Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feast of the Holy Archangel Michael.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Many angels from all four directions came to this house church in Göttingen. St. Michael the Archangel and Our Lady were surrounded by many angels in golden and white robes. Also around the tabernacle, many angels grouped themselves and adored the Blessed Sacrament.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and only repeats My words.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved little flock, today you celebrate your patron saint's feast. You have chosen this holy archangel Michael as your patron of the domestic church in Göttingen. He thanks you that he may protect you. But not only that, he may protect you from all evil. If the Holy Archangel Michael would not keep evil from you again and again, it would take hold of you much more. Of course, the hostility and mockery will not stop you. This is your way, your way of suffering.

The patron saint's feast, My beloved children, is a great feast for you. The Holy Archangel Michael will assist you in every situation, even if it makes your way up the Calvary to Golgotha more difficult. Continue to develop no fears, because the Heavenly Father and also the Holy Archangel Michael will stand by you.

You, My children, are still not calling the Holy Archangel Michael enough. What was yesterday, My beloved ones? You have filmed this holy sacrificial meal. It happened according to my plan and will. But do you believe that the evil one will not intervene when this Holy Sacrificial Feast is to go out into the world? Most certainly, My beloved ones, most certainly! Did you immediately call the holy archangel Michael that he wants to stand by you and keep everything from you? No, My beloved ones, you have not done that. In the future I wish you to call on this patron of your house church more. In every situation he will stand by you.

Some things were not in order when filming yesterday. Everything will never succeed in the same way, my beloved ones. The evil one is in play with you. That's why there are so many problems with filming. And this is how it will look with the new computer. Everything is not immediately all right. Then the holy archangel Michael is called. If you forget this, you will not be able to fix it quickly.

The hostilities, My beloved ones, are oversized, because the wicked one has great power in this last time, because I have already let fall the arm of wrath. This means that the evil one can take you now. Not that you succumb to evil, but he wants to keep from you what you could succeed. In a moment he will be with you in this house church. He disturbs you and wants you not to send this film into the world. This must make you aware that he does not want this. But I, the Heavenly Father, desire it from you. So you have many difficulties to overcome. But do not give up. The next exposure will be successful.

Watch out for anything that might hold you back. Practice everything carefully so that you yourself are sure that you can master this, but not with your power, but with the Divine Power. If you work only with your strength, you will achieve little. But if you work with the Divine Power, you will succeed in everything in the end. And that is what I want from you.

Call today especially and also Friday, when I wish you to film again, this Holy Archangel Michael, the patron of your home church. He will certainly stand by you. He will put the evil one to flight. As before, he will swing his sword in all four directions. But he wants you to call him. He waits for your call and then intercedes for you, my beloved ones.

I would like to thank you that you have done everything according to my plan and wish so far. I would like to thank you also today for this patron saint's feast, that you have celebrated it in all solemnity and have left nothing out. It is a very big celebration for you and will always remain in your memory, especially today's one this year.

And so I bless you with all angels and saints, especially with My dearest Holy Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Holy Archangel Michael has appeared with many angels. He also blesses you now in the Trinity with the angels grouped around him, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in the truth! Follow the ways of the Heavenly Father and never give up! Do not become discouraged, but gain strength. Amen.

Consecration Prayer to the Holy Archangel Michael.

O great Prince of Heaven, most faithful defender of the Church of God, St. Michael the Archangel, behold, we come more and more into distress every day. The battle that you began in heaven continues to rage on this earth. The great apostasy from God pulls more and more souls into the hellish abyss. The holy church is not only persecuted from outside, but, what is even more dangerous, it is destroyed by enemies inside. The vineyard of the Lord is desolate.

In humble trust in your goodness and the power of your help, I therefore come to you in the company of my guardian angel to hand myself over to you. You be my special patron and advocate. Defend me in all attacks of the evil enemy, especially in the fight against all temptations in faith and purity, and save me from the corruption of sin. Keep peace for my soul in the hour of death and lead me safely to the heavenly Father's house. Amen.


