Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Mother of God speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Especially many angels were gathered around the Blessed Mother today. She was surrounded by a golden glow. Her robe was white as snow and many little stars glittered on it. The crown shone in a bright glow. On her feet she carried golden roses. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Blessed Mother. St. Michael the Archangel struck his sword in all four directions and St. Joseph pointed to his white lily. The house church was filled with golden and white angels. The air flickered from small glittering stars. The Heavenly Father was bathed in glaring light and pointed with his right hand up and down to the tabernacle, then to the Blessed Mother and said: "Listen to her! She is My Mother and the Mother of the Church."

Our Lady will speak: I, the Heavenly Mother, am speaking now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved faithful, My beloved small group and small flock, I, the Mother of God, the Immaculate, speak to you today on this feast of Mine. I want to give you guidelines, guidelines from heaven, so that you can survive the next time. How much will come to you, My beloved children. How many hostilities, how many mockeries and how many false teachings will be spread.

My beloved children, especially you, My beloved little flock and flock, hold on! You are loved by your Heavenly Father in the Trinity and especially loved by your dearest Mother in heaven. I will protect you. I will form you because I am allowed to do so by the Heavenly Father and because it is the desire of the Heavenly Father.

My beloved children, I, as Heavenly Mother, want to keep everything from you. But the wicked one has seized his power, here and especially at my place of prayer in Wigratzbad. How much evil has happened there in My place? How many afflictions have taken place there. And how many hostilities and mockeries you have had to put up with.

I thank you, My beloved ones, that you have persevered so far. The further protection is to come over you because these are trials, my beloved ones, - nothing but trials that will strengthen you, not weaken you.

Today at 15.00 o'clock you also celebrate the hour of grace here in this house church. How many graces will flow over this city of Göttingen, which is in need, in dire need. The priests lie in the unwillingness of the Heavenly Father. They do not heed His messages.

My beloved children of Mary, how sad it is for Me as Mother of the Church to look on how to leave My Son more and more, how to no longer venerate the Blessed Sacrament of My Son, how to no longer celebrate His Holy Mass of Sacrifice. It is the task of the shepherds to celebrate this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast daily so that the streams of grace may flow. No priest can have this power from himself. He must ask for Divine Power and implore it from heaven through his striving for holiness.

Do these priests strive for holiness in your home town? No! they continue to despise My messages that I am sending out into the whole world.

Your dearest Mother, My beloved Marian Children, is waiting more and more for your availability. I want to press you to my heart so that nothing can happen to you. Ask legions of angels, which I then put at your disposal. You need them.

Do you think that this Tridentine Sacrificial Feast, what you filmed and which is now going out into the world through My Internet, is not attacked and hostile? Do you think you can send this film into the world without mockery? No! mockery and derision will be poured out on you because it is the sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ, the only, holy, sacrificial banquet. No other meal is valid before the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. He Himself sent His Son out into the world to redeem all of you.

And now, My children, the preparation time for the birth of My Son Jesus Christ has begun. How much I want to pour this Advent love into your hearts. Open your hearts to the full truth and My love, this Divine love. How precious for you, my beloved children of Mary, is this daily Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you may experience here in this house church. You are forbidden to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the other churches of this place. Why? Because these priests have the power and do not want to give it up to the Heavenly Father. After all, he is the omnipotent, the omnipotent and omniscient Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

Why, My beloved sons of priests, do you not believe? Why are you devaluing this Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son? It is the biggest you can get. Nothing greater will enter your hearts than this grace from this Holy Sacrificial Feast. Am I not also there as the Heavenly Mother? Do I not wish to impart these graces to you? Am I not the mediator of all graces? How often must I, as Heavenly Mother, go away empty-handed. My graces I would like to distribute. But men do not accept them, as they also reject the graces of My Son Jesus Christ. Yes, they despise him. How much is my motherly heart concerned to save many people from eternal damnation, - from the eternal abyss.

My sons of priests, I call upon you again: Turn back and celebrate this one and only Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite! Nothing else should be important for you! You shall do the most valuable thing!

The Heavenly Father is waiting for your availability and also your Heavenly Mother. How much I love you. I am also the queen of all priests. I still wait with weeping eyes for the conversion of these sons of my priests. They do not even recognize me as Heavenly Mother anymore. No! One would like to secularize this Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ, My Son, is no longer important to them. Doesn't that hurt my heart inexpressibly? How much I cradled the little Jesus child in My arms. And you too shall receive It into your hearts on Christmas Day. It waits for your heart to be wide open so that the birth of My Son Jesus Christ may also take place in your hearts. Love, my beloved, love must flow, must flow into the world.

These messages should be sent to the world. People should wake up. Your mother calls you to the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son. Why are you waiting? How long has the Trinity been waiting for your yes: "Yes, Father, I am coming! Yes, Father, I repent with all my heart! I have become guilty before You, My Heavenly Father, and repent of everything in a worthy confession".

Why don't you come, My beloved ones? I beg you! It is the last moment. Then the event will also come upon you who do not believe. And it will be cruel. And I, your Heavenly Mother, have to watch how whole parts of the land are burning by this ball of fire that the Heavenly Father sends down on you. He is no longer waiting. He allows this to happen. But he could avert it through your atonement, through your prayer, through your repentance.

Do you not have the Seven Sacraments? Are they no longer current for you? Do you, My sons of priests, go to the Holy Sacrament of Penance today? No! You yourselves offer the believers the prayer of repentance. Is this in the truth? Did not My Son Jesus Christ instituted these Seven Sacraments out of love for you? Why do you not believe? Why do you not turn back? Once again I beseech you with My motherly heart.

You, My beloved flock and herd, are under My wide protective mantle. You are protected in every situation. Nothing will happen to you. The Triumph will be celebrated with you, My beloved ones, because I, as Immaculately Received Mother, will crush the head of the serpent with you, My beloved children of Mary. Wait a little while longer and it will happen. Come to me, especially today at 15.00 and take these graces into your heart. They are radiated on this whole city of Göttingen, otherwise it too would be destroyed, because great sacrileges have been and are still being committed by these priests in this place. My motherly heart weeps for these apostate priests. My heart is wide open. Your Heavenly Mother is also today under the cross and so are you, my beloved children.

You have already endured much suffering. And you, My little flock, have accepted this suffering. Especially you, My little one, are pervaded by heavy suffering. And this suffering will not stop because my Son Jesus Christ wants to found His new Church and priesthood in you, because priests today no longer walk this path of holiness. Maria Sieler, my beloved little girl, was also despised. How much suffering she has already endured and you are her successor.

I, the Heavenly Father who is speaking at this moment, have appointed you to do so and My Heavenly Mother has begged Me to send once again Her Son Jesus Christ into the world or into your heart, My beloved little one, because you have shown the readiness to suffer, because you do not give up and because you always start again, although your suffering is sometimes unbearable.

Don't give up, my little one! And you too, My little flock and flock, do not give up! How much I still implore the believing souls, they may repent and join you. Why do you not believe in the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Also today, on this day of grace, My tears flow because of your no.

I love you, I love you all and I want to take you under My protective cloak. Your dearest Mother, your Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory wants to press you all to her heart, to her loving Mother Heart, which will never stop loving in Divine Love.

And so I bless you in the Trinity with all the saints and the legions of angels who protect you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved! Let the love of this Advent season flow deep into your hearts! Amen.


