Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Decapitation of St. John the Baptist.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, legions of angels were gathered around the altar, around the tabernacle and around the altar of Mary. On the side of the altar of the Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist also appeared next to Padre Pio in a very bright light.

The Heavenly Father speaks today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me. She continues to practice humility.

My beloved little flock, My chosen ones who are in the following of My Son Jesus Christ I, the Heavenly Father, want to prepare you today more deeply for the event of My Son who is at the door. Therefore, it is necessary that you receive this manifestation.

My beloved little flock, Saint John was the forerunner of My Son Jesus Christ. In the womb of Saint Elizabeth he has already greeted My Son. Yes, he jumped for joy because he had such great reverence for the Blessed Mother, who had given her fiat and said yes to the Son of God. That was his oversized joy.

Therefore, My children, never call My Mother of God Mary, but Mother of God. Once she was Mary, but she did not remain Mary, she was chosen as the Mother of God and she said fiat to her. That is very important, My children. Therefore she goes ahead of you all in her virtues. You are her children of Mary, who benefit from her. It shapes you. She may make all things known to you, also on this feast of My Holy John. He is also your forerunner in the announcement of the great event.

My beloved ones, as you know, this feast and this great event are before you today. Yes, it is a feast when My Son Jesus Christ will appear with His Mother, the Mother of Heaven. It is a feast for you, my beloved ones, because as you know, you have the greatest protection. You also receive the greatest graces and must also make the greatest sacrifices. Be ready for it!

Also you, my little one, make this great sacrifice again today, which you can hardly bear. I wish it from you. This says that you get the greatest graces. You will also experience this great event.

What great grace you have received to proclaim the full truth and to make My truths known to all the priests to make them repent because they are in great sin. You give them another chance through the words you receive and speak from the Holy Spirit.

You yourself practice humility. You know that you are only My little tool and nothing else. You are also willing to make the greatest sacrifices, and you do not care when others mock and slander you. You are not developing fears, My daughter. And why not? Because the heavenly Father protects you from it, - not because of you, but because my message is to penetrate to the ends of the earth. These are My will and My plan and you, My beloved daughter, are fulfilling it completely. You I have chosen and chosen for this. Nobody will be able to take over this task, since you have been prepared for many years.

You, My beloved little flock, do not develop any fears either. You too are completely protected. You are under the protection of the Triune God. Can anything ever happen to you then that is not in the will of the Heavenly Father? No.

As you know, the biggest fight happens in Wigratzbad. But the victory of my heavenly mother is certain for you. She is the victor in all the battles of God. It will be and it will appear there. Right now My Son is very intensely purifying His Church. That is why He must reveal to many priests their great sacrileges and sins. It is necessary, My beloved sons of priests.

I watch over the place of prayer of My beloved Mother. It is not the Freemasons who will gain victory there, but I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with His dearest Mother. Nothing will happen there that is not predicted and predestined.

Beloved sons of priests, believe in the Trinity of God, who wants to give you the greatest protection in this place of prayer, in this special place of prayer. You would also be freed from all fears, but not if you obeyed the Masonic powers, and even if you were obedient. To whom must you obey most? The Heavenly Father in the Trinity. He will guide and guide you and no one else. He wants to win back your souls. He wants to dwell in you and He wants to guide, guide and direct you. And your dearest Mother, the Heavenly Mother, wants to form you. She wants to take you under her protective cloak. What great graces are poured out upon you when you are ready for repentance, - the greatest graces. Take this saint as your model today. As a great saint he wants to work in you. Call him! He is ready to help you. He has been the voice of the crying in the desert and he will be in your souls today.

Believe in it, My little flock! Pray and atone! Be ready for the coming! St. John has announced it to you today. He calls you all together. He is also the one who is setting the big event today. He may, because he was the first to greet me already in the womb. Let these joys be given to you, for the Trinity loves you immeasurably in your hearts.

Your Heavenly Father loves you. I come into your hearts and take possession of them and delight in your ready hearts. And so now, in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bless you with His dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, especially with His Holy John. Amen. Be loved from eternity and be protected. Amen.


