Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks in His omnipotence after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again flocks of angels dressed in white and gold were gathered around the tabernacle, the cross and the altar of Mary. The Mother of God was bathed in golden light. Your coat was covered with shimmering gold and the diamonds sparkled in your crown. Many rays emanated from your heart in gold and silver.

The Heavenly Father now says: My beloved children, My chosen ones, My beloved sons of priests, I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.

My beloved children, My beloved little flock, My beloved sons of priests, I, the Heavenly Father, have made it known to you today that you should not put yourselves in the first place, not take the first place, but the last. Only if you take this last place in humility, then you are saved and can walk all the way up to the mountain Golgotha in the heaviness, in the sickness, in the hardships. If you don't follow everything, you will not have full protection.

Many believers say: I do everything. I pray so much. I go to Holy Mass so often - of course they mean the meal fellowship. I obey everything and do not commit grave sin, therefore I do not need to confess, because I do not kill anyone and I do not steal, and with that I live a life pleasing to God. No, my beloved believers, that is not enough to be allowed to experience the eternal wedding feast once and to be able to take first place at this wedding table in the heavenly kingdom. When I then lift you up, then I say to you: Take this first place, for you have earned it on earth. You have proved to Me that you were humble and took My way, the way to Golgotha, in love and humility.

My beloved sons of priests, become an example for your communities, then you can take the right path, - the path of truth.

My beloved priest's son, you have today celebrated the Holy Trentine Sacrificial Feast in full reverence. I beg you to look carefully at your clothes. I wish from you that you carry everything in the Ehrfrucht. The cassock is my priest's dress. I wish you to wear the most beautiful dress on this, My day and the most beautiful pants. Also the suit should be the best. Yes, it is important, My beloved priestly son, that you show Me: "It is the day of the Lord. It's Sunday." A Sunday is something special, on which incense is also required and the blessing mantle to give the sacramental blessing with it. It is the very day of the Lord, Sunday. He must stand out from the sacrificial meal of the working day. And you, my children, put on the Sunday robe. You prove to me by wanting to celebrate this day, Sunday, especially. Your dearest Heavenly Father sees everything. Everything is in my will. This is not present in your wishes.

My beloved priest son, five years ago, before you received My messages from heaven, did you not also walk the general path? Didn't you wear the Oratorian collar like everyone else? Have you not shown me even a small cross on your lapel, - nothing more? You would still be no further today if you had not received these messages. You would still celebrate this meal fellowship with the other priests today. You would still stand at the people's altar today and would serve the people and not me, - your Supreme Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Even today you would still not obey the Heavenly Father, because step by step I have prepared you to be able to walk this path. I didn't take everything from you right away. I have prepared you. From top to bottom I have clothed you, - I, the heavenly Father.

I have shown you how to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass With a tabernacle, the cross on it and the adoring angels, with canon tables, with three candles on the right and on the left each with especially beautiful candlesticks in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, a burse with the corporal, the chalice velum, chalice cloth and the palla and the missal velum, all in the liturgical color with the antipendium and the corresponding tip, around the altar. No flowers belong on this altar as it is common for the grinding tables today.

Even you, My beloved priest son, would swim in the great stream today. Thank the Heavenly Father daily at this Holy Sacrificial Feast that you no longer perform it, that you have recognized through My messages what the love of God contains and how His Holy Sacrificial Feast, the Sacrificial Feast of Jesus Christ, is celebrated in all reverence according to the desire of the Triune God. Would you have put on today My Vestment that I desire, - My Roman liturgical vestment? No, you celebrated the meal fellowship in a coat casel. Was that right? Did you have a lavabo cloth at hand and a lavabo pot? Did you wash your hands? No, you have forgotten all this in your catacomb. This was not according to my wishes.

But now you can cheer. You have received all the sacred things that distinguish My highest reverence, because I chose you. You, My priestly son, shall be an example for the others. You are no longer in modernism. All this should be forgotten with you. You should only look forward, not back. What you did before was all modernism, - nothing else. And you would do the same today. Be grateful!

The other priests who can and want to follow you should read from you what a Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass means. They are to be transferred into the supernatural through your sermons, when you will once hold them in the churches. For as I wish it, so it will happen. You will never stay here like locked up. Here only the practice is done. One day you will celebrate in My Churches the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite. Do you believe, My children, that you always remain separated?

In these churches the evil one has come today. Yes, My son can no longer be present in the Tabernacle. Believe it, beloved priests! How can you celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast to the people? Who do you serve then? - The people. You obey your bishops, but do you not ask yourselves if this is the truth? Is Vatican II in truth? Have you not taken this right for yourselves? Is ecclesiastical law really divine law or is it human law that you can change as you wish? Can My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity still be present in your churches which are in Protestantism? Can he give himself to Me on these altars? No, it is not possible at these grinding tables, which resemble Protestantism.

