Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Feast of the maternity of Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar by Her child and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of the Virgin Mary was especially illuminated today in dazzling colors. From the heart of the Child Jesus came golden, red and silver rays. The Heavenly Father and Saint Joseph were dipped in gold.

The Mother of God will speak: I, your dearest mother, your Mother of God, speak today through My willing, humble and obedient child and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats words from heaven.

Today, on the Feast of My Motherhood, beloved children, I would like to welcome you. That you are allowed to be here is a particularly great grace, which I may pour out on you. Through My Fiat, My beloved ones, through My Yes I have accepted the motherhood of My Son. Through the Holy Spirit this love and this power was given into My heart so that I could say yes to the reception of My Son completely. I have become the Mother of Jesus Christ and through this the Mother of God, but also your Mother, My beloved ones. Jesus Christ did not want His Mother for Himself alone, but for all mankind. He has provided Me with the Immaculate Heart. I was conceived immaculate.

Yes, My children, I have sought My Son three days and found Him in the temple. This was the first little farewell from Him. With seven pains My heart was pierced. I could say yes to this, for I was surrounded with Divine Power. The Divine Love was oversized in My heart from the beginning. Yes, it was filled with Divine Love and Divine Grace. And this fullness of grace I want to pour out on you today.

Mary's motherhood is celebrated today as a feast, My beloved ones, - My motherhood. Today you can call on me especially because I want to be your dearest mother, who wants to help you in all your needs, who will never leave you alone and who dwells in your hearts. With My Son Jesus Christ I am completely united with His heart through motherhood. His heart and My heart were merged into one heart in love. And so it shall be with you too, my beloved ones. On this great feast your hearts will also be merged with our hearts because I am your Mother and also the Mother of the whole Church.

Yes, it is hard for you, My beloved ones, to understand that I am always allowed to be with My Son - completely. He said, "I cannot be without my mother." And therefore I am always with Him. The trinity remains. That is why I am also the Mother of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This can only be understood in Divine Wisdom.

Love, My children, love always remains the greatest for you and also for Me. I have accompanied my Jesus for 33 years. I was allowed to educate him. I was also allowed to experience with Him the joys and the sufferings. Yes, I was also prepared for the Way of the Cross. My Son Jesus Christ died for all mankind. And I had to suffer much during the Way of the Cross of My Son. I had to watch how the crown of thorns was pressed on His head. I had to experience the severity of the flagellation inwardly. Above all, I had to watch the crucifixion. My Son Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross because they did not want to recognize Him as King of Heaven, as the Son of God. He was mocked and slandered. How it hurt my mother's heart. I have therefore become the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces and Advocate.

And you, My beloved ones, take part in My motherhood because you are My beloved children of Mary. I may always be your mother and I may always accompany you. If it is difficult for you, you know that I am about to call down the angels for you: your guardian angels and especially the Holy Archangel Michael. He may also accompany you and keep all evil from you.

Have courage, My beloved children You have to suffer a lot. I also look into your hearts and know as Heavenly Mother what it looks like in them. I suffer the pain again as a mother. Therefore also the maternity of Mary. My motherhood holds many sufferings but also many joys, My children, because you have received again and again this power from heaven to persevere, to get up again, to continue the Way of the Cross, to climb up higher and higher on Calvary to the top of Mount Golgotha. Do you believe, My children, that you must go this way alone? Is not also motherhood there for the fact that I go with you, that I profess myself also as a mother to be allowed to accompany you on this difficult way?

Love, My children, is the greatest! Out of love My Son died for all, - out of exceedingly great love. This love is immeasurably great and will never be understood by a human being. Be thankful that you have this great gift of faith, that you are allowed to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast daily in full reverence - this great Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ. How many graces may I impart to you as mediator of all graces. I was also allowed to pour them out over you today. And it was a great joy for me to be there for you on this my feast of Mary's motherhood.

Give thanks to all heaven that this feast falls on the day of the Lord. Yes, it is a special day, this Sunday. Sunday is and remains the day of the Lord. Six days you shall work, on the seventh day you shall rest and serve the Lord Jesus Christ in the Trinity, pray and never lose hope. He gives you this hope again and again. Faith and trust should grow deeper in your hearts, - in love and in faithfulness.

Remain faithful to all heaven, My beloved ones, My beloved little flock. I also mean all those who follow the way of My Son, the way to Golgotha in His succession. I would also like to thank all of you on this Day of the Lord that you want to continue on this path, that you do not give up, that you want to fight courageously, because you all know that you have been in the greatest struggle for a long time. The Holy Archangel Michael, your patron of this house chapel, will argue with you. Look at him and get from him the strength he would like to give you. He always looks and watches over you, so that evil cannot harm you. He loves you. Your guardian angels are with you and many other angels were present today as a large flock. Cherubim and seraphim have thanked Me, the Heavenly Mother, for this fiat of motherhood. Through My Fiat, Jesus Christ could become man through the Holy Spirit.

My bridegroom, My dearest Joseph, always remained pure, just as he had promised from the beginning. In this purity he has loved me, and I have loved him as my bridegroom. He cradled the baby Jesus in his arms. I as a mother watched and loved to look into his eyes, into his loving eyes, as he carried the baby Jesus in his arms. St. Joseph also experienced many joys with the Child Jesus and with Me, the mother of the Child Jesus. That is why the little Jesus today has emitted these rays of grace. They were rays of love, rays of suffering and rays of joy.

Your beloved mommy loves you very much today on Motherhood Day. Yes, very often I have repeated this word 'motherhood'. I have explained to you why motherhood is so important. It is also important for you, so that you can turn again and again to the Blessed Mother, to the Blessed Mother, that I am there for you, that I am not distant. Yes, Marian devotion must be revived and revitalized. That's why today is this festival. He who does not love Me does not love My Son either. He says this again and again himself.

I am loved by you, My children, My children of Mary. My thanks for this. Remain in love, remain in faithfulness and remain in the Divine Power. I stand by your side and will not tire of sending down the angels for your protection. And now I bless you, your dearest Mama, on the day of Mary's motherhood, with all the angels and saints, especially with My Holy Joseph, in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved! Remain in love, for love is the greatest! It will outlast everything.


