Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Feast of Mary Seven Pains and Vigil for the unborn life.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Vigil in the house chapel in Göttingen through her instrument and child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass there was a circle around the Mother of God of small souls with white wreaths and the baptismal candle in the right hand. The second circle was formed by the angels in white and golden dresses. The Blessed Mother was presented with the bouquet of flowers that stood before her, with lilies, red, white and yellow roses by the angels. Around the tabernacle were again many angels and in front of them the little souls. They worshipped the Blessed Sacrament and the Little King of Love sent His rays of grace to the little baby Jesus again.

Before we started this atonement, there were already many angels present during the expulsion, who accompanied us through the whole house and on the atonement walk into the city.

The Guadalupe Mother of God will speak now: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak now, this very moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. I appeared during the Atonement as Guadalupe Mother, Fatima Mother and Mother Thrice Admirable. In addition, Father Kentenich and the little souls with the angels were present. The angels gathered around the little souls, holding brightly lit candles in their hands.

My beloved little flock, you who have taken this path of atonement to this sinful city of Göttingen, your dearest mother would like to express her heartfelt thanks to you. Yes, My beloved ones, you have prayed many little souls into heaven today. They were redeemed and baptized and could enter heaven. Full of joy they returned home to the Heavenly Father.

My beloved children, the hostilities were not there today. Your dearest mother has kept everything from you with the angels in this month of angels. A great host of angels, which could not be overlooked, accompanied you.

My beloved children, why has also appeared today the Schoenstatt Mother of God, I as Mother Thrice Admirable and Father Kentenich? Today is September 15th, the anniversary of Father Kentenich's death and you are still Father Kentenich's children of Mary. That is why he was allowed to accompany you today. Also today is the Chapel Festival in the diocese of Hildesheim am Gertrudenberg.

My beloved children, why is this My Shrine standing there alone? What has happened, My beloved Schoenstatt Sisters? Do you not know that you drove out My messenger Anne? She was no longer allowed to be among you, because you thought she would go another way. Any other way would have been godless. But she has gone a more ready and deeper path, which was given to her by the Heavenly Father. Is this a sin, My beloved Schoenstatt Sisters? Did you have the right to keep My messenger away from this chapel? No! You did not have it, because Father Kentenich from heaven continued to bless and protect My little messenger. How many messages have already been spoken and proclaimed about the Schoenstatt Work! These messages are available on the Internet.

My beloved little flock, like many little souls and especially the mothers are grateful to you for keeping many of them away. Some were already on their way to have their child murdered. Through your prayer and atonement you have kept this from them. Isn't it very important, you beloved mothers, that you reconsider having your child murdered? Is this right what you want to do? Is it not the Heavenly Father's wish that it may live? Why do you choose this abortion? Look at my bleeding heart, at the heart of your dearest mother. Doesn't she also suffer as the Heavenly Mother? Yes, I suffer, My beloved mothers, much more than you, because it is a child of God.

Drop the Holy Sacrament of Penance, My beloved mothers. I will help you to walk on the right path. It is the desire of the Heavenly Father that you repent, that you stay away from this sin in the future. It is and remains a serious sin. You are being persuaded that you have the right to determine when your child may be born. Who has the right, My beloved ones? The Trinity has the right to rule over your children, because it is not yours. It is a gift for you from heaven, which you should guard, protect and guard and never allow to be murdered.

I, as Heavenly Mother, want to stand by you. When you take this Holy Sacrament of Penance, I want to make sure that you may experience joy in your hearts again after this grave sin you confessed, because I love you. It is important for you, My beloved mothers, that one day you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but never with this grave sin. Repent of everything from the bottom of your heart and consecrate yourselves and your children, whom you have had murdered, to My Immaculate Heart. Then they are well preserved and you also are protected and loved in my heart. You shall no longer be sad, My beloved mothers. I, as Heavenly Mother, want to stand by you in the future, because I love you and bring you to the Heavenly Father. And now, My beloved ones, be blessed, protected, loved and sent forth from your Heavenly Mother in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


