Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feast of Saint Blasius.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Blasius Blessing through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again I saw large crowds of angels during the rosary prayer. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice there were even more. The baby Jesus was brightly illuminated. It was no longer in the manger, because yesterday was the last day of the Christmas season. We sang many Christmas carols in farewell to the Child Jesus and the Child Jesus thanked us today for giving Him this honor and joy. The Mother of God and the picture with the Heavenly Father were full of rays and light and bathed in gold. St. Joseph, St. Padre Pio, St. Michael the Archangel were bathed in bright light and above all the Little King of Love sent us bright rays of grace.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today on the Feast of St. Blasius, February 3, 2010, My beloved and chosen children, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies in My will.

Beloved children, beloved believers, beloved chosen ones, today, on this day, I also want to speak to you, because it is a great feast of Saint Blasius. In these Protestant churches this festival is no longer celebrated. They united the candle consecration on 2 February with the Blasius blessing. This is not possible, My beloved children! This is not possible! For only with the red stole do I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, give this blessing in My priest - this special blessing. You, My beloved ones, who from near and far shut yourselves in this Holy Sacrificial Feast in Göttingen at 10:00 a.m., have also received this blessing of blasphemy from My beloved priest son. You will receive the same streams of grace daily when you finally leave these modernist churches. I wish it so!

As you know, the Protestant meal is celebrated there. It is a meal community that takes place there, never a sacrificial meal. And this holy sacrificial banquet I wish from all priests who belong to me. They are My sons of priests and the sons of priests of My beloved Mother, who is the Mother of the Church.

My beloved Peter and Pius Brothers, again I would like to address you today as My Heavenly Mother did yesterday. Why do you reject all mysticism? Do you also not believe in this Saint Blasius? He was a great mystic. All mystics, including the earlier mystics in traditionalism, were persecuted and hostile by the Catholic Church. Is this right, My beloved sons of priests, My beloved Pius brothers and Peter brothers? Is this right, what you also believe you have to do? No! It's not right.

The greatest mysticism happens in the Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you celebrate daily. And then you want to reject all the saints, the then and now messengers and messengers whom I have chosen so that the Truth finally comes to light and that it is spread far and wide through My Internet?

How many priests still celebrate this Protestant meal today and additionally My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Is this right, My beloved sons of priests? Can you combine both? No! You can't. When you celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast, the Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity, you cannot at the same time also affirm the meal fellowship. This is wrong what you are doing! It is a wrong way. You are confused, My beloved sons of priests.

Can you then say: "I must obey My Supreme Shepherd, My Bishop, I have sworn allegiance to him and I may not deviate from this pledge of allegiance of My consecration"? No, My beloved sons of priests, you cannot say that. These bishops do not even obey the Supreme Shepherd, the Holy Father. They went against My Supreme Shepherd with 10 points and destroyed this Motu Proprio. Yeah, they destroyed it.

My Supreme Shepherd, the Holy Father, the Successor of Peter, alone has received this key power. He alone can proclaim ex cathedra. He alone can teach His priests and His bishops in truth. He is the head, instituted by My Son Jesus Christ.

Again and again I inform My Holy Father, the Supreme Shepherd, that he should at last proclaim this dogma of the Coredemptrix, Advocate and all Mediator of Grace. When can you do this, My beloved Supreme Shepherd? When you go out of modernism. Do you not celebrate the Protestant meal yourself even today? Are you not the one who should be the greatest model for the universal Church, the only, holy, catholic and apostolic Church? Will you still be faithful to this vow today? No! You are not. You are no longer faithful to me. I want to take you back because I love you unspeakably and I continue to inform you about the true Catholic faith. You cannot listen to your bishops. You are the Supreme Shepherd and you alone are responsible for the universal church, - no one else. Why do you still not proclaim ex cathedra? Why do you not perceive it? Why do you not take back Vatican II, which is ecumenism? You must make it ineffective.

Things cannot go on as they are all over the world. You, My bishops, ask yourselves: "Why is the apostasy so strong? Because one no longer announces my truth. Because you no longer believe in Me, Jesus Christ in the Trinity in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Because you continue to reject mysticism completely. What are you doing today with My messengers and messengeresses? You slander them. You take away their honor, their good reputation. You despise them. Can you order commissions when you are not in the truth yourself? These commissions are invalid. First you must live my truth.

What does the priesthood mean, My beloved ones? Does it mean to have meal fellowship or does it mean to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast in its entirety? What does every pious and spiritually deeply inwardly prepared priest do? What does he do? He gives himself to Me, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, and offers himself to Me on the altar of sacrifice. He himself unites with me. He Himself embodies My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity. He no longer lives himself, but Jesus Christ lives in him. A union takes place. He marries with me. What a great gift, this holy sacrificial banquet! Do you still believe, My sons of priests, that this can be compared to a meal fellowship? It will never be possible to unite this!

And what does My Holy Father, My Supreme Shepherd teach? That the three religions are to be united. Is there then still One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Is it not already destroyed then? You have a Triune God. Do the other religions also have this Triune God? No! They do not have the Triune God. They do not believe in him. Yes, they murder My Christians, they murder My followers in a bestial way. Is that right? Do you not see, My beloved shepherds? Can't you see that? Are you still blind.

Do you want to continue to spread this error and disbelief, to do this ecumenism and ecumenism? You are already Protestant. This is why I had to take My beloved Son out of the tabernacles of modernism because this Church is no longer Catholic.

I will refound them, My beloved ones. Do not be afraid! Remain steadfast and firm and believe more deeply and let My Divine Love through My Heavenly Mother flow deeply into your hearts so that you may withstand these resistances, this evil power, which leads the whole world church astray, this satanic power.

I love you all, especially My beloved sons of priests! My longing for you never ends! Now be all blessed in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, especially with Saint Blasius, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I would like to add that you, My beloved children, will not be going to Heroldsbach on this 12th/13th of this month. I wish it so, and I want to share it with all who are waiting for your grace. You will atone in this Holy House Chapel, - the whole night. And these prayers of atonement and these graces of the night of atonement will pass over to many who are ready to accept the graces, and they will enter into their hearts. Open your hearts wide so that this grace that I give can flow in! Amen.

To be praised and glorified without end Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.


