Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, June 11, 2010

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz in Allgäu through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the prayer of the Rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, all the statues were brightly illuminated, especially the Trinity symbol above the tabernacle and especially the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Heavenly Father: Today we celebrate the feast of the Heart of Jesus, - this great feast. And for this I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, would like to share a few special words, instructions and prophecies. I want to reveal them to My believers who follow My Son and take upon themselves all hardships and injustices and continue on this path of holiness in love.

And now, My beloved ones, says the Heavenly Father: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. It lies in my desire and will and in my plan and speaks only words that come from me. Yes, she willingly follows Me, My beloved believers, My beloved little flock, My beloved chosen ones. How much I love you in this tribulation, in this time of storm, in this violence of evil, which I, the Heavenly Father, still allow, because a mighty storm is now sweeping over this place of prayer Wigratzbad. This storm was shown to you last night. They are signs of heaven. Pay attention to these signs!

Today, on this day of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus Christ, this Year for Priests, proclaimed by this Holy Father on earth, Pope Benedict XVI, comes to an end last year on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

What does it say for you, My beloved shepherds? Have you, My shepherds and chief shepherds, followed this My desire? Have you endeavored this year to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast in reverence? Have you taken upon yourselves everything to celebrate this sacrifice of the Mass, this sacrifice of Jesus Christ, at My sacrificial altar? No, My beloved chief shepherds and shepherds and My beloved chief shepherd. You, too, have not agreed to take everything upon yourself and to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in public according to my will and desire. No, you didn't dare. You are still in human fear for your life. Am I not the most important thing to you, My beloved Supreme Shepherd? Am I not the most important thing to you? Who are you following? Do you follow your chief shepherds who mock me and slander me? Yes, My beloved Supreme Shepherd, one chance after another you have let pass. I wanted to have you back again, to purify your soul and to move your soul back to repentance. But you have not followed me in obedience. You continued to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the seclusion of your home church. That is not enough attention to me, and it has not been a testimony for me either.

Yes, My beloved ones and so you continue to atone, sacrifice and pray. And what happens in My little one? Does not My Son Jesus Christ in her suffer the greatest suffering there at the moment? Her humanity rears up in her. It is the deity who holds it. In humanity it experiences its greatest weakness.

Yes, little one, you suffer injustice in you, because your dearest Lord Jesus Christ suffers in you. He experiences this injustice. He experiences the greatest abandonment in you. Has He not been forsaken by all, even by His apostles, in His Mount of Olives? Is not My Son Jesus Christ experiencing in you at this moment these hours of the Mount of Olives, the abandonment of all? You feel this abandonment. One disease follows the other. But this is My desire and will, My little one. You should feel abandoned by everyone because My Son Jesus Christ carries this suffering in you, because He wants to found the New Church according to My plan and desire.

How much suffering He must endure in My place of prayer, - in My place of prayer Wigratzbad. There he suffers the greatest agony. Yes, this director of the place of worship does the greatest disobedience to Me. This prohibition of space says for you that I in the Trinity, the Heavenly Father, am being expelled from my place and that I have received this prohibition of space from this director of the place of worship and that I must also suffer this charge of trespass.

You, my little one, were given the words yesterday. You were questioned by the police. That too was my wish and will. You must feel attacked in your humanity, but divinity holds you. In your present serious illness you would have died long ago. Your human powers leave you more and more every day. But it is My desire and will that you may see that your Heavenly Father keeps you in divinity. Did not My Son Jesus Christ have to experience the worst in this humanity: This suffering of abandonment, of extreme pain, of slander, of mockery? Did he not suffer all this on his way of the cross? And now He suffers these torments in you again, in order to be able to found His Church, the Church of Jesus Christ, anew, and also this priesthood.

He is abandoned by all priests up to the Supreme Shepherd. Must He not then feel this loneliness in you, yes, this loneliness of being forsaken by all men whom He has chosen, whom He has appointed as His priestly sons? The entire clergy is leaving him, My little one! Is not this bitter in His suffering that He experiences in you? You complain rightly, you complain rightly in humanity. You feel this abandonment and this injustice within you, that this leader of the place of prayer allows himself to call this place, this place of prayer his own. No, I am in the first place as Ruler over this place of prayer and no one will be able to prevent Me from letting My messenger here go over this place of My place of grace and into the Chapel of Grace of My Heavenly Mother to sacrifice, pray and atone.

