Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz near the pilgrimage site Wigratzbad in Allgäu through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels came into this house chapel from all four directions. They knelt down, gathered around the tabernacle, the symbol of the Trinity, the statue of Christ and also around the Mother of God with the Immaculate Heart. Her rosary shone light blue, her robe was snow-white and decorated with sparkling golden stars. Her twelve-star wreath shone in golden light.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, this eighth Sunday after Pentecost, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and only repeats words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved little flock, My beloved believers, My beloved father children, I, the Heavenly Father, opened special words of love and peace to you today. You, my beloved children, have become dear to me because you persevere, because you remain faithful to Us, heaven, and because nothing becomes too much for you. Again and again I give you the directions through the daily ecstasies, - but only for you, my beloved little flock. You are to be instructed in everything so that you may be an example for others.

In you, My little one, I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, will suffer My New Church. You cannot imagine this, My beloved little one. You have already placed yourself at my disposal, to me, your dearest Jesus Christ, who may walk the path of suffering in you anew, because you have declared yourself ready, and because you are available to me. My little passion flower*, new suffering will come to you, but you will be ready to suffer it - out of love for your dearest Jesus Christ in the Trinity, who wants it from you.

All will be revealed to you and you, My beloved little flock. The attacks that will come upon you and have already come lie in the truth. You, My beloved little flock, must have great attacks. Why? Because I, the Heavenly Father, speak through you, My little one, and because My truths are announced all over the world through the Internet. In many countries they are well known and they are also lived there.

What is the situation in Germany? Do they live My truths there as well? Do you accept my truths, my words, - these great gifts of grace? No! One does not accept them. On the contrary, they despise you, My beloved father children, they slander you, they want to banish you from this place Wigratzbad. But it is not possible, my beloved ones, because I, the Heavenly Father, watch over you and hold My Father's Hand over you. It is not possible to banish you from this place.

I wish that you continue this daily atonement and that you continue to hold the hour of mercy in the Chapel of Grace in Wigratzbad. So far you have all gone your way according to My plan and desire. I would like to thank you! The Heavenly Father in the Trinity thanks you immeasurably, because this atoning night on the last day has already brought special fruit. You have atoned and sacrificed that night. I, the Heavenly Father, have made known to you how important it is now at this time to atone for these priests and bishops, but also for the Holy Father.

Why do you, My faithful, still not believe that the most important thing in your life must be the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite. Did not also My beloved Padre Pio celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast until the last day, - in all humility, in all seclusion and in My will and desire? He had the stigmata. Did he not suffer especially in My Holy Sacrificial Feast? Yes, your beloved Jesus Christ in the Trinity wants this Holy Sacrificial Feast to be celebrated all over the world and not the meal fellowship. Here, in this sacred place, this is not yet happening as I wish. The evil one is still raging out at this place. In a moment I could put the wicked man to flight, but so far I have not done so. What is stopping me, My beloved ones? Can you understand that? No! You cannot understand it, but you trust and persevere and remain faithful to all Heaven!

How many outrages are committed in this place! Is it possible, My beloved ones, that a deacon may touch Me, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Monstrance? Does this mean canon law? Can this be in My desire and will? May this deacon personally take into his hands this Holy Monstrance in which My Son Jesus Christ is present? Is that possible? He is ordained a deacon. Is it possible for him to hold the priesthood one day? No, it is not possible. He already lives the marriage. This is the truth, my beloved ones.

I am carried through this Church of Atonement in this monstrance and show myself to all pilgrims here from near and far. That is the truth. It is I, your beloved Jesus Christ. I'm here for you. Do you accept me too? Didn't you celebrate the modernist meal in the local language before? Is that right? Is Vatican II not ineffective? What else does it say? One can receive Me, Jesus Christ, in communion of hands. Is this also correct? Is it allowed to celebrate the meal community at a modernist table? Is that right? Isn't that Protestant and ecumenical? Can this still be My Holy Sacrificial Feast? Also the national language is not in order. My Holy Sacrificial Feast is canonized by Pius V as I wanted it. I have revealed it to him and it is fixed. Is this truth celebrated today at My sacrificial table, the sacrificial table of My Son in the Trinity? No! One does not obey My words and My instructions, which I give again and again through My daughter Anne on the Internet.

She only repeats My words. She is and remains My nothing, My messenger, My tool. Nothing is out of her. How often have I stressed this, My beloved ones. But they wanted to cast her out of this place in Wigratzbad like My beloved priest's son and like My beloved Katharina. Is that right, My beloved ones? Can this be the truth? What commandments do they not keep? Can you prove to them any iniquities that are not rooted in the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, that are in the true faith and in the truth, which is wholly the truth? You cannot, My beloved shepherds. You are facing chaos, but you do not even feel it. You all continue to walk in this great stream and obey your bishops. Is this right when the bishops are not in the truth when they act against the Holy Father on earth? Are they then still in the truth? No!

