Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz (Wigratzbad) through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, large crowds of angels entered the sacred space. They adored the Blessed Sacrament around the tabernacle. The Heart of Jesus and the Mother of God were bathed in golden light and above all the Trinity above the tabernacle.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies in My will and repeats only My words. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved believers, My beloved little band, My beloved chosen ones, I want to reveal to you today as Heavenly Father some important information for the near future.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little one, what are your sufferings in the face of eternal glory? Nothing, My children, - nothing. One day you will be able to see the sky in full glory. You will be prepared for this in this difficult time.

You, my little one, will still suffer. The time of suffering is not over for you. Every day you feel the heavy cross, the serious illness. But consider, I as heavenly father can take this illness from you today and tomorrow I can give it back to you because you have transferred your free will to me. I thank you for your willingness and availability. The Heavenly Father watches over you and your dearest Mother will convey all graces to you.

In your hearts, My beloved children and Father children, My beloved little flock, dwells the Most Holy Trinity. She has built her temple in your hearts. What does this mean for you, My beloved believers and the chosen ones? The Trinity makes all things known to you in this last difficult time of the coming of My Son Jesus Christ and My beloved Mother. My mother has still not appeared above this atonement church because I have still not taken over the regency. The evil rages at this place of prayer. But believe in it, my beloved children, again and again you pour out these graces in full measure when you rush daily to this atonement in Wigratzbad and atone in the Chapel of Grace during the hour of mercy. I thank you for your willingness, for these many sacrifices. I also thank you for the past atonement night in Wigratzbad. Despite many hardships, My beloved little flock, you have made this sacrifice and have atoned for the many sacrileges that have already been committed here. Persevere, My children and become strong through the many failures! You will never become weak, but strong.

My beloved little flock, My beloved chosen ones, My beloved believers, what does the Gospel of today mean to you? Aren't you also there to save souls in this most difficult time of the last stage after Golgotha? Are you still ready for this? You will be persecuted, you will be accused, and you will be hostile. But the Heavenly Father watches over every step you take.

Soon, My beloved ones, I can feel at ease in your apartment which has become Mine. You have redecorated this apartment because Heavenly Father wanted it that way. Here you are safe and secure. Thank you for your many efforts regarding the new setup. There you will feel the security of the Heavenly Father every day during the Holy Sacrificial Feast, the Rosary and the Adoration Hour. In My arms, My beloved father children, you are safe. I want to give you this gift again and again. Never develop fears, because this circle of light around you becomes bigger and bigger.

I love you because you are always available for my wishes and plans. When I correct some things, you immediately follow My steps. In your hearts dwells also the Immaculate Received Mother. She forms you because she loves you immeasurably and brings your desires to my throne. Be thankful daily that you may experience the security and love of your Heavenly Father again and again. The many gifts are to make you aware that I, the Heavenly Father, want to continue to dispose of you.

You are ready for the new time, for the New Church. And you, My little one, will continue to sacrifice your sufferings for the New Church because My Son Jesus Christ suffers the New Church in you. You will never be able to grasp this great gift, for it is oversized, even though you will suffer much pain. Nothing is free, everything is a gift from heaven for you, even your sufferings. Once in eternal glory you will be able to understand what your willingness means to you today and in the future.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to send you out to the rich fishing, as the Gospel says. You will be fishermen of men and free them from demons. Miracles will happen through you that others cannot grasp. But I do not wish to be dependent on these miracles in order to believe. Faith is something different. This means: not seeing and yet believing. That means the whole mysticism. The Holy Eucharist, which you may celebrate daily, and the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar contain the greatest mysticism. The deep love and grace I give you daily.

And now I bless you in the Trinity with all angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother and send you out in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! I would like to thank you for your availability and constant readiness. Amen.


