Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, September 14, 2009

Feast cross elevation.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Göttingen through His child and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, great crowds of angels came and kneeling down to worship the holy of holies. They were also gathered around the cross above the tabernacle and leaned down to it. The Blessed Mother was in the shining light and pointed with her right hand to the cross of Jesus Christ. Many saints joined us and held the cross in their raised hands to show us.

Now the Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble child and daughter Anne. She lies in my will and speaks only words which come from me and which lie in truth.

My beloved children, My chosen ones, My beloved flock, when I am lifted up, I will draw all to Me. This is also a motto for you, my children. I will lead you to the cross, to the cross of My Son. There is salvation there and all the power you need flows from there. It flows out of the Holy Wounds of My Son. I myself, as Heavenly Father, have sacrificed My Son for you on the cross, - for your sins, for your grave sins. How much today My Son is disgraced and insulted to the utmost. How few humans still pay attention to the cross and testify the truth that they love the cross. The most important thing for you is to do everything in love. And love leads you to the cross.

Look at My Son, what great love He had for you that He gave His life for you. He wanted to suffer everything. He longed for the cross. He has shown you how to walk this Way of the Cross in life, and He shows you again and again.

You too will go this way of the cross in your life. It is important for you, because through love you will learn to love the cross. If Divine Love does not go deeper into your heart, you will not be able to embrace the cross. To embrace means to accept it with love. Let this love grow deeper into your hearts. You will receive many graces. Again and again and again you receive the greatest graces through My Holy Sacrificial Feast, - the Sacrificial Feast of My Son. There you scoop. There is your source, - your center. There the sacrifice of the cross is renewed. From there you receive My Son Jesus Christ with divinity and humanity. He desires that He can enter into your hearts. And He wants to find open hearts, - hearts full of love, which become the love sacrifice, which become the love flame and which consume themselves.

Do you know what this means, My beloved ones, to learn to love the Cross more and more, to surrender more and more and to be daily united to the supernature in love, not in indifference? You shall not only see duty in life, but you shall do all work out of love and see in every work the supernature. Talk to My Son. Talk to Him daily about your work. You are to be connected with Him again and again and tell Him everything and keep nothing in your heart for yourselves. You think you have to master many things with your strength and do the work out of habit and do not think that it is My Son who gives you this strength and lets this love flow in you deeper and deeper until it gives itself - this love flame. Our Lady teaches you love.

Tomorrow you will celebrate the feast, - your feast of the Seven Pains. Also your soul will be pierced with a sword, the sword of love. If you carry your cross in love, you gladly take the pain and sacrifices upon yourselves, - out of love. In sacrifice there shall be love. Not only that you say "Yes Father," but "Yes Father, it is out of love that I bear this cross. If your love does not grow deeper, that you let these streams of grace enter deeper into your hearts, you will not survive the coming time. The coming time demands great crosses from you, - but out of love. And this love makes you able to bear everything, - everything that I desire from you. I can demand the greatest sacrifices from you and you then do this out of love and fulfill my wishes out of love. You cannot imagine now what this means, but I wish it from you that this love for the cross be planted deeper into your hearts.

You are there to save souls. Your word must be so convincing, - above all your life must bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ - My Son. Nothing must upset you. Talk often about My inspirations and messages. They are meant for you. Not only that you read them once, but daily you shall recognize my love in these writings. Everything that is written there in these messages lets My love grow deeper in your hearts, lets it mature deeper and lets it become a great flower - a love flower.

Tell everything to My Son in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. He is waiting for you to share your whole life with Him and to tell Him everything in very simple words. In childlike trust you should come to Him, - like a little child who goes there trustingly and says everything that is on his heart. All that is hidden there shall be revealed, and My Son receives you with His love. He thanks you for this trust.

Especially today I want to let this love flow deeper into you because you are celebrating the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. I will draw you deeper and stronger to Me in love. Love is the greatest. In love you can endure anything. There is nothing that you could not bear, because love will be so great that you long for the cross, because so far your love will grow. This I desire from you, because you are my chosen ones, my witnesses. You shall bear witness to the Triune God. Words will flow out of you, for the Holy Spirit will give you everything. Not by your power will you speak, but in the Spirit of God will all things flow out of your mouth. You don't need to think about anything. Everything will be as heaven desires.

And now I want to bless, love and send you, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, with My dearest Mother, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! Live love! Love is the greatest! Amen.


