Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Nine Choirs of Angels entered during the Sanctus and worshipped kneeling. The Mother of God with the crown was brightly illuminated in gold and silver. Her face was radiant. The rosary was white today. The robe is white and the coat blue with silver stars. Saint Joseph, her bridegroom, was brightly illuminated. Saint Padre Pio and the Holy Curé of Ars appeared. The holy archangel Michael has again struck his sword in all directions to stop the evil from us again.

The Heavenly Father speaks today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble child and instrument Anne. She lies entirely in my will and speaks only words that come from me and that I give her. She repeats them.

My beloved little one, first of all I want to thank you today for your greatest suffering, what you should have endured yesterday, what My wish was and what I allowed your face to burn like fire that you could hardly endure But I have given you the grace that you could sacrifice it again and again. Today, on this day, I have taken it from you and tomorrow you will continue to bear it. If you say 'Yes Father', I will allow it again, because yesterday you saved many priests who did not want to believe. I give you thanks that you again and again sacrifice your sufferings to Me, the Heavenly Father, and give Me so much joy with it, because, little one, you have to endure most sufferings. No messenger and no messenger has these sufferings like you. You know, My little one, it is for the Church, for the Church of My Son, the Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which is in utter destruction. You help to console My Son because He will rebuild His Church in holiness and the most beautiful glory.

My beloved priest son, I also want to thank you for this Holy Mass of Sacrifice. Practice humility and let yourself be humiliated too. It is meant for your holy way. You must be able to sacrifice much, for you are the servant of all as a priest. Lay down on the altar of My Son as a sacrificial lamb also and give yourself to Him in total surrender, accepting your suffering, your cross, as the Heavenly Father desires. Do not covet My Son and priestly son, for this cross is meant for you alone, not for anyone else. Do not shorten or diminish this cross. I, the Heavenly Father, watch over you and want to give you again many graces that you have not received so far.

My children, My believers, who in following My Son continue on this arduous path, you have all received many talents, all of you. Not only My messenger has been given a great task, but everyone. You have received great talents, and once you have to account for these talents, whether you have increased or decreased them, whether you have used them for good or for evil. Both are possible, My believers, My beloved children and the chosen ones. Increases the talents. You get the graces. Your tasks will grow in love and maturity.

My little one, thank you again and again for your talent, for your many tasks I have given you as Heavenly Father. It is something very big that you have to shout out into the world through the internet. You will never be able to grasp this great task. But thank Me, the Heavenly Father, that I give them to you again and again despite your weaknesses, despite your inadequacies and imperfections.

I also thank you, My priestly son, that you continue to take on this task of being the spiritual guide of My little ones. You too will never grasp what a great task this involves and what a great gift it is to accompany a gifted one of Myself on the path to holiness. You are responsible for her, for her soul. Consider this in every confession.

You, My beloved little flock, each of you has received special talents, special gifts. I also want to thank you all for using them for good. Each of you wants to make the best of it. Each one of you serves and has a great humility in you. This humility, my beloved ones, you shall continue to practice, - also the humiliations. They are necessary for you. Do not become proud, because it is only a small step from humility to pride. How quickly you can rise above the others, if you succeed in many things by the power of God, not by yourself. Never become proud, but always say, "It was conceived this way by My Heavenly Father. He has given me the strength. It was not me who did this. I am a small grain of dust, - nothing more, and I serve the great God, the Father in the Trinity." Love one another and overlook your weaknesses. All of you are not perfect. Accept each other in love. I ask you to do this.

My beloved ones, you want to have a good place in heaven and I will prepare it for you. For this you live on earth. Be like the publican as described in the gospel. He has taken the last place for himself. He did not want to take the first place like the Pharisees. They have risen above all and praised themselves and put themselves in the center, yes, they have said, we fast, we pray, we give the 10th part of our fortune.

No, that's not enough, my children. It is by far not enough. Much prayer, sacrifice and atonement is required for you to be like the publican and to take the last place. Remain in humility. Be small and practice the humiliations. Accept them as your Heavenly Father allows and as He has appointed for you on your path of holiness. Do not desire, but obey me, the heavenly Father, more and more. My Son preceded you on this difficult journey to Calvary, to the top of Golgotha, to the cross. He took the cross upon himself. He has been ridiculed. The crown of thorns has been pressed on his head. He was the most innocent man, the deity. And that is how one dealt with Him. He was kicked, punched in the face, scourged. He was so badly beaten that there was not a spot on him who was not beaten, who was not hurt. He has endured the flagellation. Every human being would have died in this severe flagellation. But the Godhead has raised up my Son again, because he was to continue this way until the crucifixion. He was to bear the crucifixion for the sins of all people. He was to bear this abandonment by Me, the Heavenly Father. What a great cross He has carried before you. Can you ever measure it? No, My children. But stand under the cross and meditate on the cross of the Savior, My Son Jesus Christ, My only beloved Son, who had to bear so much pain as an innocent, as Godhead and mankind. Through this He has redeemed you all. Anyone could take this path of sanctity if they wanted to.

How hard it is for your Saviour to see these Bishops who still in total disobedience are destroying this Only Church of My Son, who obey the Freemasons and who do not turn away from heresy and from this confusion in this time.

Beloved bishops, wake up at last! You are very close to the abyss. Do you want to fall forever into the abyss? My Son implores you anew in every holy sacrificial meal: Turn back! I, the Savior, I Jesus Christ, am waiting for you, for a penitent confession. I will forgive you. The dearest Jesus Christ forgives and embraces you in this Holy Sacrament which is ready for you out of love for My Son. Turn back for love, not for duty.

The time is near when My Son will appear in the sky with His dearest Mother. The soul show will precede. But will you repent, My beloved bishops and priests? Will you repent, My beloved Holy Father and successor of My beloved Peter? Will you regret what I have told you to repent? Will you take it back, My beloved priestly son and Supreme Shepherd? Take back this Vatican II. This has only caused mischief in the whole world. It has destroyed My Church. Beloved Holy Father, turn back! Turn back at last and show that you are the successor of Peter and have been appointed and chosen by Me. I give you the authority and have given it to you, the keys. Is it not enough that I watch over you, beloved priest, beloved Holy Father? Can I, as Almighty, as Almighty God, not hold my hand over you and prepare this way for you, that you may repent, that you may renounce evil, that you may be freed from the freemasons? Can I not, your loving Father in heaven? Am I no longer your beloved father, who has made everything possible for you, gift over gift? I have showered you. Of course, humiliations and heavy sacrifices are also part of it for you, for no salvation is without the cross.

I love you all, My beloved cardinals, bishops and priests, My beloved Supreme Shepherd. I want to save you, save from falling into eternal damnation. Listen to My words that My little one speaks through Me. Not she herself chooses these words, but she repeats them, the I speak. She is humiliated to the highest degree. She has to endure the most suffering. Look at her. She never grew up. Again and again she practices humiliation and says 'Yes father'. How many sufferings she has already endured in great patience and love. She will also continue to bear the sufferings for you, especially if you want to repent. She begs for your repentance. She endures everything only for your repentance. She prays for you and loves her enemies. She will never reject you, - on the contrary. It is there to save your souls.

And now the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with your dearest Mother, the Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, with Saint Joseph, with Saint Padre Pio, the Holy Curé of Ars, the Holy Archangel Michael, who shall continue to keep all evil from you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven! Become strong, courageous and powerful, for Divine Strength wants to enter into your hearts and continue to give you this comfort and strength. Amen.


