Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 23, 2010

The most holy Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Opfenbach/Göritz in Allgäu through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Rosary and the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, crowds of angels marched to the altar of sacrifice from all sides. The Blessed Mother had a great flame above her head, the flame of the Holy Spirit. Her twelve-star wreath was also illuminated and the flame went beyond this circle of rays. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the Little King of Love and the Child Jesus became one. The holy archangel Michael struck here his sword again in all four directions to drive the evil away. St. Joseph, the Bridegroom of the Mother of God and especially the Mother and Queen of Victory were brightly illuminated.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and only repeats My words.

My beloved children, My father's children, today you celebrate the great feast, the feast of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit has come upon you, and that is, Our Lady has ignited Him from Her flame, and out of this flame became individual flames and hovered over your heads, - also to Göttingen to Dorothea.

Yes, My beloved ones, She is the Bride of the Holy Spirit and today She was allowed to light these love flames, these tongues of fire, over your heads and gave them to you. Yes, a great act of donation has taken place today, My beloved father children.

My Son Jesus Christ went up to Me in heaven to send you the Comforter, - the Holy Spirit: The spirit of wisdom, of understanding, the spirit of strength, the spirit of counsel, of knowledge, of piety, and of the fear of the Lord. All seven gifts were poured out upon you. In your hearts these love flames, the tongues of fire, were brightly illuminated. They were not only on your heads, but they shone into your hearts. It should mean the love, the love that I in the Trinity, your Heavenly Father, let flow into your hearts. Our Lady, the mediator of all graces, has also been involved, because She is the Bride of the Holy Spirit and has asked Me, your Heavenly Father, but to let love flow deeper into your hearts.

My beloved ones, this Holy Spirit, the current of the Holy Spirit, goes far beyond this house chapel. You cannot believe it, because you are at this special place of pilgrimage Wigratzbad. The Holy Spirit was also increasingly drawn to this place. These streams of graces flowed there.

Yes, it is My desire and will, My beloved father children, that you always atone, sacrifice and pray. It is a constant atonement every afternoon. Your much prayer also contributes to atonement. No prayer is lost, is fruitless, because love has long since entered into you. Again and again you will be surrounded by this love through the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast, which you may celebrate daily. It is a gift from heaven for you. Jesus Christ, My Son, is transformed daily in this priestly Son, and you may receive Him with flesh and blood. In your hearts these love flames are ignited. You have waited a long time for this festival. You have prepared yourselves for nine days. Many songs and much prayer you have offered Me because you have longed for the Holy Spirit. He shall bring you the knowledge. And the knowledge and wisdom is very important for you.

Your Heavenly Mother will also be there caring to transmit love and wisdom to you. She has the knowledge and you can learn a lot from her. Keep looking at her as she stood under the cross of My Son, and how she wants to continue to give you this love that could be seen in her devotion. You too give yourselves to the Trinity. She dwells in you, and this house chapel is dedicated to her. You will become aware of this again and again. Look at this Trinity symbol above the tabernacle: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one, one God in three persons. Yes, My beloved ones, it is so.

During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, this snow-white dove, the symbol of the Holy Spirit, circled around this house chapel again and again, then over the tabernacle and stopped over the head of the priest. He had the biggest tongue of fire over his head. It should be said that the knowledge will become greater, my beloved ones, also the Divine power and strength.

Even if you have to endure many sufferings, you will not succumb to them. Suffering, atonement, repentance, sacrifice and prayer are necessary, - necessary for the New Church. Is not My Son to suffer this New Church? Is this not the truth, My beloved ones? Have I not already told you this truth many times? Yes, My Son Jesus Christ will go this way of suffering in My messenger whom I have appointed. I will make them more passionate. Nothing happens by itself. Everything is predestination, is providence of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

Beloved father children, look again and again at this promising future. When you see how this church is in destruction, already destroyed, you will look at the New Church, full of confidence and love. Everything happens for love. Your Heavenly Father looks into your souls and lets this love flow into them so that you bear everything, - bear in love, not in despair and not despondent, although the suffering often becomes unbearably hard for my little one.

Beloved little one, also above you was the Holy Spirit. Also into you, into your heart, the Holy Spirit will flow, namely, His love. It will increase and become deeper and deeper. The union with divinity will become deeper and more mature.

Yes, My beloved ones, My beloved chosen ones and father children, such a great love has your most tender father. He always thinks of you. Not one day and in no situation does He leave you alone. I am with you because I love all mankind. The longing in Me becomes greater. Can you understand this, the longing for My Father's children? To those who love me everything will be given to them for good. You receive daily the manna, the heavenly bread. It is a special strengthening for you. Without this heavenly bread you cannot live, nor can you enter heaven. Only the one who eats this bread and receives this body and this blood in true faithfulness and true belief, only he can be saved, only he is enclosed in Our love. In him who consecrates himself to us, the Trinity, this love will become deeper and more mature.

You must not forget, My beloved ones, that your Heavenly Father always looks into your hearts. Do I not recognize everything in you? Do I not know what My beloved father children need? I know it. I constantly see your wishes before me. They are often different from My wishes. But you will become conformed to me because I am love, the divine love in the Trinity. And this love flows for you, my beloved father children.

Again and again I want to call you father children. Why? Because you receive these messages from your beloved father. And you believe in it, - quite firmly even. Your strength is important. You are convinced of these messages. And you will share this conviction with others.

Be friendly and accommodating. You shall treat them with love. I want them back, My beloved ones. You can also win them back by just looking at them. If they are willing to open their hearts to the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, then the Holy Spirit can draw in and work. You will not see it, you will not feel it and you will not understand it. But this means my love, the love in the Trinity. The love between Me and My Son is the Holy Spirit. Do I not, as Heavenly Father, again and again pour out this love on you? Do you not feel it that you are growing and maturing in this love?

My Heavenly Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, awaits your petitions. She can bring everything to Me, before My throne: Your hardships, your fears, your diseases and your many ailments. She also knows about everything. She goes to your son and asks that this suffering be eased for you. She wants to support it, because she is a mother. And what mother does not love her child unspeakably, and even more so your Heavenly Mother. And then this love goes to the father, to me. Can I deny this beloved mother a single wish? No! With how much love your worries bring you before my throne and they are heard, - often differently than you wish. But you know that the Heavenly Father has only the good in store for you. You will never get from your father what you do not need. Many things you do not need and yet you are attached to them. I know about everything, My beloved ones and your Heavenly Father takes care of it, - again and again and again.

And now I bless you on this great feast of Pentecost, the Sunday of Pentecost, in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, with the most beloved and beautiful Blessed Mother, especially with Saint Padre Pio, who is present here in his chapel, with Saint Antonie Rädler and Father John, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love one another, for love is the greatest! Harret out, become firmer and firmer! Have courage, for the Holy Spirit will give you much that you may pass on. You yourselves cannot recognize it, but He will make it known to you and you will speak His words, not yours. Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the Blessed Trinity forever and ever. Amen. Praised and glorified be Jesus Christ without end in the Blessed Sacrament. Amen.


