Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 28, 2010

2nd Sunday of Lent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the Holy Rosary angels from all sides moved into the house chapel. They flocked around the tabernacle and kneeling in prayer to the Blessed Sacrament. A great broad ray of grace went from the Little King of Love to the Child Jesus in the colors dark red and white. The pieta was brightly lit. The Blessed Mother bowed more deeply over Her Son. The Madonna of Fatima, St. Padre Pio, the image of the Heavenly Father, St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel and the four Evangelists shone in golden splendor during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak again today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. Today you have celebrated the 2nd Sunday of Lent. In all reverence this Holy Mass of Sacrifice was celebrated by My beloved priestly son. I want to say thanks that you have offered this Holy Sacrificial Feast to My Son Jesus Christ in full devotion.

You, My beloved ones, it is not for nothing that I, the Heavenly Father, announce again and again that Lent has begun. Look at the Cross of the Heavenly Mother. Look at the pieta. The way of suffering has begun - also for you, My beloved ones, My beloved chosen ones, My beloved children of Mary and also you, My beloved believers.

Lent, I would like to emphasize once again, is a time of grace for you. Grace flows out into your hearts. There the love goes deep. The Blessed Mother will make sure that you can let Divine Love flow more deeply into you. Open your hearts very wide. These graces are not for you alone who receive them, My beloved ones, but for many others, from near and far, who also take part in this Holy Sacrificial Feast. The same graces flow over them as well. They are grateful and feel it.

The Holy Rosary, My beloved ones, before the Holy Sacrificial Mass is also very important. The Blessed Mother asks you to pray the Rosary before each Holy Mass of Sacrifice and to take her with you into this Holy Sacrificial Feast.

My beloved believers, My beloved chosen ones and children, in your hearts dwells the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, - one God in three persons. That means: My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I will raise them up gloriously in the Trinity. Even if many things seem unclear to you and you cannot fathom many things, what is coming to you in this time of difficulty and you have to suffer this difficulty, think of the Trinity, think of the omnipotence and the omniscience of the Heavenly Father. I, the Heavenly Father, will judge everything in My omnipotence. Believe in it, My beloved ones! Continue on the arduous path and walk to the top of Golgotha. Then you have finally reached him.

This Holy Mass of Sacrifice has taken you deeper into Divine Love. I, the Heavenly Father, watch over you. I am with you every day in the Trinity. Do I not let these deep streams of grace continue to flow into your hearts? Yes, My beloved ones. You feel it and you turn again and again to your dearest Heavenly Father.

This Holy Sacrificial Feast, in which My Son gives Himself again and again to Me, the Heavenly Father, on this altar of sacrifice, is the most worthy Holy Sacrificial Feast. Sacrificial Feast I would like to emphasize - this sacrifice that My Son brings to Me, the Heavenly Father. Is it not something very great for you, My beloved ones? Do you not feel the holiness? Are you not on the path of holiness, at the hand of the Heavenly Father? At My hand you will walk on safely and successfully. Holiness is within you. In many difficulties and hardships you have brought Me these sacrifices. For this I thank you.

Didn't you receive great gifts yesterday The Merciful Jesus, Saint Joseph and the Annunciation? My beloved Johanna, I want to tell you again an eternal reward from God for your love, which you feel deep in your heart and which urges you to order these figures from the carver as a gift for this house chapel in Göttingen. Yes, you feel again and again in your heart the deep love that pushes you forward. You feel what is missing here. And who gives you this? Your Heavenly Father. You listen to Him. You say: I feel everything that is important in my life. It is for the salvation of my heavenly homeland. And there goes my way.

And also your ways aim there. Everything is holiness and to the goal, the eternal home, aligned and ordered. I will give you many instructions again and again so that you remain on this holy way and can progress. Evil will not be able to harm you. The Holy Patron of this house chapel, St. Michael, will continue to keep all evil from you. He cares for you. He repeatedly strikes his sword in all four directions. And who else cares for you, My beloved ones? Is it not your dearest and sweetest and purest Blessed Mother who cares for you, for your life here, for your innermost life? Has not mysticism become the greatest thing for you? This deep experience in your souls cannot be replaced by anything. You go into it, into the depths, into the love of your heart. That is the big thing. Without this mysticism you would not be able to live on, because you feel and enjoy it again and again.

I, the heavenly Father, have always given you abundant gifts. Here in your house chapel in Göttingen many great and holy things have already happened. I, your dearest Father, will always be with you in all steps and also in all signs. Pay attention to these signs, for they will become more. As I have already announced to you several times, the signs are there. That means, My nearness is there. And you shall feel it. The fragrances, aren't they gifts for you that you receive again and again? Thank the whole heaven. He enjoys your servitude, because you serve the Trinity.

Thankfulness is in your hearts, in all your hearts that you have participated today in this Holy Sacrificial Banquet. There were five today on this day. I thank you, My little Monika, that you also took part and dared this way to here. Deep in your heart you felt: Here is holiness. Here is something special. It pulls me there. I cannot help it. I must hurry to my Heavenly Father in the Trinity. There I am safe and secure. That is my home, especially on this Sunday, the Day of the Lord.

I thank you all, My beloved ones, My beloved little sacrificial souls. Continue to bring Me sacrifice, atonement and prayer, and you will save many souls from eternal death, but especially many priest souls. These are the most important things to My dearest Mother. She has a longing for priests who in holiness offer the Holy Sacrificial Supper to Me, to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. They embody Jesus Christ, and they become one with Him. They sacrifice themselves. These are sacrificial priests whom my Heavenly Mother desires. She longs for them and wants to bring them to me, - these sacrificial priests.

And there will be more, My beloved ones, because these messages go out into the world through My Internet. I will shout out My longing, because I long for these souls. Sacrificial souls are special. Deep in their heart they will feel the love. Love is the most important thing, - the love of the Holy Sacrificial Feast. One day they will feel that this is the greatest. I cannot compare it with the folk altar, with the meal community. It is something special, something very big. I cannot exchange it and I cannot compare it.

There is no comparison, My beloved priests. Come to the holy sacrificial banquet of My Son so that My longing may be satisfied. I love you to an exceedingly great extent. And so I bless you, My beloved chosen ones, My beloved children, My beloved believers from near and far, you who walk this path with Me. I want to bless you with My dearest Mother, with all angels and saints, with the Little King of Love, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be loved and keep on walking! Love is the greatest! The way of holiness is meant for you! I thank you for all the consolation you give to your Heavenly Father. Amen.


