Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz/Opfenbach through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the rosary large crowds of angels moved from the sickroom to the house chapel. They grouped themselves around the tabernacle and adored the Blessed Sacrament. They surrounded the statue of Christ whose heart shone in deep dark red. The heart of the Blessed Mother also became dark red and its rays spread throughout the entire chancel. The holy archangel Michael struck again his sword in all four directions. The Little King of Love sent his rays to the Child Jesus. Everything was brightly lit and the Trinity symbol shone in a bright glow.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and only repeats My words. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock, I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today and give you instructions in this last battle.

Yes, My beloved father children, it is the last fight. You fight this battle with your dearest Heavenly Mother and her legions of angels, especially the Holy Archangel Michael. The Blessed Mother will crush the head of the snake with you. The evil one has still seized his power here at this place, here in Wigratzbad. You, my beloved ones, atone and pray, because he must go away. I, the heavenly Father, will work in this place in My omnipotence, in My omnipotence and omniscience.

You, My beloved children, My father's children, know neither the day nor the hour of My event, what is to come. Again and again I tell you, my beloved ones, you have full protection. You are in my plan and you are in my will because you practice obedience to me.

How often have I already admonished My chief shepherds and my chief shepherds and also the shepherds to turn back in this last fight, because My event will come soon. You are atoning, My beloved ones, for this conversion of the priests.

How I look with sorrow and bitterness at these priests who do not want to fulfill My wishes. It is always up to their own will, - this reversal. They could bear witness to Me just as you did, My beloved father children. The messages correspond to the full truth. No one will be allowed to tamper with these messages. They are My words, - words of truth, which I speak through My willing, humble and obedient child and instrument Anne. She repeats My words and she testifies to Me. Deep within them and within their group I am fully present with flesh and blood because they believe in this Blessed Sacrament of My Son. It is the highest. He Himself is with you, in you, and you receive Him daily in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which is celebrated in all reverence by My beloved priestly son - here in the house chapel in Göritz. Daily you testify My truth from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and also at 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel of Grace during the hour of Mercy. The holy of holies is also exposed there.

How important it is for all of you, My beloved ones, to kneel down before My Son, the Blessed Sacrament, and with all the angels and saints to praise Him and adore Him. He is truly among you and He gives Himself to you. He gives himself away completely, because I, the Heavenly Father, gather My Father's children around Me as My Mother gathers Her children of Mary around Me. We are anxious that you all venerate this holy of holies. How important it is for you to let this love, this Divine love, flow deep into your hearts. Love is the most important thing.

Yes, the seed is sown, as you have heard in the Holy Gospel. The wheat grows, but does not the weeds grow too, My beloved ones? Do not take it off, because both must grow. I am the Lord of the harvest and the time of My harvest is soon ripe. I will throw the withered into the fire, because it has become useless for me. But I will bring my wheat into the barn. And you, My beloved ones, are the wheat. You bear rich fruit, even if you cannot fathom how this is to happen, it is still my truth, which I make known to you daily.

How many messages have you already received, My beloved ones. Am I not constantly anxious for you that you receive my truth and prophecies so that you do not remain in the dark, so that you recognize the signs of the last fight of the end-times. Sun and moon will be darkened. Look at the signs of heaven! Look also at the miracles that happen around you as I have promised you! These too are my prophecies. Miracles will happen around you. But even the evil one can work wonders. But very soon one will realize that this was only deception, because only I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, give the healings forever. In an instant I can heal everyone if it is My wish.

But I need your atonement, My beloved father children. Every day you will go from one chapel to the other in Wigratzbad. You look at my loving heart because you want to give me joy with it and comfort me in this tribulation of the earth, in this tribulation of time. I look at your hearts and I will let this Divine Love enter deeper into your hearts. These graces of the Holy Sacrificial Masses will be effective for you. You will save many, many souls from destruction. And that is your goal, my beloved father children.

The Blessed Mother will take care of you, your Heavenly Mother, because not one day will She leave you alone and every step She takes with you. She is motherly concerned about you in Divine Love. She is the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory and will achieve her victory here in this place Wigratzbad - as it is in My Plan.

My little one, your pain almost goes beyond the limits. I know it. Your beloved father knows about all your pain. He knows about your suffering of atonement, because He has so willed it. You have told me your willing yes. Your availability you have given me. And for that I thank you.

Now you often stand there in despair and don't know how to go on, because it goes to your limits and sometimes beyond. You complain and you may complain too, My beloved little one. If I myself have not also raised My eyes to the Heavenly Father in My distress and have turned to Him, that He may take this suffering away from Me, but not My will, but Your will be done, said My Son Jesus Christ. Will you also continue to say your ready Yes to Me, your dearest Heavenly Father, who sees you in your suffering? You will suffer fear of death. I have already foretold your suffering.

But I have also given you your group for support. You can turn to them in your pain and agony. It is My desire that they should be there for you, because My Son Jesus Christ desires that He suffers this way of suffering once again in your heart. Why, My beloved ones? Because he first wants to suffer the priesthood anew according to my will and desire, according to my plan, because the entire clergy has failed. This is a great bitterness that My Son suffers in your heart. You will also suffer nothingness.

Did He not foresee all this on the Mount of Olives when He sweated blood that so many people would say no to Him and would persecute, slander and mock Him, even putting the crown of thorns on His head? are you not wearing this crown of thorns every Thursday, My beloved little one, symbolically for the priests I give you? It is not visible, but you will recognize it by your pain. Every Friday you wear My Cross, the Cross of My Son. And you willingly take it on your shoulders for the salvation of the priests' souls. You are willing and want to continue to do it because you put My suffering, the suffering of My Son, first.

You look at the cross. My mother stands under the cross and as Coredemptrix she bore the greatest suffering. Turn to your Heavenly Mama. She will not deny you her help and will stand by you and help you to carry your weight. She will send down to you legions of angels, who shall be with you according to my wish. But it is My entire desire that My Son Jesus Christ will suffer the New Priesthood and the New Church, in you, you little human soul, whom I have chosen from eternity, who in this suffering places Himself at My disposal.

My beloved faithful, form now more oases of love and peace to continue to support My little one in her suffering that she carries for the Son of God Jesus Christ, so that she does not give up on this difficult Way of the Cross that she always willingly continues!

Do not be sad, My beloved little one, I look into your heart and I know about everything and I know also about your limitations.

I love you! I love all of you, My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, who continue the Way of the Cross of My Son Jesus Christ until Golgotha. They are already on their way to the Calvary. They do not want to give up because they believe in my words, in my prophecies, in the whole truth, in my plan, desire and will. They give themselves completely.

I thank you, My beloved believers, that you continue to be ready to walk this hardest way for the Church, for the new Church, for it will be born in all glory. And so I bless you, My beloved children, My beloved Father children, My beloved Mary children, My beloved believers, with all the angels and saints, especially with the Bridegroom of Our Lady, with your beloved Saint Joseph and Saint Padre Pio, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You will be loved from eternity! Become strong and brave and do not give up! This I give you on this way of the last fight. Amen.


