Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feast of Saint Monica and 25th anniversary of marriage.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Jubilee Mass through His instrument and daughter Anne to the jubilant couple in the house chapel in Opfenbach near Wigratzbad.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice and also during the Rosary prayer, a large crowd of angels in white and gold dresses from all four directions entered this house chapel, grouped around the tabernacle and worshipped kneeling. The tabernacle angels bowed deeply at every sacred action. On this day, the feast day of St. Monica, the Blessed Trinity was very strongly illuminated in gold and red. The Holy Spirit moved over the head of Pastor Lodzig, parted and hovered over the silver wedding couple. Jesus Christ began to bless after the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The twelve star wreath of the Mother of God was brightly illuminated. The wedding bouquet was carried by angels to the Mother of God. The flame of the silver wedding candle became twice as big and shone in gold with a red ray. We were wrapped in heavenly scents of flowers. The Blessed Mother said to me that today she picked the flowers of her paradise garden for the silver wedding couple. The chapel is dedicated to the Blessed Trinity and so it circled above us. This should mean that today the Most Holy Trinity has entered into the hearts of the silver wedding couple and is pouring out a special blessing.

The Heavenly Father will speak on this day: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies entirely in My will and speaks only My words. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved children, My chosen ones, especially you, My silver wedding couple, I greet you and congratulate you on this day. In particular, St. Monica would like to welcome you and ask for a gracious blessing for the future.

Dear silver wedding bride Monika, you have chosen this day to honor me as your patron saint. That is why, dear Monika, I was allowed to protect you so abundantly in your whole life. I am the mother of Saint Augustine. How many years have I waited for the conversion of My Son. You have asked for many Divine powers from me. Keep holding on, because you know that the woman is the soul of the family. You lead your husband and you also carry a part of the responsibility for him. There are two of you, you are not alone. I, too, would like to congratulate you, my beloved silver wedding couple Reinhold and Monika, on this day and ask for this heavenly blessing. Continue to stand by each other in Divine Love. For this Divine Love will drive you forward in your marriage on the path to holiness.

If you read My message again and again, you will get new strength from My words. As you have heard, they are not words of My daughter Anne, but they are words of heaven, - My Father's words. You are My father children and I will protect you on your further way. Everything you need on this path of holiness I will give you if you continue to walk in the footsteps of My Son Jesus Christ. I have this wish for you both. Walk this path together. He is so important for you, for your whole family. You shall be an example for many who also lived 25 years of marriage and who stood by each other in joy and sorrow as you did. For this the Heavenly Father would like to thank you most heartily. Thanksgiving holds the joy in your hearts. And let this deep joy enter your hearts. It should outlast time. Again and again, when it becomes difficult for you, this joy will come through again. Remember, you are not alone. There are two of you. If you continue on this path, you can support each other. Even in the most difficult situations, I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am in your hearts, for I have entered into your open hearts.

I would also like to express my gratitude for the previous confessions. They were important for you because in this house chapel it is possible for My children to receive this sacrament of Penance. I, the Heavenly Father, say these words to My priestly son.

I would also like to thank him for the advantageous and precise preparation of this celebration. How much, My beloved children, My wedding couple, have you experienced especially in the 25 years? Through how much suffering you had to go. They were not only pleasures.

You too, My beloved Reinhold, have had to endure much pain and sacrifice much suffering. But I want to tell you today that this suffering and this illness that you were to go through was meant for you. For in the cross and suffering is salvation. Without the cross and without suffering, you will never be able to walk this path of holiness and see the glory of God face to face in its full splendor. You will participate in the eternal wedding feast. You will sit there at the wedding table one day, and you will take the first places that are meant for you. Hang on, My children! My beloved silver couple, how much I love you. How I have waited for you until this day. Because everything is providence. I have chosen this day for you here in this chapel.

My small group follows me. She has no desires of her own, because everything that they fulfill lies in My plan and desires. They have shown their willingness to take this route to Wigratzbad/Opfenbach. It was not easy for them. But, My beloved children, I want to thank you for taking all this upon yourselves. I, the Heavenly Father, will give you protection especially here, and the Heavenly Mother will request this from Me for you. All angels will be around you and will protect you. Do not be afraid! The human fears must completely disappear from you, so that the Divine Power prevails in you. It is the strength that drives you forward. Do not stop! Go forward, My beloved ones! The future will prove it to you that you are in Divine Strength, and that you get this strength only from above, - only from Heaven.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak again and again through you, my little beloved tool. You remain My nothing. I thank you for saying again and again: "I am nothing. I am at your disposal, dearest Heavenly Father. I am yours. Also today I would like to tell you: I am yours. I follow you on your way. As you wish, I will take it: Cross and suffering. If you have to suffer the New Church here in me, if you want to suffer Your Son Jesus Christ in me, I want to declare my willingness to do so here at this holy altar. (Anne cries.) Strengthen me, for you know I am a weak tool. I always need your help and your strength. Without you I can do nothing. But I know that if I trust in You, I will go this way to the end, - to the top to Golgotha. I am ready! And I thank You, dearest Heavenly Father, that You let me share in the suffering of Your Son. If I could at least recognize how great this grace I have received and that it is Jesus Christ who suffers in me and not I. It is You, Heavenly Father, who spreads His hands over me, who never leaves me. Bless our small group and keep them in your power. We are at your disposal and always say a ready 'yes father'.

And now, My beloved children, beloved rejoice, I want to bless, love, protect and also send you in the Trinity, with My dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love is the greatest! It drives you forward. Live love! Harret out to the end! You are protected and remain in this love. Amen.