You, My beloved believers, whom I also want to address today, why do you follow these priests? You, too, are once asked whether you were looking for the truth or whether you simply followed these priests without asking yourself, "Is this still truth? Does the Supreme Shepherd still lie in truth when he himself celebrates the modernist meal? Can he then proclaim ex cathedra in truth? No, My children. It is not possible that he once proclaims My Holy Sacrificial Feast, that everyone may celebrate it and at the same time cultivates modernism himself? Why, My children, you say, "The Holy Father does it too, so I may do it too. Are you separated from the truth or do you not ask yourselves what you, the individual man, whom I have created, are to do? I would like to enlighten you today, so that you can get the knowledge. If you continue to participate in these modernist mealtimes, the truth cannot be in you.

What clothes do priests wear today? Did they once also have these clothes put on at their consecration? No, they got the wedding dress put on. These priest clothes, which should still be today, are no longer available. That is why I must guide My priestly son here precisely and give the most accurate information so that you can read from him.

My small group is nothing. She can do nothing from herself. I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, have enlightened them precisely about My truth, and they obey My truth.

You, My priests, say, "This little one lies in untruth" without checking whether she really lies in untruth. "No, this is from evil," you say. "You must not believe in this. You must tear up these messages." Would My little one, according to her desire, proclaim the messages and at the same time obey the evil one? Would she proclaim that you are to cultivate confession again, that you are to suspend the Blessed Sacrament again and kneel before the Blessed Sacrament? The Holy Sacrificial Supper that she proclaims, the Seven Sacraments that she brings to you again, the Rosary, the priests in priestly clothing, is all this from evil? From the beginning I have announced this to my little one so that it will be scattered into the world. But you, My priests, have not recognized it until today and have not obeyed it. More and more deeply you let yourselves be guided by evil. Just look at the center, at Me, the Triune God, at My Son in the tabernacle, who could still be present today if you would allow this Holy Sacrificial Feast. No, you forbid it! And you, My chief shepherds, command the priests not to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast! Can this be right? Can this be in the truth? And you, My sons of priests, follow these chief shepherds. You obey them and demand of your believers that they follow you, you who do not proclaim the truth and do not live it. They cannot follow you.

This Church can no longer be My Church, My Catholic Church. It has become one of many and never the only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which you teach, My Superiors, Cardinals and Priests and also My Holy Father. Become a role model again. Especially in this year, which My Supreme Shepherd has proclaimed, the Year of the Priest. If you do not go to my sacrificial banquet, you will never be able to proclaim my truth. You will continue to swim in the current and sink down into the eternal abyss, - deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper. And I cry for your souls, - as I have done for a long time through my messenger Anne.

How many messages have been sent to you, My beloved bishops Have you ever read them? Didn't you just throw them into the trash? "This is none of our business," you said. "We do not need to obey them, they are false prophets, false seers, self-appointed seers. Have you checked the messages? Have you once spoken with these messengers? Have you convinced yourselves that they are really self-proclaimed seers? No, you wanted to keep your power, and you wanted to keep it even today, after these enlightening messages.

You always say: "We have the Bible, everything is written in it. Is it in the Bible if you do not wear the priest's clothes? Can you then only orient yourselves according to the Bible? Does it say in the Bible what you are to do today, that you are to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast at the people's altar? You have committed so many serious sacrileges. And these sacrileges are not recorded in the Bible: that you live in the world, that you pursue these pleasures, that you speak of mammon, - yes, even homosexuality. It has come so far that you also invite these people into my church. Everything may be in my church. Everyone can come to My meal. Everyone can receive My Son, whether he lies in sin or not, - that remains the same.

How gravely have you sinned. Turn back! Your Heavenly Father in the Trinity calls you again today to ask yourselves: "What have I done wrong after receiving my ordination as a priest? Do I still follow the same thing today? Do I still serve the Triune God today? Do I still place him in my center today? Am I still today the priestly model, the holy priest for my parish? Ask yourselves this, each one of you individually, and you will recognize that there is nothing left of what you once promised at your consecration. My Son Jesus Christ wants to teach you everything and shows you everything in My messages. Why don't you take them?

You my priest son, do not look back. For many years you have cultivated modernism. Today everything is different with you. Look with gratitude and joy at this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to the will of the Triune God, in all reverence with all sacred things up to incense, with sacramental blessing, with the Rosary, everything is desired by Me. This is not present in modernism.

And so I wish that all My priests take you as an example. Remain in humility. You do not become proud when you wear your priest's robe. If you put on your best robe, My robe as a priest, you can never become proud, but humbly show it in the city. During your walks people become aware of what it means to meet a priest. Do they not look at you with awe? Do they look at you as a person or as a priest? No, they look at your garment, for with this garment I clothe all My priests.

The outward appearance of My priests radiates the soul. And they are to carry this into the world, then there are again reverential, loving and spiritualized, holy priests who lie in mysticism, who live mysticism. I wish that from all of you. Thus I, the Heavenly Father, bless you all with My Heavenly Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in truth, in faithfulness and live love! Amen.