You do nothing else, My beloved ones, - nothing else. And therefore you will be accused because of prayer, sacrifice and atonement. Is that right, My believers? Did this director have the right to demand 16,000 Euros from My priest's son? He has done it and he now accuses my priest son again of trespassing. You, my believers, must experience this. I am revealing it to you because I have given so many chances to My priestly son here as the director of the place of prayer. I have confronted him again with you, My children. Did he accept this chance? No! His wrath is exceedingly great, for the power of evil works in him. The power of the Freemasons holds him back from good, from conversion.

How much I have sinned in you, my little one. Every week I have had to impose this atonement on you for this director of the place of prayer. So that my wrath did not become oversized, you have atoned and you have willingly atoned. And now you feel unjustly treated yourself in your humanity. Yes, it is right and true. You must feel treated unfairly because it contains the truth. Do you not do everything, My beloved little one, for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity? Must I allow all this to happen in you? Yes, My beloved little one, I must cause you this pain because My Son Jesus Christ suffers, - suffers immeasurably. But be patient, My father's children! I will show Myself as Ruler of the Universe, as the Almighty Heavenly Father. My omnipotence and My omnipotence says that with one breath I could sweep away this priest's son, this leader of the place of prayer, - in one breath, if I so desire. But still, my little one, you suffer and hold back this arm of anger with it. Do you want to continue to be willing to bear this suffering within you?

Yes, My beloved Jesus Christ, My Heavenly Father I say yes to your suffering in me and continue to atone for you so that this place of prayer may be cleansed of all evil.

The Heavenly Father: Yesterday you were in the atoning night and atoned. Tomorrow you will lock yourselves into the Atonement Night of Heroldsbach and will atone for the night here in your house chapel. And you, My little one, will continue to suffer. You are bedridden and feel more and more your weakness, your human weakness. That hurts, that hurts very much. And I, as Heavenly Father, suffer with you and suffer for you. I must allow this suffering as Heavenly Father. My little one, doesn't it hurt me especially as Heavenly Father? Look at the cross and continue to atone and suffer in silence. Persevere in all tribulations, for your Heavenly Father holds you.

And now, my beloved ones, I also wish that in this dwelling everything be fulfilled according to my plan, because I want to find a noble dwelling when the great event comes. Can't you understand that I don't want to live in this apartment with this equipment? Who has insulted Me to the utmost? My son G., because I have given him everything. Will you also want to take on this suffering for him according to my wish and plan, my little one, because I continue to long for his soul, for his ready heart to give me satisfaction for it. All chances I have given you. Did you use them, My beloved Son, or did you throw them to the wind and deny and mock your Heavenly Father? Yes, you will feel it that My omnipotence will prevail. My omnipotence I will show you.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to continue to keep you in Love, - in Divine Love, because the Heart of My Son Jesus Christ was pierced with a lance, - this Divine Heart of Jesus and blood and water flowed out. Does not this blood still flow today on these sacrificial altars where My Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated, the Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ? Does not His blood also continue to flow in streams on these sacrificial altars? Yes, my son suffers this misery, this tribulation again and again anew.

Have courage and continue to stand under this cross and remain vigilant and courageous, because I wish that you continue to atone, sacrifice and pray in this place of prayer Wigratzbad. Continue this atonement in all chapels, if you can.

Willingly take on all the work. It is according to my wish and plan. What you need here for this furnishing of the apartment, I will show you through the fragrances I will give you. So far everything has been in order and everything according to my wish and plan. I want to thank you in overflowing joy for your readiness and for your atonement and your suffering, My little flower of suffering. Be brave and become strong and allow everything that the Heavenly Father desires from you in your suffering and pain. You are not alone. Your Heavenly Father watches over you. And your humanity will be replaced by the Divine Power. This is the way I want it.

I bless you now in all love, in Divine Power, in the sending of the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity, with My dearest Mother, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are loved from eternity! Atone, sacrifice and pray according to the plan of the Heavenly Father, because the founder of this place of prayer was persecuted just like you, My little one, My beloved messenger! It is still not recognized by this present church and it is not recognized. Suffer and invoke this holy antony in heaven. She will stand by you in your suffering. Amen.