Does My Holy Father on earth follow My words? Does he celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite as he proclaimed it in the Motu Proprio? No! He celebrates it secretly, not publicly. He gives no testimony for the truth and for the Catholic faith.

Must I not, the Heavenly Father, now administer My justice? Have I not checked all priests individually? Why have they failed, My beloved believers and father children, My beloved little flock. Why? They have seen their own power, their own recognition.

Why do I send you, My beloved ones, today, this day, to My lawn cross in Meggen? Can this lawn cross ever be recognized by this Church, by these bishops, by the Holy Father who does not proclaim ex cathedra? Can this be recognized? No! Not from this church!

My Son Jesus Christ is currently suffering the New Church in My little one. There will be a glorious church without fault and reproach. Everything will be in order, - everything, my beloved father children.

Why do you not believe your Heavenly Father? Why do you not pay attention to His words? How many have already received these messages. Are you still interested, My beloved ones? Do they not continue to be in the modernist church and celebrate the meal fellowship? Does that not hurt My Divine Heart and the Heart of My Mother? How many messages have I given them? Have I not manifested My truths to them through My willing instrument? Yes! They have received many exams. But they did not pay attention to it. They did not take them seriously. Why do they say: "Can I not continue to work in my parish and celebrate the meal fellowship there? I have always gone there. There I am known. My name recognition reaches far. And my children? Must I really leave them if they do not keep the commandments, the 10 commandments?" (Matthew 19:27-29) Will you then have to keep in touch with your children? Do they not turn you away from faith and confuse you? Have I not told you before? Separate yourselves from your children and your relatives when they do not listen to my truths because they will confuse you. And they have done so, My beloved ones.

I have called your attention and have asked you to go into the house churches and join in the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My beloved priestly son or the Holy Sacrificial Feast of the Pius brothers and the Peter brothers. Have you always done this, My beloved ones? No! Because then you would not have fallen away, then you would receive all my messages until today. What good is it, My beloved father children, if you read these messages and do not obey them? I did not want to send them to you anymore, so you do not get any more messages.

I have separated my beloved little flock from all, even from those who walk the right path. Why? Because my little one has to live through this suffering all alone and must not be disturbed by telephone conversations and by talking about the problems of others. Those who have the problems have the possibility to go to an internet café or an internet store and retrieve My Messages. I made it known to them. Still they do not obey these words.

The wrath of your Heavenly Father is here. Look at the many storms! Look at the many disasters that are happening all over the world! Is that not already My wrath? Doesn't it come to fruition there? And yet one does not pay attention to me, and wants to explain this in the world. And it can be explained to these people. Why? Because they are not connected with the supernatural, because they want everything explained and fathomed. Is it possible to fathom faith? Can this great mystery be fathomed? Can you fathom the heavens in His greatness, in His power, in His omniscience, omnipotence and omnipotence? No, My beloved ones! You can't. I, the Heavenly Father, stand above all and hold My world firmly in My hands. I rule them, but I am still waiting for the conversion of many shepherds.

The trials are over for them, My beloved ones. Now My justice begins! You will experience it, My beloved shepherds whom I, the Heavenly Father, have asked so often with the words: Turn back! Turn back, My beloved ones, and come to the Holy Sacrament of Penance! After a deep repentance, I have made known to you, I will embrace you and have forgotten all that you have done. Are these not gifts that you can turn back?

You don't want it! You go a different way: The way without the Heavenly Father! This is the path you have chosen. This is sad, sad for your Heavenly Father and for the Son of God, who loves you so much, who went to the cross for you, who suffered all the torment on the cross and on the way of the cross that He went for you to redeem you from sin. Do you still look at this Way of the Cross today? Will you stand under the cross?

This lawn cross, My beloved ones, is to remind you of the cross, the cross you are to bear on earth. This cross serves you for salvation. You have forgotten it. You shake off the cross and think you can live without the cross. But that is not possible. It leads to unbelief and to error and confusion. Never will a man heal in body and soul who rejects his cross. That is his salvation. Here on earth you are to wear this cross to be able to enter the eternal dwellings once and to be able to participate in the eternal wedding feast. This is your eternity. After this eternity you have to align your goal.

And now, My beloved ones, My beloved father children, My beloved believers and My beloved little flock, I want to bless you in all love, in all gratitude and in all concern for you. It blesses you with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love and remain faithful to heaven! The eternal gifts are waiting for you! Amen.

Strong>* The Passion Flower (A short explanation.).

The exotic flowers were considered a Christian symbol. In the chalices one used to see the 10 apostles gathered around the cross; in the 5 stamens the wounds of Christ; in the 3 stamps the nails; in the ray flowers (sometimes purple) the crown of thorns. The vines represent the scourges and the five-fingered leaves remind us of the cruel hands of the pursuers.

Dear people have sent us this as strength and support. An eternal reward from God for this.


