Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar through His instrument and child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice many angels moved into the sacred space and hovered in a circle above the tabernacle. Around the Child Jesus, the Mother of God and Saint Joseph there were also many angels. The Holy Spirit floated from the altar through the whole room.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble child and instrument Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Today we write January 17th, 2010, it is the second Sunday after the apparition of the Lord and the Gospel was about the first miracle of My Son Jesus Christ, the miracle at the wedding of Cana.

My beloved children, My beloved little band, My parents and My believers, today My Son Jesus Christ worked the first miracle: He turned water into wine at the wedding of Cana.

My beloved children and believers, does not My Son Jesus Christ transform wine into His blood in every sacrificial meal? Is this not something special, a great miracle in the great mystery of Jesus Christ? Why do you, my believers, lost through my shepherds, still not believe in this great miracle? It no longer happens in these Protestant churches. They have been made Protestant by being afflicted with many sacrileges as shepherds at My sacrificial altar. How many sacrileges you are still committing today, My shepherds, and do not stop. My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church lies in total destruction, yes, it is already destroyed as you can all see. Why do you not go out of these churches, out of these Protestant churches? One celebrates the meal fellowship and not My Holy Sacrificial Feast.

Again and again, My beloved believers, I call your attention to this. I would like to start again with you. I would like to inform you of everything that is happening there in these churches that you are still going into. I would like to warn you of the coming events that will take place in these churches.

Yes, My beloved parents, today I want to continue to enlighten you, your Heavenly Father, about your special parenthood. Almost all of them, My beloved parents, almost all of your children are going the wrong way. You continue to invite them into your homes and eat with them at the same table. Did not My Son also sit at the table with sinners? Yes, but did not these sinners already repent? Yes, they are reversed. Do your children, with whom you sit down at the table, also turn back? No, My beloved parents. They continue to commit these serious sins and do not stop. And you, my beloved parents, are confronted with grave sin. Is this right, My parents, My beloved flock? Why don't you think about what you are doing? You allow sin into your homes. How can you still pray? How can you then still pray inwardly and reach the most intimate union with Me in the Trinity? You are busy with the sin of your children and want to abolish it. You always want to educate your children anew so that they stop committing this grave sin. Have you not felt, My beloved parents, that they do not want to stop?

Give them into My hands, - give them away! They have been a gift to you, but then, when they want to move out of your house and lead a life of their own, hand them over to me so that I can educate them and I may place them in the hands of my dearest mother so that she may form them. If you do not give them away, my beloved parents, I am not allowed to educate them because I take your free will into consideration. Hand them over to me, so that something may come out of them, so that they also once go out of this grave sin! I have the greatest possibilities. Where there are no more possibilities for you, I begin only with my possibilities of Almighty God. In my omniscience I know what I can do, and I will do it when you give it away. Do not continue to hold them in these grave sins! You still think you're doing the right thing by keeping the door open for them at home with you. You hold your doors open for grave sin and let it in, and you do not realize it. They are empty conversations, My beloved parents, which you are leading and never deeply religiously leading to Me, to your Heavenly Father, who guides and guides you, who loves you - boundlessly and does not want to tempt you to sin and also not that you are confronted with sin.

I love you, My beloved ones and I am waiting for you to surrender your love to Me, then it will be another life for you, a deep and intimate union with Me, because you have made this sacrifice. This is what I desire from you, My beloved ones, and nothing else.

And now I want to bless, love, protect you today on this Sunday with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, in the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! Remain faithful to heaven and hold out in this difficult time! Amen.


