Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Atonement night in Heroldsbach.

The Heavenly Father speaks to the pilgrims in Heroldsbach in the Rosenkranzkirche at midnight through His tool and daughter Anne.


The Heavenly Father says: My beloved pilgrims from near and far, who have hurried to this place of grace of My beloved Heavenly Mother, - I greet you. To you, who have taken upon yourselves all troubles and hardships, I would like to say thank you that you are ready to make atonement for the many priest souls, in order to make conversion possible for them. How long I, the Heavenly Father, am waiting for their souls, which are all precious to Me.

They have turned to modernism and are becoming more and more entangled in the confusion. How many chances have I already given them. I am waiting for their trust, which they have lost. Everything is more important to them, except the path to truth. Unfortunately, they commit one grave sin after another and the separation from Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, becomes more and more intense. When will they finally wake up, so that their soul does not wither away! - For these My called priest souls you atone, My beloved pilgrims and children.

My beloved little flock, I have sent you today to this shrine of My beloved Mother. It is also their beloved sons of priests who are heading for the eternal abyss. A single night of atonement will be fruitful, because all your prayers will not go to nothing. Even if you do not see the successes, your trust will become deeper and Divine Love will flow more and more deeply into your hearts. I look to your ready hearts and to your many sacrifices that you willingly make to me. Your hearts are opened to the Holy Spirit.

As you know, you are in the greatest battle of the diabolical powers. Satan's cunning has never been greater. He waits for every soul he can devour. He wants to achieve victory also with you. Therefore you shall mature by your failures. It is not the carefree times that make you more steadfast, no, the hardest times of your trials will be crowned with success. I need your sacrifices. How few souls are still willing to make sacrifices today!

Why don't you still leave the modernist mealtimes that are damaging to your soul? Your confusions will become greater. How much I wish you to hurry to the only true sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine Rite. Only this Holy Mass of sacrifice can lead you to salvation. Satan will continue to exercise his power in modernism. Unfortunately, My sons of priests are not willing to perform their pastoral duties. For every soul that they have led astray, they will bear account at the eternal judgment. How much they have turned to the world. The way back is becoming increasingly difficult for them. Repent and pray, My beloved ones!

To whom has the representative on earth, My beloved and chosen Holy Father, turned? Where is his responsibility for the entire Catholic Church? Does he no longer think about his responsibility to her? Today one looks at his aberrations and takes them as a model.

How much I rejoice therefore in your open hearts, My beloved little flock. Every day you take part in My Holy Sacrificial Feast, and no sacrifice is too much for you. Your days are filled with many sacrifices. Your paths are paved with stones. Do not complain that you live in this confusion. I love you and prove you my love with many small gifts.

Look at the Way of the Cross of My Son Jesus Christ. Has one not turned away from him and left him alone? How few followers He had on His Way of the Cross! Your way of the cross will also mean loneliness, abandonment, mockery and hostility. Follow Him, My son, with all consequences. Nothing else means the full truth, which you, my beloved father children, are to bear witness to. I desire that My plan be fulfilled in you. I want to found the new glorious Church, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and this path must be rocky!

Every day you all come up against your limits and weaknesses. I leave these imperfections to you so that you turn repentantly to my merciful heart. Yes, I love your weaknesses. My dearest mother surrounds you daily with her care. Now often call upon the Holy Archangel Michael, for he shall become your constant protector and companion.

Remain faithful to the whole heaven, then protection is certain for you! In love now your tender, kind Heavenly Father in the Trinity blesses you with your Heavenly caring Mother and all the angels and saints. Be loved, protected and sent! Love urges to action! My love will never end! Let your soul become a firebrand of love!


