Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Feast of Christ the King.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Very large hosts of angels are drawn into this sacred space during the Holy Sacrificial Feast. There were also the cherubim and seraphim. The choirs of angels sang the Sanctus, others the Gloria and still others the Kyrie.

The Blessed Mother had appeared in a light blue mantle, which was covered with many golden stars. Sparkling rays came from the father image, which was brightly illuminated. The Holy Curé of Ars appeared. Padre Pio was brightly illuminated. The holy archangel Michael has swung his sword again in all four directions. From the heart of the Child Jesus came golden, silver and red rays. The altar of Mary was dipped in gold and the sacrificial altar was brightly lit. Around the tabernacle the angels grouped themselves during the transformation and worshipped kneeling.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is in My Will, fulfilling My plan and repeating only words I speak. She lies in the truth.

My beloved children, today you celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, the feast of the King of all rulers and hosts, the King of heaven and earth, the ruler of the whole universe and the powers of the firmament.

Yes, this king was worshipped, and people scattered palm trees to Him, i.e. He was greatly honored. Not a long time had passed when, instead of giving Him the honor, they placed a crown of thorns on the head of the king and ruler of the whole world, a reed in his hand and thus mocked and despised Him.

In this short time, My children: First the rejoicing and then the contempt and mockery. Can you understand that? My dearest Son of God, who lies in omnipotence, who is omniscient and omnipotent, was mocked. He is the king, the king of kings! At the condemnation Pilate asked Him: "Are You the King of the Jews? And Jesus answered, "Yes, I am a king, but My kingdom is not of this world. If it were of this world, My servants would come and free Me from the fetters, but My kingdom is not of this world. This is what My Son said before He went the difficult way of the cross.

Yes, He really is the King. And as this king they do not honor Him in this world because they do not believe in His kingdom, because they want to have the kingdom here on earth, because they seek the pleasures and give it to the world and do not believe in the supernatural, - in My Son, the king and ruler of the whole universe. He is and remains the king, but not the king who wants to stand as ruler over all, but in humility who wants to serve all.

Why, My children, did he go this difficult way of the cross to Golgotha? Why? Because He wanted to redeem you all. As a king, as the Son of God, He has walked this path. Can you ever explain this to yourselves? Can you ever taste that in your hearts? You cannot do it and you certainly cannot fathom it, because this presupposes the greatest love, - the love of enemies. He did not bear grudges against His enemies, - no, He wanted to redeem them all. For all people he died and went this way of the cross.

I, the Heavenly Father, have allowed this. I have sacrificed My only Son for you all. This is My love, the Father love in the Trinity and the love of the Heavenly Mother. Didn't she also go along with your son's Way of the Cross? Didn't she suffer the greatest pain in her heart for you human beings as innocent, as Immaculate Receivers? Also My son was innocent. He was mocked, ridiculed, scourged, crowned and crucified as the Son of God, who never had a sin, who only wanted to raise the greatest love for you, my children, to redeem you all. What a love! Taste this love in your hearts, for He has done it for each of you. He has redeemed all, but unfortunately many have not accepted these graces of redemption. Not that He loved them any less, - no, He loved them all equally. He would have gone to the cross even for one, out of pure love for you, my beloved children.

How much He had to suffer! He had to endure these greatest torments and mockeries because the Heavenly Father sacrificed Him. He had to watch when His Son was crucified, - His only Son, - the Son of God. His Heavenly Mother, whom He gave to you as Mother under the Cross, went along with this suffering. Is she not worthy to be chosen as Coredemptrix?

My beloved chief shepherds, isn't this something really great, this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you have prevented so far? Why do you prevent it? Are you aware that the greatest streams of grace flow out of this Holy Sacrificial Feast and are renewed daily and over and over again? Can you actually understand for yourselves why you really prevent it? Must not all heaven be sad about you? Doesn't he have reason to? My beloved shepherds, it is you who prevent this, because from one day to the next the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast could spread all over the world and this would happen very quickly.

