Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saint Mark, Evangelist.

The Heavenly Father in the Trinity speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The entire sickroom, the pictures of the Virgin Mary and the cross were brightly lit. The Heavenly Father in the picture in front of me blessed and the flames of the candles to the right and left of Him became very large and changed color from orange to deep red. There was a great holy atmosphere in this room, which emanated from the telephone from the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the house church. For this I would like to thank heaven for having stood by me in this illness and for having been able to experience this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and only speaks My words and the words of the Trinity.

My beloved children, My beloved father children, I speak to you today as Heavenly Father in the Trinity. It is Providence that My little one is ill and that there is the possibility for her to experience this Holy Mass of Sacrifice also at her home in the sickroom by telephone. It was my wish from the beginning. And today Providence has worked with you again, my little one. You will have to spend several more days in a hospital bed and you will be able to experience this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, not only now, but also later. It was a test for you today that this is possible.

My beloved believers, today I speak to you in the Trinity because the event will come very soon. Yes, My beloved ones, I as Heavenly Father, have no other way to bring My Hierarchy back to My sacrificial altar. This is My desire, My deepest wish. All priests who now celebrate only My Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast may go out of their catacombs and publicly profess this Sacrificial Feast. Nothing will happen to you, My beloved shepherds. Sacrifices everything. Financially you are secured by your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. What else can happen to you? Your bishops are against you. But who protects you, and who tells you the truth? It is I, your Heavenly Father. I will leave nothing in the dark and nothing will remain hidden. Everything is brought to daylight. Also my love, my fatherly and most tender love, I will give to these people. They are wrapped up in my love when they walk the way of my Son, - the sacrificial way.

This, My beloved Son, must suffer again in My little one whom I have chosen, - suffer the New Church. This brings with it many sacrifices, - also for my messenger and prophetess, who is ready to suffer everything. She has told me a willing yes and never takes this yes back. So she confirmed it to me.

Yes, My little one, also this suffering, also this illness that you are carrying at the moment is already atonement. You will have experienced it because it is not possible by human judgement to endure this pain. You are protected, and especially you are loved by your Heavenly Father. Hang in there and become courageous and show again and again your readiness, - the readiness and love for atonement!

Look upon My Chief Shepherds and My Supreme Shepherds! Do they obey Me? No! And for this, my little one, you will have to expiate because I, the heavenly Father, give these men this expiation so that they are spared the great punishments of sin - the greatest punishments of sin. But much suffering will come over them through my events, which I prepare. Have no fears, My beloved ones, who are in the following of My Son and live the truth completely and also obey it.

I have cried out My messages and My prophecies to the whole world. And today, on the day of my evangelist Mark, I will cry out even more. You, My small group, will support My little one because you are these four evangelists, the proclaimers of the truth of My prophecies and My messages. Yes, many prophecies I have already given you for the Internet, My little one.

Look, My beloved ones, look into these messages. Everything is the pure truth, - the truth of heaven. No word is out of My little one and nothing contains the diabolo. That is pure invention, if this is said to me, the heavenly Father. My distinguishing mark is that I myself speak through My willing tool. Look into these messages! Can anything be evil? No, My beloved ones! It is not possible at all. My little one would not be 6 years ready to give these messages on the Internet. For she had to experience many hostilities and persecutions, and she also accepted them.

And also their small group has put everything on one card, because they love Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, above all else. This small group that I have chosen, these are My special children. And you will still experience much through them. Read off from their firmness, which they prove to you. They will never stray, because I, the heavenly Father in the Trinity, have strengthened them. And my dearest mother cares for her motherly in every way. They consecrate themselves daily to the Immaculate Heart of My Heavenly Mother, - and that is very important for them. Follow them, My beloved children. Stick to these messages and read them again and again. Only the truth they contain, - the whole truth!

And now, My beloved ones, I also want to announce to all of you that on May 2nd, next Sunday, you will travel to My place of grace, the place of grace of My mother. This is My wish. You will be protected. Please do not develop any fears. I also wish there that you do not contact anyone, if I do not tell you before. I also wish that none of you, My children, visit this group in their home in Opfenbach, because My little one will suffer there. She will go through a great suffering because this is also my wish. Bring them no food, because they are provided with everything through me, the heavenly Father. Everything I will give them, everything will be given them what they need. This is My goal, My beloved ones.

My group of three, which is there, can move freely on My pilgrim place. I am the ruler of this place of prayer, and no one may forbid them, - no one, I said. They will pray and atone and make many sacrifices. I walk in them across this place of prayer, in the chapel of grace and also in the night of atonement.

Do not be afraid, my little ones, that I will now make this public for everyone. It is My desire, My children and you are My father's children. Will I not tenderly protect and love you? In every respect you are My children. And I never leave My children alone. You are loved from eternity and your task is thought out from eternity by your Heavenly Father. All is providence, and you will be able to continue on this path of holiness. Continue to take persecution and mockery upon yourself, because only then does it contain the truth.

Hasn't My son also been persecuted and abused in the worst way? So it will be for you too. Do not be afraid! You will be mocked. Continue to go this way and do not pay attention that nobody wants to do my will and follow you. They will stray from the place of prayer. The evil one has been going on there for a long time. He has already taken this place of prayer for himself and goes in and out of it. Do I, as Heavenly Father, not have the right to send My beloved children of the Father to where this great danger is? Do I not have the right, I as Heavenly Father? I have taken over the reign there and you will see, My beloved ones, how everything is progressing. Many things will happen and I do not want to explain it to you because you will not understand how your heavenly father will now act.

I will act in justice. And this, My little one and My small group, I will not open to you, because it is cruel, cruel for you. Hang in there! Become courageous and strong and remain in the will of the Trinity!

I love you! All heaven loves you and blesses you and sends you out. Be blessed, loved and sent in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Do not be afraid because I am with you all days and will walk this path with you and go on and on! Amen.


