not yet realized that this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast contains the truth and brings the knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

The Trinity draws into your hearts and dwells in your prepared hearts. The Heavenly Mother has put this Heavenly Garment on you, because She asks for you to receive these streams of grace in all their fullness. Be vigilant, My beloved ones! The evil goes around. As you know, many are not in the truth. But My Heavenly Mother still prays for the many priests, the cardinals, bishops and above all for our Holy Father. May he change again these things which are not in the truth. What I, the Heavenly Father, have told him is true.

Beloved Holy Father, I have chosen and called you, not you have chosen yourself. I myself was present at the Conclave. You are My Holy Father and I want you to take back what is not compatible with the Catholic faith.

You, My beloved believers, continue to pray, sacrifice and atone. Heaven dwells in you and does not leave you. The victims are the heaviest. But your mother preceded you this Way of the Cross, and the Way of the Cross of My Son she went with you. Therefore she will be chosen as Coredemptrix. The time is not yet ripe, but it will come, My children. Hold out!

Your dearest mother is waiting for the atonement tonight, because she also wants to give this deep love into your heart. She wants to give herself as the Heavenly Mother. Beg her! She comes into your heart and lets these streams of grace continue to flow. She asks all angels and saints to stand by you in this difficult time of the last phase of the coming of My Son Jesus Christ and His Heavenly Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory.

Do not develop fears, as I have told you so often. Fend off everything, because the Holy Archangel Michael is with you. Nor does He leave you alone, and your Heavenly Mother watches over you. She is your Heavenly Mother. Consider this in everything. She has the greatest power as Mother of Heaven. Continue to move in the supernatural and do not allow human fears. The supernatural will strengthen you. When you move in the spheres of heaven, you are safe from the evil enemy. He cannot harm you then. He wants to dissuade you, but it is not possible, My children. My Heavenly Mother, your Heavenly Mother, always remains vigilant and caring for you. She loves you and she lives constantly in your hearts. This Divine Love also wants to give it within you, so that you may experience the Divine Strength in this last time and not develop fears.

My beloved children, My chosen ones, My little flock, this is what I want to call you again and again. Be faithful to us! Loyalty is important! You know that, My children. In faithfulness, the Heavenly Father will give you this gratitude in your hearts again and again. Let gratitude and joy come into your heart, then you will not develop fears.

I love you boundlessly, My beloved little flock. All those who took part in this holy sacrificial banquet in the distance today at this time have also received these streams of grace. This is my promise to you, beloved children, who are following this path. You will continue to receive the Holy Body and the Holy Blood of My Son. This will strengthen you, for it is a Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you will celebrate in the distance to fulfill the plan of the Heavenly Father. How you would like to participate in this Tridentine Sacrificial Feast in your parishes. But it is prevented by the chief shepherds. But you are not abandoned and lonely. No, the Heavenly Father is with you in the Trinity. You will never be abandoned. Even if you think your powers are diminishing and your powerlessness is there, Divine powers will strengthen you and continue to guide and guide you on this sacrificial path.

And now bless you, My beloved children and chosen ones, the Heavenly Father with all the angels and saints in the Trinity with the dearest heavenly Mother, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! Live love! Be vigilant! Become strong and courageous, for I am with you always! Amen.


