Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, January 25, 2010

Feast of the conversion of Saint Paul.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, many angels moved into the sacred space and grouped themselves around the altar of sacrifice and the priest. A white dove was present during the sermon. The Blessed Mother looked at the Child Jesus and both of them shone in a bright golden light. Angels were grouped around the crib and the altar of Mary. They worshipped the baby Jesus.

The Heavenly Father speaks today on the day of Paul's conversion on January 25, 2010: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, at this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me. Her own will she has transferred to Me.

My beloved faithful, My beloved sons of priests, who are also sons of priests of My beloved Heavenly Mother, for She is the Mother of the Church and also the Mother of priests.

Beloved sons of priests, why do you continue to err? Today's Pauli experience, the conversion of this Saul to Paul, had to happen because they had become stubborn and arrogant like this Saul. I, the ruler of the whole universe and also of the entire clergy, have had mercy on him. I have shown this Saul that I am the ruler of the whole world, that I am also above him, that I wanted to convert him by a miracle when he took up persecution against me. At the moment of conversion he became blind. I let him fall down because he persecuted me in my beloved believers to bind them. I let this miracle happen.

My beloved faithful, My beloved chief shepherds and priests, what is the situation today? Do you not persecute me also today in my messengers and messengeresses? Was I not allowed to call them for you, for your conversion? Are you also not strayed from the true, only, Catholic and Apostolic faith? Why do you, My sons of priests, say: "I have sworn allegiance to My bishops at My ordination. To whom did you actually make this vow? To me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity, through the bishops. Are they not fallible too? Can they not also commit great sacrileges? Are they not flawed and imperfect human beings? They live in a sect. They have led their priests astray. And they bear the great responsibility for this. How can I obey a bishop who misleads me as a priest? This is not possible for a deeply believing holy priestly son who has walked the path of holiness, My beloved chief shepherds and priests.

Who do you really believe, My sons of priests? Do you not feel that you are completely surrounded by Masonic powers? Do you really believe these powers? Do you not believe that I, the Heavenly Father, am above them? Have I not omnipotence and am I not omnipotence and omniscience? Do I not know My priestly sons inside and out? have I not the right to save them from the abyss and address them personally, as I did you, My beloved priestly son, yesterday in that telephone conversation?

Will I not save you from the abyss, from these wickedness? Have you not sworn allegiance to Me, My beloved priestly son, you who have strayed? Have you become aware of this fidelity? Do you follow all those who live in a false doctrine and want to confuse you? Do you still believe them then? Why do you unite with this district superior who does not obey the bishops and does not obey his bishop? In the same wording you said that you obeyed your bishop and swore allegiance. And then you devote yourself to a priest's son who does not obey the bishops? You are contradicting yourself, My beloved priest son. You don't know what you are saying anymore. The lie has entered into you, not obedience and not my love, which I would like to have poured into you further. No! You succumb to a false doctrine and follow it. You too pursue My messenger. It is also you who belong to those who pursue me.

Must I first let a renewed Pauline experience come so that My sons of priests may show Me the faith, the entire Catholic and Apostolic faith? Is he completely lost, - also for you? You deceive My believers. And you too, my sons of priests, deceive the faithful. You do not speak the truth to them. You do not enlighten the believers as it would be your task. No! You stray from them and despise and mock my messengers whom I have sent to announce the truth to you.

You, My messenger, will scatter My truths throughout the world. It will shout it out because it is convinced of my truth and because I have chosen it. It will not be able to proclaim the truth in its inability, but I myself in it proclaim my truth through my Internet, which I have chosen for it.

People will believe, My beloved shepherds, even if you prevent it. I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, will enlighten them about everything, how you have led them astray and how deeply you yourselves are in unbelief. You have become antichrists. You no longer profess the Catholic faith. You cannot, because you are separated from me by modernism and Vatican II. You have willingly separated from me.

My Pius-Brotherhood has separated from the Chief Shepherds and the Supreme Shepherd after their founder, because they have realized that the most precious is My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite. They want to live that and that is why they accepted the excommunication, - also my district superior, also he. But what does he announce at the moment? The Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pope John XXIII of 1962. Is that correct? No, My beloved ones. The founder of the Pius Fraternity celebrated and established the Holy Sacrificial Feast after Pope Pius V. Nobody was allowed to change it and yet it has been changed. These were unbelief and confusion.

Do you still believe in this Ecumenical II. Vaticanum? Do you really believe in it? Are you still being deceived? Am I not your Chief Shepherd, the High Priest, who guides all My shepherds, chief shepherds, and supreme shepherds? Is it not I who am above them in the full truth? Am I not the way, the truth and the life? Whoever believes in me will be saved. And whoever daily receives Me, My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity, in the Holy Sacrificial Meal, receives the bread of life and has eternal life.

Why do you not look at the priests who live holy and do everything for Me, - for Me, the Heavenly Father. They take all the sacrifices upon themselves as My beloved priestly son in Göttingen has accepted this ban on confession, which was unjustly imposed upon him. He willingly accepted it in humility and obedience to me, - not to the bishops. They imposed it, and in Rome it was not taken back. I have ordered My priest's son to Rome so that they should learn the truth from him there. But also in the Vatican the evil one has come.

Do you suspend these priests and chief shepherds who are acting against Me in a very serious way with sacrileges? Are they suspended from My Holy Sacrificial Feast? No! They are My persecutors and may remain in office. Is that right, My beloved ones? Do I need to enlighten you more? In truth, must I tell you more than this? Why do you still not believe Me, the heavenly Father? That is why I must order and choose still more messengers who announce my truth and who are not afraid, like my little messenger from Göttingen. I have taken away human fear from her, because I live in her and I suffer in her. Why do I suffer in her, My beloved ones? Because I have to experience this suffering again today and have to watch it again. For this I have chosen my little one so that I can suffer in her, so that she also willingly accepts these sufferings and feels that I am the only ruler also over her soul, which she willingly gives to me because she has transferred her will to me and has gladly handed it over to me. I live in it and I work in it, as the Divine Omnipotence wants and desires it. And so I bless you now, My beloved ones, My believers and also My erring priests, in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


