Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through his instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today again the altar of Mary was brightly lit and St. Joseph, St. Padre Pio and especially the Child Jesus sent rays to us.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, this Sunday, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in my will and speaks only words that come from me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved and chosen ones, My beloved little flock, today, this Sunday, you have heard a special Gospel. It says that you should love your neighbor as yourself. What does that mean for you: Charity to the highest degree. Does this mean that you may use financial means for it as donations for your work? No, My children. All graces you get for free. For free you have received, for free you shall pass on.

You, My beloved little flock, do the will of the Father completely, without accepting a donation, without taking financial means. Only for the glory of God do you perform these works. This is the right way, - My way.

I would like to inform you that most priests today are addicted to Mammon. And why, My beloved little flock? Because they do not do it for the glory of God, because they let everything pay for itself. They accept donations and are happy about it. What do they forget? Me, the highest God in the Trinity. They love themselves and mammon. They are completely addicted to it and forget that they should celebrate a Holy Sacrificial Feast every day, as worthy holy priests. Do they, My children? No. They hold meal fellowship and give credit to ecumenism and Protestantism. They are not in the truth and they enrich themselves with this money.

They are very well taken care of by their diocese. In addition, they take large donations for themselves. This also means that they promise the world that they will accept all the pleasures that the world offers. They are thereby addicted to evil. Mammon is easy prey for you, My beloved priests. The evil one enters your hearts very quickly. Your hearts are already prepared for the evil one. And you fall completely under his spell.

Remember again that I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, have chosen you and sent you? Are you still walking this path, this path of the True, Only, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Are you going this way? No, not at all. You hold nothing high and holy. Untruth enters into you, lies, mammon, discord. "The whole world is at your feet," says the evil one in you. "Claim everything, enjoy everything, do everything."

Sin, My beloved priests, is there still sin for you? Are you still in chastity? No, not that either. You have become unclean. And this unclean spirit lives and works in you. He has done evil in you and continues to seduce you. Alcohol - everything is possible for you, because mammon offers you everything. Is that why there are still holy priests? No. These holy priests are immediately deposed by your dioceses. They will be expelled. They are ridiculed and mocked. Is this in truth and right and good, My beloved shepherds? Do you have the right to repudiate your pious priests and put yourself in the first place of power, and in addition to that, to give credit to mammon - to alcohol? And much more is possible for you. You fall completely into evil. The evil one rules you.

How many messages have I already sent you, My beloved shepherds. And do you turn back? No. Full of longing, My heart, My pierced heart, waits for your hearts. My precious blood I have shed for you, and you do not turn back. How much bitterness is in My heart and the heart of My mother. The Trinity wants to conquer you back. She begs you: Turn back, for the wicked one will drag you down to hell, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth without end! Never will you then have the possibility to see heaven open and enter into eternal bliss. I have chosen you to be allowed to see the bliss once, but you speak only to the evil one. You obey the Masonic powers completely.

Do you not feel that holiness is present only at these holy sacrificial altars? Can My Sacrifice ever be celebrated at a grinding table? Is this possible, My sons of priests? Is that possible? Can My Son Jesus Christ still be transformed in your hands, who commit these grave sacrileges and who are willing to let My Body be distributed by the laity? You bring the laity into My presbytery. How heavy this sin weighs in you and how difficult it is for you to want to repent, because the evil one is taking more and more possession of you.

My sons of priests, how much My mother suffers from these sacrileges. How much and how often she asks Me that you may repent. You are not grasping the straw in this last final phase, no. You mock and deny my messengers whom I send to you, who can only proclaim my truths, who lie in my truth and completely obey me. Nothing is made of them. They are controlled only by good and never by evil as long as they proclaim the truth. I protect them. And especially My Most Holy Mother and all the angels and saints will surround them.

Believe in these truths at last. It is shortly before twelve. My event will come and you will be thrown down into the eternal abyss. Don't you even think that I died for you, that I took the heaviest cross upon Me, I, the Son of God in the Trinity? Have you not considered this in this last phase where I am constantly calling you? Where I feel longing for your souls, - very great longing. And you will not return to the One, Holy, True, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I wait for you full of longing in the Trinity.

And so now the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with His dearest Mother, with all the angels and saints, blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Hold out and live love, for love is the greatest! Amen.


