Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Atonement night in the house chapel in Opfenbach/Göritz near Wigratzbad.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Her Heart burning with love was brightly illuminated and bathed in dark red light. The flame of the Easter candle was twice as big. The Blessed Mother's garland of rays shone and the Little King of Love was connected to the rays of the Child Jesus. The Blessed Trinity sent Her rays upon us, as well as the images of the Immaculate Mother of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach.

The Mother of God will say: I, your dearest Mother, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and the Mother and Queen of Victory, will speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats His words, or the words of heaven.

My beloved children of Mary, today I have sent out My rays from My place of pilgrimage and blessing Wigratzbad to the place of prayer and pilgrimage Heroldsbach. These two places shall remain united in this night of atonement in which you are atoning today, because in this night of atonement many priests shall find through you, My beloved Mary's children, the way to conversion through your prayer. The graces are poured out especially on this night in which you are atoning.

My beloved children, I would like to thank you for being willing to atone in this night after this exhausting day. I will help you with this, because tiredness will come upon you. But in spite of everything, these graces are emanating especially to Heroldsbach. They start from this place of prayer and pilgrimage Wigratzbad.

I wish, My beloved ones, that you also take part in the processions. For they too, these processions, are a way of atonement for you.

Yes, My beloved ones, your dearest Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory, also wants to thank you that you daily attend this hour of mercy and visit all the little chapels. It should not be a burden for you, but you do it out of love. Your dear mother, the Queen of Victory, will support you daily, for otherwise you would not be able to keep up this workload. In great love of My motherly heart I will protect you and send the angels down to you. Yes, My beloved ones, go quite often this atonement to the Chapel of Grace and to the small chapels. They are connected to the Chapel of Grace, and these streams of graces are necessary for this place, because the evil one still has his reign here.

Yes, My beloved ones, everything is atonement, everything is love. Do you not believe, my beloved ones, that I will achieve the great victory in this place and trample the head of the serpent with you? A little while longer, says the Heavenly Father, then the event will come. You too prepare yourselves for this event. Sacrifice all your efforts and work, your prayer and your atonement, because through your sacrifices many more will be saved. Your Heavenly Mother will daily let this stream of grace flow into your hearts and the love will become stronger, more intimate and deeper. Pray also much to the saints, especially the day saints, and pray much to the Holy Antony (of Wigratzbad). She will accompany you daily in this atonement and she will also ask you for the strengths, the Divine strengths of Heaven. Much love will flow into your hearts and it will reach other people who meet you.

On your shopping trip you met two priests. And I was not allowed to enter into these priests, because they do not worship me. Nor do they worship the Blessed Sacrament. They also wore no priestly clothes, no robe. Yes, My beloved ones, you were allowed to tell them that the Heavenly Father desires these priestly clothes as My beloved priestly son wears them. They have not realized that they are already turned towards the world. How much they insult the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with this. They were not even shocked to meet a priest in a cassock. They were proud of their clothes and thought that was right.

Also on vacation My Son Jesus Christ desires that these priest clothes should be worn. Otherwise they no longer put this priestly dignity in the foreground. Yes, they too belong to modernism. They do not even notice how they insult the Heavenly Father. My beloved children, how sad I must be as mother of these priests that this sin is not even recognized.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to ask you for this night much strength from heaven to persevere as best I can. I will be with you and send down the angels to you, and they will pray with you and atone. The love of God will again radiate into your hearts.

And therefore your Heavenly Mother in the Trinity of God with all the angels and saints blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the love of God shine into your hearts and make you stronger and stronger, so that you can always go one step further on this path here in Wigratzbad! Yes, my beloved ones, you have been appointed here and you will also persevere and persevere through the power of God. Amen.


