Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fatima and Pink Mysticism Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz in Allgäu through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels moved into this house chapel during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. They went to the Blessed Mother and they surrounded the altar of Mary. They worshipped kneeling around the tabernacle. Everything around the altar was bathed in bright light. Above all, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

God the Father speaks: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is in My Will and repeats only My words.

Beloved little flock, beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach and Wigratzbad, you, My beloved chosen ones, all come to My sacrificial altar, to the sacrificial altar of My Son in the Trinity. How much I love you there, because I want to give away My highest graces. Full of longing I wait for your ready hearts. I have so much to give away because I am the loving Heavenly Father.

Yes, My beloved ones, you will be sent like sheep among the ravening wolves and you will be torn apart. They want to rip your hearts out of you. Why, My beloved ones? Because this holiness is abhorred in your hearts, because they reject Me, your dearest Jesus in the Trinity, your Heavenly Father. There is nothing left of the holiness of My entire clergy. They continue to reject Me although they know that the Heavenly Father through you, My little instrument, speaks only words of truth. Everything corresponds to the truth, nothing is untrue, my beloved little one. You place yourself at My disposal as a tool and remain My little nothing. For this I thank you, - for your great sacrifices, which you bring Me in your illness. I thank you for your eternal willingness to serve me.

Our Blessed Mother thanks you all for having persevered and prayed, sacrificed and atoned in this past night of atonement, each one according to his own measure as he was able to do. You are all carried, carried by eternal love.

How hard it is for Me, My beloved, to send you among the ravening wolves. How difficult it is for me to allow this suffering for you. I would much rather take you in my arms to protect you. But you are persecuted, you are blasphemed, you are mocked, and you are rejected. And again and again you lie in the abandonment of My Son, My beloved little one, because Jesus, My Son, suffers in you. What tortures He must suffer in this present time, when the Church is in the greatest destruction!

No one wants to turn back time and put everything back in order. No! One does not want this. One does not want to confess the truth of the loving God. One detests the truth. Why, My beloved ones? Because one must change, because one must not continue to lead this life, which up to now the faithful, above all the clergy, have led. It is the worldly powers that guide them and the evil powers that keep them from My Son Jesus Christ to go with Him to the altar of sacrifice to sacrifice and celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in all reverence. How painful it still is for My dearest Son that this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite is still not celebrated almost all over the world, except at a few sacrificial altars.

You want to swim with the current. It is easy, my children, to go with the flow than to be alone, than to confess the faith alone, to speak to me, to the heavenly Father, and about this faith and to testify to it. How difficult it is for you believers to acknowledge me, the heavenly Father, before the public. One could despise you, you think. Have you never thought how much I, the Heavenly Father, am despised in the Trinity? Why do you not stand by Me? Why do you not profess faith? Has My Son not suffered everything for you, - the greatest torments.

Must He experience and suffer these today once again in My tool, in My messenger? Is this necessary, My beloved believers? How many times have I told you: go out of these modernist churches where the sacrificial banquet of My Son is not celebrated, but the meal fellowship is held at the people's altar. You do recognize, My beloved believers, that this cannot be true, that you cannot receive the body of My Son. How many times have I warned you not to go into these modernist churches and stand before the empty tabernacles and receive a piece of bread.

My beloved ones, how much the heart of My Son Jesus Christ suffers over your iniquities. You know that everything in this destroyed church is not true. And yet you do not confess to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, to your dearest Father, who wants to do everything for you, who protects you at all times and watches over you. Why do you not surrender yourselves to your Heavenly Father in total surrender? Is it too much for you? Do you want to plunge into the eternal abyss? How many priests stand at this abyss and I, the Heavenly Father, must watch with my mother as they fall down there in rows.

My beloved ones who are close to Me and believe in Me, worship Me and want to save souls with Me, My beloved ones, you are ready to suffer everything and you are here to comfort Me, especially you, My beloved little one. You will get your suffering again and again because I allow it. And you will do me this service, to accept everything out of the father's hand, out of the loving father's hand.

Yes, My little one, you will have a hard time in this time and also you, My group. You must support My little one, which is not easy. All abandonment and loneliness must be suffered anew by My Son for the foundation of the New Church, because the entire clergy has abandoned My Son. That is why this church is destroyed.

One will not admit it, and one will stand to the lie and not to the truth. One will twist everything, because the wicked one is cunning, yes, like a raging wolf he is and one does not recognize him. Why, My beloved ones? Because you persist in sin. In grave sin you are separated from God. Only the one who does the will of the Heavenly Father and receives the manna remains in the truth and prepares himself for the eternal wedding feast and he lies in full knowledge, because I, the Heavenly Father, watch over these My children. The Holy Spirit will give you everything.

In every way you are protected and loved. You are My beloved father children. Be grateful also for these sufferings, because without suffering and without the cross you cannot enter heaven. It is very important in this time that you suffer for the others, - suffer for them. Have compassion on these souls who have strayed and want to remain in error. How much My Divine Heart suffers from these souls. As you know, I want to save everyone, but they do not accept my words and my truths twist them.

I love all, My beloved ones, and I also want to save all through you, especially through you, My beloved little flock, who are ready to suffer everything for Me, the Heavenly Father, for the salvation of souls.

Again I say to you: I love you immeasurably and bless you now in the Trinity with My Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Anthony was also present today during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. I was allowed to see him with the baby Jesus in his arms. He has blessed us and will also assist us from heaven. Amen.