Have you not understood why I, the Heavenly Father, had to take My Son out of the tabernacles of modernism on April 27, 2008? Have you not yet understood this? As God the Father, can I not take out My Son who has been inflicted with the worst sacrileges? Can I not protect and preserve Him from this because He is so despised and so disgraced in His Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? It is the only Church that My Son has founded - for you to receive these graces of the sacraments. Blood and water have flowed from His side and out of it the Church has arisen, - the true Church.

All is truth what I proclaim, My beloved ones. You cannot refute it. It remains a great mystery. Is not My Son also present in the Tabernacle when this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated? Is this not also the great mystery in which you should believe - you, My priests, chief shepherds, and also cardinals? This is what your Catholic faith consists of, that Jesus Christ is present with Godhead and humanity in His Blessed Sacrament. Does He not give you the greatest gifts daily, and you reject them because you do not want to believe? It is about the truth, my chief shepherds, - about the whole truth! You cannot turn the truth around. It remains truth!

How many messengers I have sent to you all so that you may learn a little to understand the greatness and love of My Son. How many messages did you receive. Did you read them with your heart? Then you cannot say that this is untruth. It is My full truth. And My little one, My daughter, who has become My instrument because I wanted it and she has given her yes, is convinced of it - of this truth and nothing can dissuade her from it. She always says: "It is the full truth! I am convinced of it!" She cannot understand that others cannot believe this. The messages are so simple and so informatively accurate that nothing is missing to make you not believe.

Do you no longer believe in My Son Jesus Christ? Do you no longer believe in the Trinity? The faith in My Son Jesus Christ and in the Trinity is the Catholic faith. And one wants to dilute, even destroy this Catholic faith, one wants to mix it with other religions. Would that be possible, My chief shepherds? Would it also be possible that this modernist meal could be impregnated with the Sacrificial Feast of My Son, the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast? Can the real fruit come out of it? There is only one holy sacrificial meal. There is no meal fellowship with My Son.

How often have I enlightened you about Protestantism. In Protestantism one does not believe that Jesus Christ is present. They have no tabernacle at all. They have no sacraments at all. They have no ordained priests. And all this, my beloved chief shepherds, do you want to lump it all together, - this most precious thing? Stand by your faith and the truth at last! The truth contains the love of God, the greatest love, which you could always get as a gift if you would believe.

How many streams of graces have flowed today from this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast, which was reverently celebrated in this house chapel by My chosen priest son, over this city and far beyond, over many places, because these graces are immeasurably great. And how many graces could flow in other places? These are prevented. Doesn't the sky have to be sad there? Must not your Heavenly Father be sad at all of you who reject this great mystery? You have studied theology, but not the truth of the heart. Faith, my children, does not only happen in the heart, in the mind. When the mind explains everything to you, it does not mean that you believe. In the heart, in your heart, faith takes place. There the light develops. And the light is the truth. My son says: "I am the way, the truth and the life. Whoever receives Me receives Me completely with flesh and blood, with divinity and humanity. This is the true faith. Therefore you shall fight. That is why you are fighting. Therefore you bear witness to your faith. Do not let up, courageously continue to argue, to fight and not give up.

Love, My children, My chosen ones, I have taught you in the last message. Yes, love, it should go deeper into your hearts, grow and mature deeper, because then the Holy Spirit works in you, then you can speak words that do not come out of you, because love has filled your hearts. Divine love is decisive for everything.

My beloved ones, My chosen ones, My small flock that is left and that wants to persevere, that wants to go the difficult way to Golgotha, that has decided for this way and all those who are still on the way, who still want to decide and can turn back, I want to bless now with My Heavenly Mother and her Bridegroom, Saint Joseph, the Holy Angels and all the other Saints in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love! Be vigilant, for the wicked man is walking about and in the final battle he wants to devour everything that is to be devoured. You, My children, are protected. Do not be afraid and do not develop unnecessary fears! I am with you in your hearts and will not leave you. Amen.


