Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Blessed Mother speaks in the atonement night after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen at 23.30 o'clock through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. All figures in the sacred space were brightly illuminated. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus again.

Our Lady will speak: I, the Heavenly Mother, your dearest Mama, speak today, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats words of heaven, as today My words.

My beloved children of Mary, My pilgrims from near and far, especially from the pilgrimage sites of Heroldsbach and Wigratzbad, I, your dearest Mother, speak to you and want to accompany you on the difficult path.

Today you are celebrating My name festival. In ecstasy, My little one, you saw your dearest Mama being presented with a bouquet of flowers from the Mariengarten from all over heaven. I knelt down, My beloved children, and the Heavenly Father in the Trinity presented Me with this beautiful bouquet of all flowers. They were fragrant sky flowers, and you, My beloved children of Mary, were bound in these flowers.

I thank you, My beloved ones, that you have so far followed this way of My Son in the Trinity, this difficult way. I, as a mother, was allowed to accompany you again and again and especially strengthen you.

Today you, My beloved pilgrims, have hurried to Heroldsbach to pray the night of atonement and to atone for the many priests who have not yet turned back. Atone, sacrifice and pray, my beloved ones, because this is very important in this last time before the event. As you all know, this event is just around the corner. The Heavenly Father has often prophesied it to you. That is why I send you to many people, especially to the priests, that you may communicate this conviction of faith to them. Your soul must be filled with the heavenly through much prayer and sacrifice, so that something flows out of this soul, namely the deep faith of conviction.

My beloved ones, the whole heaven thanks you for making this trip to Fulda today. It was a big party there. I was in the midst of these Pius brothers, and there too I celebrated the feast of My name. You have received many fragrances.

Yes, My beloved ones, the Pius Brothers have been given another chance by the Heavenly Father today, because I have asked your Heavenly Father to check them once more in the purification. As you know, this purification is taking place at the moment in many fraternities and also religious communities. And thus also my Pius brothers are tested once more.

You have felt it, My beloved ones, during the Holy Sacrificial Mass great holiness was given. But something was missing, namely mysticism. What would your faith be without mysticism? It would be empty. You would miss something, namely the deep touch of your hearts.

I want to light your hearts to love flames. To hearts that burn with love in Divine Love, so that you, My beloved children of Mary, may pass on this love. Many people wait for love and search for love, for true love and do not find it. You, my beloved ones, shall radiate this love. And I wish this especially on this my feast.

Even during the journey home I was among you. You have returned home full of joy. You have been able to greet some of those who are also following this difficult path. Since the messages of heaven are already being spread in many countries, you have also met many acquaintances who are following this difficult path, and the joy was among you. Above all, your hearts have beaten in unison. How much I love this one sound of hearts in the deep touch of faith. The joy and gratitude radiate from them. And this is what your Heavenly Father especially desires.

I, your Heavenly Mother, was allowed to experience the joy of the Heavenly Father today. He shone on you full of love and had great joy in you. Again and again your Heavenly Father is mindful that you experience many things that bring you joy, so that you can pass on faith and love in gratitude. Do not let up, my beloved ones, in faith and in joy! The joy should be contagious and pass on to others.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to thank you once again for the difficult way you are ready to continue, up the steps to Golgotha. Your mother accompanies you. Do not become discouraged in times of need, when great dangers are approaching and courage wants to leave you. Then I, your mother, am with you and support you with many, many angels. And now I want to bless you, love you, protect you and also send you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My beloved pilgrims, especially the pilgrims of Heroldsbach, I want to strengthen you in this night of prayer, sacrifice and atonement. Pray and persevere in Divine Love! Become strong and brave! Your dearest mother blesses you this night and is with you. Amen.


